Category: Weed Lifestyle

(1,843 posts)

Weedist culture and lifestyle

October 18, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’; Part 5: The Winners!

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’; Part 5: The Winners!

This past Friday, the finals of this year’s The Hemp Connoisseur competition were held at Casselman’s in Denver. The event was a “Cirque de Cannabis,” complete with circus style...
October 17, 2012
Smoke Less to Get Higher? The Endogenous Cannabinoid Receptors

Smoke Less to Get Higher? The Endogenous Cannabinoid Receptors

Have you ever noticed after smoking a lot, you tend to get less high? Last 4/20 my buddies and I had a smoking marathon. We consumed all...
October 16, 2012
We Can Legalize Marijuana This November in Colorado, but We Need Your Help!

We Can Legalize Marijuana This November in Colorado, but We Need Your Help!

Through much of the year, Colorado’s Amendment 64 has enjoyed a comfortable lead in the polls. As election day nears, as was to be expected, we are...
October 15, 2012
Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Demonstrating the contentiousness of the issue and the passion of activists on both sides, a Yes on Initiative 502 rally sponsored by New Approach Washington, at the...
October 15, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 4: Strain Reviews 3

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 4: Strain Reviews 3

Thanks for checking out the final post covering the strains entered into the first annual Colorado cannabis championship, hosted by magazine The Hemp Connoisseur. Here are my...
October 15, 2012
Melissa Etheridge Endorses Amendment 64 to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

Melissa Etheridge Endorses Amendment 64 to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has just released a new radio ad in support of Colorado’s Amendment 64, which aims to regulate marijuana in a...
October 12, 2012
Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

This week we look at another functional piece at the disposal of the Weedist, a steamroller pipe.  The Urban Dictionary defines a steamroller as: “A device for...
October 12, 2012
Can You Smell It? Marijuana Legalization Coming in 2012

Can You Smell It? Marijuana Legalization Coming in 2012

2012 Election is the Most Important in Marijuana Law Reform History This year could likely be the most significant in marijuana law reform history. In case you...
October 12, 2012
Local Marijuana Hierarchy

Local Marijuana Hierarchy

We all know that not all buds are created equal. I’ve come to realize a certain marijuana hierarchy that people use to describe the range of cannabis...
October 12, 2012
Two Books and a Video Offer for Donating to

Two Books and a Video Offer for Donating to

11:50am With marijuana legalization initiatives heading to the ballot, some with a good chance of passage, and with growing international support for a real debate on...
October 11, 2012
Edibles Review: Bakked and Dosage Guidelines

Edibles Review: Bakked and Dosage Guidelines

Anyone who has been into a dispensary in the last year or so can tell you that the variety of options available to the MMJ consumer is...
October 11, 2012
Spice Things Up With a Personalized Weed Container

Spice Things Up With a Personalized Weed Container

Ever notice how we tend to get fancy with things we enjoy? I’m thinking about the people who get racks or cabinets for wine, or boxes and...
October 10, 2012
SubCool School of Dank

SubCool School of Dank

Using cannabis to treat autism in children is gaining acceptance among the cutting edge of the medical marijuana community. Parents have found that oral dosing can have...
October 10, 2012
Rolling Stone: The 10 Best Politicians on Marijuana Reform

Rolling Stone: The 10 Best Politicians on Marijuana Reform

Kristen Gwynne from Rolling Stone considers the most marijuana-friendly politicians. From Barney Frank to Ron Paul, these elected leaders are challenging the government’s pointless war on marijuana.
October 10, 2012

One Month Before the Election, Colorado Marijuana Legalization Still Up Ten Points

The University of Denver has just released a new poll of likely Colorado voters, and the results are encouraging for marijuana law reform advocates. With just under a month...
October 10, 2012
Video: Hemp Can Save the World

Video: Hemp Can Save the World

Hemp has been a part of United States history since before it was even a country. When Christopher Columbus sailed to America in 1492, he brought hemp...
October 9, 2012
After Connecticut Legalizes Medical Marijuana, Now What?

After Connecticut Legalizes Medical Marijuana, Now What?

Connecticut took the historic step on October 1 to become the 17th state in the U.S. to legalize marijuana for medicinal use. Now what?
October 9, 2012
Richard Lee’s Mom Wows ‘Em at NORML

Richard Lee’s Mom Wows ‘Em at NORML

12:55pm With a few more appearances like the one she put in at the 41st National NORML Conference this past weekend in Los Angeles, silver-haired Texas Republican Ann...
October 8, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 3: Strain Reviews 2

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 3: Strain Reviews 2

Welcome back to our continuing coverage of the first annual Colorado cannabis championship, hosted by The Hemp Connoisseur. I detailed 3 of the 9 strains entered into...
October 8, 2012
The Culture High Update #32: Researching and Lining Up Potential Interviewees (Adam Scorgie)

The Culture High Update #32: Researching and Lining Up Potential Interviewees (Adam Scorgie)

  We received a progress update about the upcoming documentary video The Culture High by Adam Scorgie. This Kickstarter project has raised $240,022 from 3,448 individual backers (a...