Ever think back on friends you smoke with on occasion now that were once acquaintances with no knowledge you each used cannabis and how the relationship evolved? Sharing...
A Reddit user shared the above photo from their college campus, Wentworth Institute of Technology. I am not advocating cannabis usage by minors or abuse by anyone....
Seattle HempFest Artistic Creations The Seattle HempFest hosts an assortment of companies from all over the United States. Vendor booths range from the typical head shops selling...
There was nothing boring about the 2012 Seattle HempFest. Hundreds of different stands are accessible while walking down a mile long stretch of Myrtle Edwards Park. A...
It’s a busy Hempstalk weekend here in Portland for cannabis consumers and activists! Here are three events you don’t want to miss! To start the weekend early,...
The League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County is hosting an I-502 debate on marijuana legalization at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 6 at Seattle’s Town Hall with some great...
President Barack Obama made an appeal to the marijuana-smoking “stoner” vote with an online ad featuring the stars of the “Harold and Kumar” movie series. Lets see if Harold...
Feminized seeds, marijuana seeds specially bred to produce only female plants, have been gaining popularity over the past five years or so. Feminized seeds have become so...
Women for Measure 80, a group that is working to restore industrial hemp and end cannabis prohibition in Oregon is hosting a fundraiser Saturday, September 29, 2012...
Colorado’s Amendment 64 has pitted advocates against advocates, frequently in online combat. A house divided cannot stand, as we sadly also see in-fighting on WA’s I-502.
LVRJ.com caught up with Ziggy Marley prior to his August 31st concert at the Mandalay Bay and asked him about cannabis prohibition: “It denies us the use of...
We’ve covered some paraphernalia to store cannabis in different situations and a few tools to make the experience easier and more enjoyable (see bottom of post). All of...
Barcelona Cannabis Spain is rapidly becoming the most cannabis friendly place in Europe, especially with the conservative government passing the unfriendly tourist laws in the Netherlands. If...
In the country of Swaziland, Africa’s only constitutional monarchy, elderly women are turning to cannabis cultivation in times of economic hardship. A news report released by the...
Every time I talked with someone about Seattle’s Hempfest, both before and after the event, the conversation started with edibles. Homemade edibles supplied by attending weedists are...
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… well actually, 2012 from Cookeville, Tennessee… comes the R2D2 glass pipe for people who love Star Wars and love...
Logitech is soon releasing a fully washable keyboard that can even be submerged in up to 11 inches of water, just don’t include the USB plug. The K310...