Category: Pot Luck

(791 posts)

Everthing is better with a bag of weed

January 14, 2015
Ganja Claus Spreading Holiday Cheer Arrested for Gifting Pot

Ganja Claus Spreading Holiday Cheer Arrested for Gifting Pot

A man calling himself Santa Claus was recently arrested in Seaside, CA for the most awesome crime ever — giving out weed.
January 14, 2015
Legalize Cannabis: I’m Sick of Watching Patients Starve

Legalize Cannabis: I’m Sick of Watching Patients Starve

I’ve worked in the healthcare industry for the past 17 years, specializing in emergency, rehabilitation and end of life care at facilities ranging from large universities to...
January 13, 2015
Crystal Meth Rampant in Australia: Cannabis Could Help

Crystal Meth Rampant in Australia: Cannabis Could Help

In the past four years, use of “ice” has doubled, and a correlating spike in violent crime has come along with it.
January 12, 2015
Truffles and Cannabis: A Striking Similarity

Truffles and Cannabis: A Striking Similarity

Truffles themselves, when studied, were found to have an endocannabinoid system of their own.
January 12, 2015
Northern California Tribe Plans Marijuana Farm

Northern California Tribe Plans Marijuana Farm

A Northern California tribe has signed up to be the first tribe in the state to launch a large marijuana-growing operation. The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reports...
January 12, 2015
Colorado Asks Feds Permission to Grow Weed on College Campuses

Colorado Asks Feds Permission to Grow Weed on College Campuses

The DEA’s Schedule I classification of the herb prevents many universities from engaging in activities in the realm of cannabis cultivation and experimentation. However, officials in Colorado...
January 9, 2015
Instafire: Errl Thomas Seahawks Jersey

Instafire: Errl Thomas Seahawks Jersey

You know I love my errl and my Hawks, so this was nothing short of magic to me. Earl Thomas, number 29, is the Seahawks strong safety...
January 8, 2015
2014’s Top Rated Music for Stoners

2014’s Top Rated Music for Stoners

The music app known as 8tracks has compiled a playlist of new tracks from 2014 that users rated the top songs to listen to when high.
January 7, 2015
Great Music While High: 2014 Best Of

Great Music While High: 2014 Best Of

2014 was a great year in music, if for no other reason then that there is such a variety of great music available across many different genres.
January 7, 2015
US Cannabis Cup Artists Announced

US Cannabis Cup Artists Announced

The U.S. Cannabis Cup in Denver is back and is bigger than ever – with THREE DAYS of 700+ vendors, three levels of VIP experiences and travel...
January 5, 2015
Dreadlocks: More Than a Stoner Stereotype

Dreadlocks: More Than a Stoner Stereotype

Several years ago, I embarked upon a very personal and empowering journey when I decided to lock my hair. A couple years later, someone asked me in...
December 31, 2014
Great TV While High: Death Note

Great TV While High: Death Note

Death Note has many twists and turns that will blow your mind. It is an essential show to watch for weedists who enjoy toking and watching mentally...
December 29, 2014
Stoner Philosophy: The Great Pairing of Weed and Wisdom

Stoner Philosophy: The Great Pairing of Weed and Wisdom

Not all philosophy students evolve into weed smoking and Socrates-quoting free spirits. But, in my experience, many do.
December 24, 2014
Great Music While High: Holiday Edition “I’ll Be Stoned for Christmas”

Great Music While High: Holiday Edition “I’ll Be Stoned for Christmas”

It’s the holiday season again, and songwriter Dent May has come up with a Christmas tune that weedists have been waiting for.
December 24, 2014
50 Year Old Caught With Giant Cannabis Plant Christmas Tree

50 Year Old Caught With Giant Cannabis Plant Christmas Tree

To their great surprise, they discovered that the woman had been using a giant cannabis plant as a stand-in Christmas tree. There were even presents placed around...
December 23, 2014
Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Now in its second year, the drive focuses on helping families that have been hurt by the war on cannabis. These families struggle to survive every day,...
By: Anna Diaz
December 23, 2014
Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Wastes Resources

Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Wastes Resources

Forcing drug testing wastes resources, but also gives people unconscious permission to judge and label the poorest and neediest of us, or to justify turning a blind...
December 23, 2014
What Is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?

What Is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?

Often mistakenly called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is a rare form of cannabinoid toxicity that develops in chronic smokers. It’s characterized by cyclic episodes of...
December 23, 2014
Driving While Informed: Know Your Rights Behind the Wheel

Driving While Informed: Know Your Rights Behind the Wheel

The number of drug related DUI/DWIs have sky-rocketed in the last year across the nation as a direct result of the lack of knowledge surrounding the level...
December 19, 2014
The Top Five Marijuana Data Points of 2014

The Top Five Marijuana Data Points of 2014

The year 2014 may be looked back on as the watershed year that nationwide legalization of marijuana hit the tipping point. Aside from marijuana becoming legalized in two...