Some prohibitionists on a 24 member Colorado task force setup to help the governor and Legislature implement Amendment 64 are now trying ignore the will of Coloradan voters...
On Sunday evening we received the latest update (#34) from one of our favorite Kickstarter projects: The Culture High by Adam Scorgie. We support this Kickstarter project...
A White House online petition telling Obama to listen to the voters of Colorado and Washington about the future of cannabis legalization, not the famously anti-cannabis/pro drug war architect...
Amendment 64 has already legalized possession and use of marijuana for all adults. Many people have gone further, assuming that selling marijuana is no longer going to...
The force is strong with this one, indeed. Sagely words from our favorite little Grand Master Jedi, Yoda. (if you don’t know Yoda, you’ve got some work...
By day, The Front Tea & Art Shop sells papier-mache piggy banks, handmade flutes and elaborate carvings alongside tea leaves and hemp coffee. By night, the corner...
I’m sure we’ve all heard horror stories of Weedists who’ve had bad run-ins with law enforcement. Whenever I read one of these stories, that anti-cop feeling always springs up...
The World Famous Cannabis Cafe will host a fundraiser for Jay Mack and Big Dub to help rebuild their business on Saturday, January 12, 2013. Long-time supporters...
THC University, “the first professional marijuana cultivation training program in Colorado,” is set to offer its first class on February 9th at the Auraria Campus (downtown Denver). There...
05:51pm At least two members-only recreational marijuana clubs opened in Colorado Monday, one in Denver and one in the small southern Colorado town of Del Norte,...
Weedists: Meet AJ the Hashman “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Many MMJ patients in Colorado...
This morning I happened to come across a press release email blast announcing that Denver, Colorado is host to the first legal cannabis club in the United...
Ben Livingston, with the Center for Legal Cannabis, has created a map showing where marijuana retail stores will be outlawed within Seattle. According to the new law,...
In my travels across the planet and the Internet, I’ve run across any number of people who smoke marijuana regularly and get high, but are using cannabis for what...
I recently obtained a box full of science documentaries and lectures. As someone with a curious interest in most science, I thought it would be wild so...
Medical marijuana patients are overwhelmingly male in Arizona (73%) and Colorado (68%), the only states to provide patient data by gender. According to the annual National Survey on...