Category: Weed Lifestyle

(1,843 posts)

Weedist culture and lifestyle

November 26, 2013
Legalization Anniversary Smoke-Sesh Planned at Seattle Center

Legalization Anniversary Smoke-Sesh Planned at Seattle Center

On December 6th hundreds of connoisseurs will celebrate the one year anniversary of legalization in Washington state by consuming cannabis legally at the Seattle Center. When first...
By: Mercedys
November 25, 2013
Edibles Review: Beyond Mars Dark Chocolate

Edibles Review: Beyond Mars Dark Chocolate

As a professional budtender at a great medical marijuana dispensary, it’s getting hard for me to keep up with all the great new products available to patients. I...
November 25, 2013
Can Marijuana Users Donate Blood?

Can Marijuana Users Donate Blood?

Maybe it’s all the Black Friday marketing blitz that has people thinking about the holidays and the “Season of Giving”, but a few cannabis users have recently...
November 22, 2013
Piece of the Week | Middle Finger Pipe (aka. The North American Bird)

Piece of the Week | Middle Finger Pipe (aka. The North American Bird)

This week we’re going with something that I just happened to stumble upon on Pinterest: a Middle Finger Pipe. Or what some people may fondly call: The...
November 21, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Grape Stomper Shatter (Dabs)

My Favorite Strains: Grape Stomper Shatter (Dabs)

Grape Stomper has always been the strain that all my real hardcore stoner friends were always all about, and it’s not really hard to see why. A cross...
November 20, 2013
The Effect of Cannabis on Newborns and Pregnant Women

The Effect of Cannabis on Newborns and Pregnant Women

The effect of cannabis on newborns and pregnant women are not negative, and may even be positive, according to a study in Jamaica.
November 20, 2013
Local California Medical Marijuana Cultivation Laws

Local California Medical Marijuana Cultivation Laws

Even though California has a statewide medical marijuana program, there are many specific local California medical marijuana cultivation laws. Are you a California medical marijuana patient? Have...
November 20, 2013
California MMJ Patients Please Take ASA’s Survey

California MMJ Patients Please Take ASA’s Survey

Americans for Safe Access is asking California MMJ patients to take a short survey.
November 20, 2013
Dispensary Life: Quarantining and Washing Kief Laden Clothes

Dispensary Life: Quarantining and Washing Kief Laden Clothes

I have the greatest job in the world. I get to talk about weed all day, talk about getting high all day, sell the best medicine ever,...
November 19, 2013
High Times: Weed Continues to Win Over Booze

High Times: Weed Continues to Win Over Booze

In response to the argument that legalizing marijuana will add to society’s problems, High Times points to New Zealand, where residents have been giving up the bottle...
November 18, 2013
Pets and Cannabis

Pets and Cannabis

Cannabis users spoil their pets, just like everybody else. We love them like family, because that’s what they are. As cannabis becomes more accepted as medicine for...
By: Anna Diaz
November 15, 2013
Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

The tuxedo of edible pieces. Fruit and vegetables have been at it for years. Fruit versus vegetable juices, orchards versus gardens, chips versus fruit snacks, it’s Army...
November 14, 2013
Survey: Unacceptable To Be Fired For Off-Job Marijuana Use

Survey: Unacceptable To Be Fired For Off-Job Marijuana Use

Nearly two-thirds of Americans disagree with workplace policies that allow employers to sanction an employee for his or her off-the-job consumption of cannabis, according to a just released...
November 14, 2013
The Culture High: Behind the Scenes With NORML UK

The Culture High: Behind the Scenes With NORML UK

Regular readers know that we are supporters of The Culture High. The Culture High is a forthcoming documentary from Executive Producer Adam Scorgie and Director Brett Harvey...
November 14, 2013
Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

I still take marijuana tolerance breaks approximately every three months for a week (a good rule of thumb from my doctor at Medicann), so I don’t have...
November 13, 2013
MMAR Coalition Against Repeal Benefit Concert Tonight

MMAR Coalition Against Repeal Benefit Concert Tonight

A benefit concert is being held for MMAR Coalition Against Repeal featuring the Rascalz at Fortune Sound Club in Vancouver, BC at 7pm tonight.
November 13, 2013
World Famous Cannabis Cafe Celebrates 4th Anniversary

World Famous Cannabis Cafe Celebrates 4th Anniversary

On November 13, 2009, the World Famous Cannabis Cafe (WFCC) opened its doors. The brainchild of Madeline Martinez, the cafe was created to provide a safe place for...
By: Anna Diaz
November 13, 2013
Can Cannabis Save the World?

Can Cannabis Save the World?

For this article, I go simply on faith and happily acknowledge that this is wholly unprovable, but I honestly believe that legalizing cannabis would be good for...
November 12, 2013
How to Assert Your Rights When You Encounter the Police

How to Assert Your Rights When You Encounter the Police

Ladybud’s Lauren Vasquez explains how to assert your rights when you encounter the police.
November 12, 2013
Great Music While High: Final Fantasy XIII OST

Great Music While High: Final Fantasy XIII OST

Alright guys, hopefully you’re not sick of hearing me talk about music I like to listen to while wandering around in the woods. I like original soundtracks...