Category: Weed Lifestyle

(1,843 posts)

Weedist culture and lifestyle

May 3, 2013
Piece of the Week | Glass Fruit Pipes

Piece of the Week | Glass Fruit Pipes

Glass Fruit Pipes Last weekend I was smoking a joint in my backyard while watching spring turn into summer as my vegetable garden grows. I stopped to...
May 3, 2013
Book Review: It Takes Balls by Josh Wolf

Book Review: It Takes Balls by Josh Wolf

It Takes Balls, by Josh Wolf is damn funny. And, while it may seem like an odd book review for a weedist, I beg to differ. Josh...
By: Anna Diaz
May 2, 2013
Great TV While High: Planet Earth

Great TV While High: Planet Earth

With vivid, high-quality images which can make you feel like you are at the featured locations and top-notch narration, Planet Earth is a must see. But watching...
By: Mercedys
May 1, 2013
Great Music While High: Matisyahu

Great Music While High: Matisyahu

Top Music to Listen to While High: Matisyahu Words cannot quite capture the spirit of Matisyahu. His music fuses rap, beat boxing and hip hop with reggae....
By: Mercedys
May 1, 2013
Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Next Saturday, in over 200 cities worldwide, millions will come together to rally for an end to a failed drug war on cannabis and industrial hemp. Oregonians will...
By: Anna Diaz
April 30, 2013
Smokies Toke Couture: Cannabis Accessories for Women

Smokies Toke Couture: Cannabis Accessories for Women

Smokies Toke Couture was founded in 2012 by artist Pilar Erika Johnson. She was looking for cannabis accessories and found that there was not much selection. Johnson...
By: Anna Diaz
April 30, 2013
The Culture High Kickstarter Update #38: Some EXCITING news!

The Culture High Kickstarter Update #38: Some EXCITING news!

On Monday, we received the latest Kickstarter update (#38) from one of our favorite projects: The Culture High, by Adam Scorgie. We support this Kickstarter project and encourage you to...
April 29, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Laser Dubstep at Pacific Science Center

Weedist Destinations: Laser Dubstep at Pacific Science Center

So here the title says it all. I happened to be baked and walking around the Seattle Center when I caught an ad for Laser Dubstep at...
April 29, 2013
Global Cannabis March: May 4th

Global Cannabis March: May 4th

Cannabis prohibition has staggering global consequences. Without real research into the subject, we’re left to conjecture about the extent of such irrational prohibition. But the stories which...
By: Mercedys
April 29, 2013
New York Times OpDoc: A True Satire Of The War on Some Drugs

New York Times OpDoc: A True Satire Of The War on Some Drugs

While there is nothing genuinely funny about a seventy-five year prohibition on cannabis that has arrested over 25 million cannabis consumers, making fun of the failed policy...
April 26, 2013
Piece of the Week | Eyeball Pipes

Piece of the Week | Eyeball Pipes

What fascinates us about eyeballs and weed? Probably the fact that we see our own eyes go from wide and white to slits and bloodshot when we smoke....
April 26, 2013
2013 High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver: Dabba Dabba Hey!

2013 High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver: Dabba Dabba Hey!

Whew. The 2013 Cannabis Cup, presented by High Times and featuring the first “legal” cannabis competition in the United States, took place this past weekend in Denver. Personally,...
April 25, 2013
Great TV While High: Archer

Great TV While High: Archer

James Bond on LSD. That’s my succinct summary of Archer, the most over-the-top parody of secret agents since Peter Sellers and Woody Allen last made a movie...
April 25, 2013
Cash Phlow Saturday at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe

Cash Phlow Saturday at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe

The Cash Phlow Show will be live at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe this Saturday, April 27th for one night only at 8:00 PM. The L.A. rapper...
By: Anna Diaz
April 25, 2013
Stoner Gaming: Pot References on the Streets of Rage

Stoner Gaming: Pot References on the Streets of Rage

I could write (and probably will write) a manifesto on the benefits of stoned retro video gaming. I spend at least a few hours every week with...
April 25, 2013
UC Santa Cruz College Student Arrested for Creating 2.5 Pound Marijuana Joint

UC Santa Cruz College Student Arrested for Creating 2.5 Pound Marijuana Joint

At about four feet in length, a gigantic joint in California would seem to smoke the competition. Or it would have, if police hadn’t stepped in before...
April 24, 2013
Great Artwork While High: Alex Grey

Great Artwork While High: Alex Grey

In the vein of great television, music, or movies to enjoy whilst stoned, I thought why not suggest some cool artwork to peruse while in that state...
April 24, 2013
Marijuana References in New Season Six of Mad Men: Mainstream Marijuana in 2013

Marijuana References in New Season Six of Mad Men: Mainstream Marijuana in 2013

Mad Men, a drama that recently airing its sixth season on AMC, has been a stellar gold standard for TV shows since it first started. A brilliant...
April 23, 2013
Denver 420: High Times Cannabis Cup Demand Strong, Too Strong

Denver 420: High Times Cannabis Cup Demand Strong, Too Strong

As much as I love the cannabis scene home in the Bay Area, three of us were lucky enough to travel and spend this historic 420 weekend...
April 23, 2013
All Percs Are Not Created Equal | Hops Glass In-Line Review

All Percs Are Not Created Equal | Hops Glass In-Line Review

When I moved to Washington, I was a big doob head for quite some time. I loved the idea of choosing my strains so much, it didn’t matter to...