Category: Pot Luck

(791 posts)

Everthing is better with a bag of weed

November 14, 2014
DEA Steals Woman’s Identity to Entrap Her Friends

DEA Steals Woman’s Identity to Entrap Her Friends

DEA agent Timoty Sinnigen pulled photos and other data off Arquiett’s cell phone and proceeded to create a Facebook page using her name and personal information
November 13, 2014
Colorado High School and the Gravity Bong Lockdown

Colorado High School and the Gravity Bong Lockdown

A Colorado high school went into modified lockdown after a student apparently took a big hit off a gravity bong.
November 12, 2014
Product Review: Cannabis Tea Light Candles

Product Review: Cannabis Tea Light Candles

Six little tea lights were inside, all of them a lovely shade of canna-green. I had the pleasure of investigating their cannabis tea light scent palette and...
November 12, 2014
DIY: Create Your Own Cannabis Lube

DIY: Create Your Own Cannabis Lube

If you’re feeling crafty and are looking for a DIY cannabis lube recipe, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve designed a cannabis infused coconut oil lubrication...
By: Rae Lland
November 12, 2014
Power to the Pot: Colorado Marijuana Growers Face Electric Fee

Power to the Pot: Colorado Marijuana Growers Face Electric Fee

Marijuana growers around Boulder, Colorado next year will start paying special fees to offset their contributions to climate change. A new county assessment on electricity usage by marijuana growers is...
November 7, 2014
The Surprising Truth About ‘Driving While High’

The Surprising Truth About ‘Driving While High’

As more and more states adopt medical and recreational marijuana policies, it seems the most feared outcome of legalization is that with the passage of laws that...
November 5, 2014
Great Music While High: This Will Destroy You

Great Music While High: This Will Destroy You

This Will Destroy You is one of my all time favorite instrumental bands. Contrary to the band’s name, their music will soothe your soul and make you...
November 3, 2014
Felony Count for MMJ Patient?

Felony Count for MMJ Patient?

A student at Arizona State University with a valid medical marijuana card is facing felony possession charges stemming from a recent incident in which police discovered less...
October 29, 2014
Great Music While High: From Indian Lakes

Great Music While High: From Indian Lakes

From Indian Lakes is a great band for the reflective toker, with lyrics touching on deep subjects such as dealing with familial expectations and finding one’s identity.
October 27, 2014
Home Kits Test Halloween Candy for THC but Not Real Danger

Home Kits Test Halloween Candy for THC but Not Real Danger

A Colorado-based testing company has released a new home testing kit which allows parents to detect the presence of THC in their kids’ Halloween candy stash before letting...
October 24, 2014
Can Second-Hand Weed Smoke Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

Can Second-Hand Weed Smoke Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

Can you flunk your drug test by simply being in the same room with other tokers? It’s possible. So say the results of a new study published...
October 22, 2014
Great Music While High: La Roux

Great Music While High: La Roux

I was high and searching for new music online the first time I ever heard La Roux, and it turned out to be exactly what I was...
October 22, 2014
Toilets Narc on Cannabis Users!

Toilets Narc on Cannabis Users!

Using wastewater (sewage), the researchers can run tests to determine what kinds of drugs people are using and also tell in what concentration.
October 21, 2014
2500 Year Old ‘Ice Princess’ May Have Been Medicating With Cannabis

2500 Year Old ‘Ice Princess’ May Have Been Medicating With Cannabis

Recent investigation into the 2500 year old mummified Ukok ‘Ice Princess’ (named after the permafrost plateau in the Altai Mountains where scientists found the remains), indicate that...
October 21, 2014
Humboldt Firefighters Heroically Save Helpless Weed From Burning Building

Humboldt Firefighters Heroically Save Helpless Weed From Burning Building

This time it’s not a child or a kitten being heroically rescued from a fire, but a weed harvest. Firefighters in Humboldt were able to save a...
October 20, 2014
Great Movies While High: The Giver

Great Movies While High: The Giver

Set in a dystopian society in the year 2048, society has rid itself of all illness, pain, pleasure and emotion. Human life as we know it, is...
October 20, 2014
Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Rock the Vote’s latest campaign involves a video that, quite frankly, was more amazing than I could have ever anticipated. It just kept getting better and better...
October 15, 2014
Great Music While High: Polyphia

Great Music While High: Polyphia

Polyphia’s album captures the imagination and takes the listener on a psychedelic journey of soulful licks and chords that sound like they came straight out of your...
October 15, 2014
Dollars, Chasing Cannabis Profits, Leave US

Dollars, Chasing Cannabis Profits, Leave US

In the midst of prolonged recession which has left millions jobless for years at a time, American investors are offshoring their funds in droves in an attempt...
October 13, 2014
Online Dating Site Caters to Cannabis Crowd

Online Dating Site Caters to Cannabis Crowd

For some pot smokers, it’s difficult to broach the topic of marijuana use with prospective romantic partners. Do you invite your date in for a nightcap and...