Category: Pot Luck

(791 posts)

Everthing is better with a bag of weed

June 22, 2012
Can Marijuana save the United States Postal Service (USPS)?

Can Marijuana save the United States Postal Service (USPS)?

The Dec 15 2011 Daily Show skit Too Big To Mail lovingly poked fun at the continued dismantling by Congress of the 236 year old United States Postal...
June 22, 2012
Wait, Banks Don’t Pay Interest on Weed Deposits?

Wait, Banks Don’t Pay Interest on Weed Deposits?

A woman in Florida accidentally deposited nearly 2 ounces with her bank slip. Spoiler alert, she found out the bank doesn’t pay interest on marijuana.  See more...
June 21, 2012
Mayan 2012 Prediction Not What People Think

Mayan 2012 Prediction Not What People Think

This great pic is making the rounds across social media sites today.  I think both the Mayans and Anonymous may be onto something and true seers!
June 20, 2012
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Chocolate Chip Cookies

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Chocolate Chip Cookies

We originally posted this recipe in our forums for the 4/20 celebrations. Though, who doesn’t love marijuana chocolate chip cookies any day of the week? Count me in....
June 19, 2012
Please Help Me With My Gateway Drug Math 101 Homework

Please Help Me With My Gateway Drug Math 101 Homework

Even if racial profiling, pharma loving, reefer madness politicians want to ignore the countless scientific studies rolling out debunking the marijuana gateway theory, we can all perform...
June 15, 2012
Wanted For The Production And Distribution Of Illegal Plants… GOD

Wanted For The Production And Distribution Of Illegal Plants… GOD

Show this to your friends when you want to get them really amped up about the hypocrisy in our society.  I particularly love to share this with my buddies...
June 14, 2012
Nihilist Gamer Spends Decade Simulating Fate of Humankind

Nihilist Gamer Spends Decade Simulating Fate of Humankind

Reddit user Lycerius, a person with plenty of spare time and a penchant for monotony has spent the last decade playing a game of Civilization II. The question driving...
June 13, 2012
I Don’t Care How Bad My Munchies Are

I Don’t Care How Bad My Munchies Are

Doing its part to help America reach new levels of diabetes and obesity, Burger King is rolling out on Thursday June 14th a bacon sundae consisting of...
June 6, 2012
Star Wars Bongs

Star Wars Bongs

Every so often we see some gear that is so outrageous that it has to be shared. Today we take a look at some Star Wars inspired...
June 5, 2012
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Red Velvet Cupcakes

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Red Velvet Cupcakes

Who doesn’t love Red Velvet these days?  The chocolate cake, the cool red #5 color and the yummy cream cheese frosting. Estimated Time: 1 hour Serves: 12...
May 29, 2012
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Rice Krispies Treats

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Rice Krispies Treats

I loved rice krispies treats as a kid, now here’s a new way to love them as an adult! Here’s What You Need: ¼ cup cannabutter 1 x...