Category: Weed Lifestyle

(1,843 posts)

Weedist culture and lifestyle

August 9, 2013
Piece of the Week | Helmet Bongs

Piece of the Week | Helmet Bongs

Helmet Bongs Besides the fact that these are some really cool pieces of intricate glasswork, what’s the fascination with helmet bongs? Well I guess it’s the baseline...
August 9, 2013
Rain Gardens for the Environment

Rain Gardens for the Environment

To me, weedists are so much more than connoisseurs of fine cannabis. We are also intelligent, caring earth-conscious people with a high level of creativity. With that...
By: Anna Diaz
August 8, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Afgoo Shatter BHO (Dabs)

My Favorite Strains: Afgoo Shatter BHO (Dabs)

Diablo Dabs… Afgoo Shatter (BHO) Strain:                           Afgoo Concentrate:            ...
August 8, 2013
Great TV While High: Chappelle’s Show

Great TV While High: Chappelle’s Show

On January 22, 2003, one of the greatest ever sketch comedy television shows premiered on Comedy Central: Chappelle’s Show. It only lasted two complete seasons and a...
By: Lateralus
August 8, 2013
Saluting a Great Mind: Abraham Lincoln

Saluting a Great Mind: Abraham Lincoln

I recently took a trip to see President Abraham Lincoln’s home and presidential library in Springfield, Illinois. Since I learned as a child that he said, “It...
August 8, 2013
Uruguay to Sell Legal Marijuana at Low Price of $2.5 Per Gram to Compete With Black Market

Uruguay to Sell Legal Marijuana at Low Price of $2.5 Per Gram to Compete With Black Market

El Pais now reports via Univision that the Uruguay marijuana bill fixes the price around $2.50 per gram. The bill is up for vote in the Senate, where...
August 7, 2013
Cannabis 101: Choosing Rolling Paper

Cannabis 101: Choosing Rolling Paper

This is a quick and dirty 101 on choosing rolling paper. Full disclosure: I enjoy smoking joints (who doesn’t love that great taste), but I don’t smoke...
August 7, 2013
Great Music While High: Justin James Bridges

Great Music While High: Justin James Bridges

Justin James Bridges is a Texan who has made his home in Portland. When he brought his special style of Texas blues to Oregon, he changed music...
By: Anna Diaz
August 7, 2013
DIY Cannabis Drink: Old Hippie Canna-Coconut Blaster

DIY Cannabis Drink: Old Hippie Canna-Coconut Blaster

On his spectacular blog, Beyond Chronic, our own Old Hippie has concocted a great recipe for easily making your own cannabis drinks. A little cannabis, coconut milk,...
August 6, 2013
Medicated Mixed Drinks: Canna Punch Cocktail and Keef Kola Kocktail

Medicated Mixed Drinks: Canna Punch Cocktail and Keef Kola Kocktail

Edibles are nothing new in the pantheon of great ways to ingest cannabis, but just about anyone who has walked into a decent medical marijuana dispensary in...
August 6, 2013
Great Movies While High: V for Vendetta

Great Movies While High: V for Vendetta

I resisted watching V for Vendetta for years. The idea of a masked vigilante wreaking havoc in a near-modern day attempt to play Robin Hood did not...
By: Mercedys
August 6, 2013
Gallup Poll Finds 7 Percent of US Adults Admit to Smoking Pot Regularly

Gallup Poll Finds 7 Percent of US Adults Admit to Smoking Pot Regularly

According to an annual Consumption Habits poll conducted by Gallup last month, the percentage of U.S. adults who have tried marijuana is 38%, an increase of only 5%...
By: Lateralus
August 5, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Dicks Drive-In, a Seattle Icon

Weedist Destinations: Dicks Drive-In, a Seattle Icon

Dicks Drive-In is a well-known Seattle icon and a top Weedist destination. With only six locations in existence, all but one of which are located within Seattle...
By: Mercedys
August 5, 2013
High Scientist: Pacific Ocean Ring of Fire

High Scientist: Pacific Ocean Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire. No, I am not writing about a carnival ride or the song by Johnny Cash. When I heard the name recently on television, that’s...
By: Mercedys
August 5, 2013
The Amazing Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis (Marijuana) Leaves

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis (Marijuana) Leaves

In raw form, marijuana leaves and buds are actually loaded with a non-psychoactive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer nutrient compound known as cannabidiol (CBD) that is proving to...
August 5, 2013
The Economist Explains: How Will Uruguay’s Marijuana Law Work?

The Economist Explains: How Will Uruguay’s Marijuana Law Work?

By the end of the month, it may be legal to light up a joint while watching the sun set over Punta del Este. Drug law reformers...
August 2, 2013
Piece of the Week | Ray Gun Bubbler

Piece of the Week | Ray Gun Bubbler

Part High Scientist, part Piece of the Week, this week I touch my SciFi inner geek and pull out the Ray Gun Bubbler. Ray Gun Bubbler We...
August 2, 2013
Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest

Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest

I attended the Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest on Saturday, July 27, 2013, at beautiful Heritage Park, which sits in the shadow of the Washington State Capitol Building....
By: Anna Diaz
August 1, 2013
Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Hempfest is perhaps the world’s largest protestival. In 2012, more than 250,000 people attended the weekend-long event to watch entertainment, hear speakers on a wide range of...
By: Mercedys
August 1, 2013
Great TV While High: Dexter

Great TV While High: Dexter

This iteration of great stoned television is all about Dexter. When Dexter (based on 2004’s Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay) first premiered in 2006 on Showtime...