Category: Weed Lifestyle

(1,843 posts)

Weedist culture and lifestyle

September 18, 2012
Pepperdine University Denies Student Internship at MPP

Pepperdine University Denies Student Internship at MPP

Last week, the deans of Seaver College internship program at Pepperdine University officially refused to approve the application of sophomore political science major Victoria Stanzione to intern...
September 18, 2012
2012 High Times Cannabis Cup Seattle Winners

2012 High Times Cannabis Cup Seattle Winners

The 2012 High Times Cannabis Cup Seattle winners were chosen over the weekend (also of interest: the winners of the 2012 Cannabis Cup San Francisco). Here’s some...
September 17, 2012
Tales of California Medical Marijuana | Family Road Trip Vacation

Tales of California Medical Marijuana | Family Road Trip Vacation

Being a transplant to California, many things out here catch me a bit off-guard, but our California medical marijuana system, now that’s something special. I was a...
September 17, 2012
Showtime’s ‘Weeds’ Goes Up in Smoke After 8 Years

Showtime’s ‘Weeds’ Goes Up in Smoke After 8 Years

Showtime’s “Weeds” had its series finale last night after 8 years and 100 episodes. Although a few seasons were iffy (IMO), Weeds was a groundbreaking series for...
September 17, 2012
Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA) Accepting Applications

Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA) Accepting Applications

The eleventh annual Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA) will be held on Saturday, December 15, 2012 at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe.   The day event includes...
By: Anna Diaz
September 17, 2012
Senior Citizens and Cannabis Patient Advocates Brave San Diego Federal Courthouse

Senior Citizens and Cannabis Patient Advocates Brave San Diego Federal Courthouse

by Terrie Best, San Diego Americans for Safe Access Over 60 senior citizens put the Edward Schwartz Federal Courthouse on its ear by forming a long line...
September 17, 2012
7 Steps to Smoke Pot and Never Get Caught

7 Steps to Smoke Pot and Never Get Caught

Smoke pot? Radical Russ shares 7 tips to minimizing the odds of an unpleasant conversation with law enforcement, although to be batting 1,000 you also need to be...
September 17, 2012
Most Statewide Marijuana Initiatives Lead Solidly In Polls

Most Statewide Marijuana Initiatives Lead Solidly In Polls

Four of the six statewide marijuana initiatives appearing on the November 2012 ballot are solidly favored among likely voters. Voters in six states – Arkansas, Colorado, Massachusetts, Montana, Oregon,...
September 14, 2012
Piece of the Week | Robert Mickelsen AR-15 Bong

Piece of the Week | Robert Mickelsen AR-15 Bong

Now you have the perfect gift for your buddy who loves weed and the NRA… the Robert Mickelsen AR-15 bong. Details on the Mickelsen AR-15 Bong You...
September 14, 2012
Oregon’s Measure 80 Launches Online Shop

Oregon’s Measure 80 Launches Online Shop

The Measure 80 online store is now open for business. They have bumper stickers, t-shirts and posters available now. More items are being added every day, so...
By: Anna Diaz
September 14, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 1

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 1

I haven’t gotten my pot in dime bags since I still regularly called cannabis “pot.” Living in a MMJ state has spoiled me, I guess, into getting...
September 13, 2012
ACLU Fights Decision in Cell Phone Tracking Case

ACLU Fights Decision in Cell Phone Tracking Case

12:51pm special to Drug War Chronicle by investigative journalist Clarence Walker, The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging a federal appeals court ruling that it...
September 13, 2012
Hempwick For A More Flavorful Smoke

Hempwick For A More Flavorful Smoke

A while back, our own Lakota enlightened us on the benefits of an all-natural hempwick over a butane lighter. These hempwicks are thin strings of hemp material...
September 12, 2012
Are States Leading Revolt on US Marijuana Laws?

Are States Leading Revolt on US Marijuana Laws?

In November, will voters in Washington, Oregon or Colorado decide to legalize recreational marijuana and potentially start a revolt? Any of these initiatives would put the states...
September 12, 2012
How to Choose a Dispensary Caregiver

How to Choose a Dispensary Caregiver

So you’ve just gotten your medical marijuana card, and you want to choose a medical marijuana dispensary as your primary caregiver. How do you go about picking a...
By: Lateralus
September 11, 2012
Puffit Portable Vaporizer Review

Puffit Portable Vaporizer Review

Price: $139 ($100 at Hempfest) Supplier: GotVape Includes: Vaporizer, black mouth cover, clear mouth cap with replacements (3), metal top cap, rubber top cap cover, top cap poker...
September 11, 2012
Mainstreaming Medical Marijuana With Pot for Parents

Mainstreaming Medical Marijuana With Pot for Parents

A recent NY Times opinion piece waxed rhapsodically on the benefits of medical marijuana for transforming a  stressed-out father into a calmer, more medicated daddy of toddlers. The breezy delivery,...
September 11, 2012
13 Key Moments In Marijuana History (PHOTOS)

13 Key Moments In Marijuana History (PHOTOS)

Huff Posts shares 13 photos that capture key moments in America’s marijuana history, ranging from Louis Armstrong to Bob Dylan to Oaksterdam.  
September 11, 2012
Join MassCann/NORML this Saturday for the East Coast’s Largest Pro-Marijuana Rally

Join MassCann/NORML this Saturday for the East Coast’s Largest Pro-Marijuana Rally

This Saturday, MassCann/NORML will be hosting the 23rd annual Freedom Rally in Boston, MA. The rally will be held on the Boston Common on September 15, 2012 beginning at...
September 10, 2012
Cannabis Reform: From Local to Federal, Part 1

Cannabis Reform: From Local to Federal, Part 1

What if we’re going about this all wrong? What if we’re playing into the hands of the federal government and the medical marijuana model is a federally-authorized ruse...