05:54pm For the first time in nearly a decade, the Colombian government will sit down for peace talks with the Marxist guerrillas of the FARC, which...
10:16am The Lebanese Connection: Corruption, Civil War, and the International Drug Traffic, by Jonathan Marshall (2012, Stanford University Press, 261 pages) It’s harvest time in Lebanon...
04:56pm Police in the gritty San Francisco Bay area suburb of Vallejo shot and killed one man and wounded another early Sunday morning and seized about...
03:27pm In remarks reported by the Copenhagen Post Sunday, Danish Health Minister Astrid Krag announced that she is proposing that heroin in pill form be made available to...
03:55pm Drugs, Insecurity, and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition, by Nigel Inkster and Virginia Comolli (2012, Adelphi, 163 pages) Longtime readers of Drug War Chronicle...
NORML is reposting this message on behalf of our allies at The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol: More than 100 members of the academic community from across...
Barcelona Cannabis Spain is rapidly becoming the most cannabis friendly place in Europe, especially with the conservative government passing the unfriendly tourist laws in the Netherlands. If...
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… well actually, 2012 from Cookeville, Tennessee… comes the R2D2 glass pipe for people who love Star Wars and love...
Logitech is soon releasing a fully washable keyboard that can even be submerged in up to 11 inches of water, just don’t include the USB plug. The K310...
01:10pm The FARC: The Longest Insurgency, by Garry Leech (2011, Zed Press, 178 pages) The FARC (the Spanish-language acronym for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia)...
That’s right, Bayer made Heroin. Well chemically, Heroin is diacetylmorphine and diacetylmorphine was first synthesized in 1874 by C. R. Alder Wright, but the name ‘Heroin’, that’s...
Here are 15 animated images from Netflix’s video section for kids as proof it’s really for stoners (and for your viewing pleasure), or at least great medication...
Reason’s Mike Riggs has a well written and must read article about the pitfalls of choosing Drug Court Marijuana. I have taken issue with Riggs’ work before...
Olympian Usain Bolt, one of the fastest runners in the world, has a strain named after him that has become extremely popular in California medical marijuana dispensaries. It is...
In the spirit of beautiful glasswork, here is an amazing Slimer bubbler, the character from Ghostbusters. We found this glass piece on Pinterest thanks to Jays Jars’...