Category: Pot Luck

(791 posts)

Everthing is better with a bag of weed

November 1, 2012
Man ‘Returns’ Marijuana, Pipe to Walmart

Man ‘Returns’ Marijuana, Pipe to Walmart

A 40 year old Florida man was arrested for possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia while trying to return a printer at...
October 26, 2012
Piece of the Week | Jack Skellington Pipe

Piece of the Week | Jack Skellington Pipe

Tis the season to start thinking about one of my favorite movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, a Tim Burton mashup of Halloween and Christmas. With Halloween next week and...
October 26, 2012
Traces of Cocaine and Marijuana Found in Air of Eight Italian Cities

Traces of Cocaine and Marijuana Found in Air of Eight Italian Cities

The answer to the question “Did you inhale?” may be yes, even if you’re only guilty of breathing the air in Rome. That’s because a new study...
October 25, 2012
A Supercut for Weedists

A Supercut for Weedists

Andy Baio, the blogger credited with coining the word “supercut,” defines it as: (A) genre of video meme, where some obsessive-compulsive superfan collects every phrase/action/cliche from an...
October 19, 2012
Piece of the Week | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Pipes and Slides

Piece of the Week | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Pipes and Slides

Aqua Teen Hunger Force has been a staple of Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network for 12 years. The late night anarchy of the show is something...
October 19, 2012
Great TV While High: Family Guy

Great TV While High: Family Guy

Family Guy is a hilarious animated TV show that is great to watch when you’re high. Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, is an absolute genius in his...
By: Lateralus
October 19, 2012
BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Winners

BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Winners

BBC has released their Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners. Check out the amazing photos!
October 12, 2012
Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

This week we look at another functional piece at the disposal of the Weedist, a steamroller pipe.  The Urban Dictionary defines a steamroller as: “A device for...
October 5, 2012
Piece of the Week | Mustache Sherlock Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | Mustache Sherlock Glass Pipe

We shift gears this week and look at something goofy and fun, the mustache Sherlock glass pipe. This would make a great gift for the Weedist who...
October 2, 2012
Rolling Stone: 9 Signs That Pot Legalization is Coming Soon

Rolling Stone: 9 Signs That Pot Legalization is Coming Soon

In a recent article, Rolling Stone magazine’s Julian Brookes suggests that there are 9 signs that pot legalization is coming soon. When you consider the evidence, it’s...
September 28, 2012
Piece of the Week | Custom Glass Mushroom Chillum

Piece of the Week | Custom Glass Mushroom Chillum

This week we look to the independent glass artist community to find a custom glass mushroom chillum. This glass mushroom chillum is functional art. If you had...
September 28, 2012
Great TV While High: King of the Hill

Great TV While High: King of the Hill

“Oh no, my eyes are turning all bloodshot. I’m goin’ on a trip, I look like I’m doped out of my gord!” For those that do not...
September 26, 2012
Rihanna Rolls Diamond Joint for Song Cover Art

Rihanna Rolls Diamond Joint for Song Cover Art

Rihanna is releasing the new track ‘Diamonds’ off her upcoming album today, which is expected to drop later this year. With the song on the way Rihanna sent...
September 21, 2012
Piece of the Week | How to Make an Apple Marijuana Pipe

Piece of the Week | How to Make an Apple Marijuana Pipe

This week we honor the DIY project of making an apple marijuana pipe. We’ve all been there, you’ve got weed, but no bong, bowl or pipe to...
September 19, 2012
A Brief History of Weed According to Weeds (Showtime)

A Brief History of Weed According to Weeds (Showtime)

A brief history of weed brought to us by Weeds. With the Showtime series Weeds coming to an end, we should take a moment and reflect on what...
September 18, 2012
2012 High Times Cannabis Cup Seattle Winners

2012 High Times Cannabis Cup Seattle Winners

The 2012 High Times Cannabis Cup Seattle winners were chosen over the weekend (also of interest: the winners of the 2012 Cannabis Cup San Francisco). Here’s some...
September 17, 2012
Tales of California Medical Marijuana | Family Road Trip Vacation

Tales of California Medical Marijuana | Family Road Trip Vacation

Being a transplant to California, many things out here catch me a bit off-guard, but our California medical marijuana system, now that’s something special. I was a...
September 14, 2012
Piece of the Week | Robert Mickelsen AR-15 Bong

Piece of the Week | Robert Mickelsen AR-15 Bong

Now you have the perfect gift for your buddy who loves weed and the NRA… the Robert Mickelsen AR-15 bong. Details on the Mickelsen AR-15 Bong You...
September 14, 2012
I Don’t Think That TMZ Knows What A Nug Is?

I Don’t Think That TMZ Knows What A Nug Is?

Amanda Bynes marijuana post on TMZ Did you catch the Amanda Bynes marijuana post on TMZ? Apparently Amanda Bynes, another child “celebrity” who you may know if...
September 10, 2012
Does Smoking Pot With Acquaintances Strengthen Relationships?

Does Smoking Pot With Acquaintances Strengthen Relationships?

Ever think back on friends you smoke with on occasion now that were once acquaintances with no knowledge you each used cannabis and how the relationship evolved? Sharing...