The 11th annual Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA), held at the World Famous Cannabis Café in Portland, brought together medical cannabis growers, patients and caregivers from all..., a real estate website, is detecting a small yet increasing trend under-current in the ocean of politics. There is an amplified interest in the states where medical...
A Philip Morris USA (Marlboro) spokesman was vague when asked if the nation’s largest tobacco company will produce or market cannabis. A spokesperson from the 2nd largest firm, Reynolds American...
Very Small – LED Bookshelf Personal Stash Garden – Great for light to moderate smokers. Required Space – 1′ x 3′ x 4′ shelf Equipment Costs – $414 to $456 – 100...
A majority of Americans are now demanding we reassess our cannabis policies. As I argue in The Seattle Times, this reassessment should also include amending employers’ policies that sanction workers’...
Christmas is just around the corner, and if you’re a procrastinator like me, you haven’t crossed much off your gift list yet. Don’t worry, there’s still time to...
Pokemon has become a pop culture phenomenon, time to check out some Pokemon paraphernalia. Pokemon Paraphernalia For those unfamiliar with Pokemon, it was created in 1996 by...
Over 100 “Weed Nerds” gathered at their version of Comic-Con, The Green Avengers Subcool School of Dank in Seattle on Nov. 16-18, 2012. The SoD was a...
As moms and dads figure out how to negotiate marijuana’s transition from illegal drug to just another ho-hum way to unwind, TIME sought advice from experts on...
Small – 400 Watt Personal Stash HID Grow Tent – Great for moderate smokers. Required Space – 2′ x 2′ x 55″ grow tent Equipment Costs – $344 to $366 – 400w...
Attention Cannabis Chefs! No Excuses Entertainment and M2j Media Group need a host for the upcoming TV series “The Medicated Chef“ “The Medicated Chef” is a cannabis cooking...
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has quietly signed Amendment 64 into law today. Governor Hickenlooper has been unclear about when he will sign Amendment 64 into law, which...
As Washington state sets up a cannabis supply system (barring the Feds stepping in), it could become a greater source of pot for users in Oregon and...
New York Times: “Glorifying marijuana has arguably turned out to be shrewd public relations moves” for under-30 female singers Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey in light of the...
High Times reports while the US Price and Kind indices essentially held steady in November, the Mids Index experienced a jump in average price (+$25). This increase indicates...
Using medical marijuana for your back pain? Medical advances may someday allow you to replace your spine, but until then you can remind yourself exactly why you...