It’s been about a month since completely harvesting my own crop of bud grown in my studio apartment in Denver. The entire experience was a great opportunity...
In this age of on-demand everything, sometimes there’s just too much to choose from, especially stoned. I love it when I am baked and something good just...
SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) recently announced their Campus Drug Policy Gradebook. The drug and alcohol policies of the top 300 schools in the country according...
I was cruising, one of my favorite science news sites, and saw this story about the sighting of a lenticular galaxy in the constellation of Virgo (see...
In continuing to show downtown Seattle love with Hempfest rapidly approaching, I am proud to share a destination that sounds like it was dreamt up after a...
This addition to the Great Stoner Cuisine collection is an easy twist on a staple stoner food: The Sandwich (non-medicated). When it comes to sandwiches, I feel...
Weedists: Meet Deanna Jean “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Deanna Jean, or DJ as she is...
High Maintenance is the kind of show that proves the Internet is responsible for so many great things that probably wouldn’t have happened any other way. Created...
With the exception of R. Crumb and the other comix and concert poster creators, possibly no other artist is more associated with the Sixties than M.C. Escher...
I love writing about great movies on weed; ironically, this 2004 film is about ecstasy. Layer Cake is a tough, British crime and drug drama starring Daniel...
On their website, the Gorge Amphitheatre claims to be, “one of the most scenic concert locations in the world, offering spectacular river gorge views and concert friendly summer weather,...
The other day, I was riding a Seattle city bus. I was stoned and listening to comedians on Pandora through my headphones. You know, generally just minding...
This is another category of pipe that I first found on our Pinterest page Bongs & Great Glass, Dinosaur pipes. Dinosaur Pipes Some of these pipes are...
Salvador Dali was one of a kind. He was not only “an artist”, but a unique individual of the highest order…a world-class eccentric, surrealist, and someone who...