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Product Review: FourHitter Pipe - Weedist

One crazy fun part of my job at Weedist is that occasionally, I get to try interesting new products. Enter the FourHitter pipe.

FourHitter Pipe for Weed

The good people at FourHitter were kind enough to send Weedist a sample of their new product. And yes, I can confirm the device is aptly named, holding roughly four normal hits of green (*in my highly scientific “field pack” test). Before I go into my impressions of the device, let’s take a look at how FourHitter defines themselves…

FourHitter In Their Own Words

Here’s a little blurb about how the FourHitter came to in existence:

In my search for the “perfect” smoking device, I tried just about every pipe, bat and vaporizer out there and also the traditional Hand Rolling of your favorite material. Many have their pros & cons but after years of research, I was still not entirely satisfied.

– A hand rolled joint or cigarette works great but if you smoke alone you will have extra which is hard to keep without that smell.
– A Glass Pipe is great until it gets dirty, then how to clean a glass pipe? What if you drop your $50+ masterpiece?
– Bats are great, but you’re constantly refilling and dumping not the best way to smoke marijuana, medical or otherwise.
– Portable vaporizers don’t last and are expensive.

There are hookah’s, a regular tobacco pipe, rolling joints, weed brownies vs smoking, dugout pipes, glass bats and all the rest but now, the best way of smoking marijuana: Introducing the FourHitter (source: FourHitter.com)

My First Impressions

My initial impression of the FourHitter was that it is well-made (in the USA), durable and a great size for carrying around (roughly 4.5 inch long tube, 0.5 inches in diameter). The particular unit I used was the aluminum silver version (rather than the heavier, bronze-gold version, which is exactly the same product with a different, heavier metal). When you first took the device out of the bag, it looks and feels a bit like any standard dugout bat. A metal pipe that you put ground-up weed in one side and then draw from the other. Then you notice the spring and the push button functionality on the mouthpiece… what the deuce? The FourHitter has an ejection button for your ash. Pack your pipe, enjoy four hits, then cash your pipe by pushing down on the mouthpiece, nice and easy. The mouthpiece is directly connected to a plunger in the pipe and ejects your ash plug when compressed, very clever (you can see a photo of the plunger fully extended above). Of note, the plunger action doesn’t clean out the internal tube of the plunger that runs to the mouthpiece, just the ash/weed chamber, but never fear, the designers thought about that too. The whole device is designed to be easily disassembled into 4 parts in just seconds. This makes cleaning the device with standard household items, like rubbing alcohol, much easier. The quality of the materials used to make this completely hand-made device also make it a stand-out from regular dugouts.

As for possible downsides for some consumers? With the pipe being made of metal alloys (6106 aluminum or 306 brass), the FourHitter is heavier than typical plastic dugouts and also more expensive. But hey, that’s the price you pay for durability and quality. So at $39.95, it is fairly priced for the work that has gone into it and durability (even though that may be too steep for some).

For me personally? I really dig the durability and portability of the FourHitter, so I’m happy to add this pipe to my collection, especially for hiking or other outdoor activities. It is perfect for that! I will say though, it isn’t an everyday piece for me. Call me old-fashioned, but I still love my glass bong for daily, home use. But that comparison really isn’t a fair one. ha-ha


The FourHitter offers an innovative, durable design that is simple to load and easy to purge. With Colorado and Washington having legal adult-use recreational cannabis now, we hope to see many more innovative products like the FourHitter coming in the future. So for all you outdoor-type stoners, give the FourHitter a look. 

For more information on the FourHitter, visit their official website.