On Sunday evening we received the latest update (#34) from one of our favorite Kickstarter projects: The Culture High by Adam Scorgie. We support this Kickstarter project...
The force is strong with this one, indeed. Sagely words from our favorite little Grand Master Jedi, Yoda. (if you don’t know Yoda, you’ve got some work...
In the debate over what marijuana legalization means for Colorado, the best drug-policy brains in the nation say there is one question getting short shrift: If people...
Apparently “THE WORLD IS GONE MAD,” according to Fantasia Barrino, the singer who won her fame by winning the third season of American Idol. A recent article...
This illustrated marijuana timeline runs from 1911, when Massachusetts became the first state to outlaw marijuana, to just this month, when President Obama said the recent legalization of recreational...
I have written before about how dangerous and corrupting Civil Forfeiture Laws are. The Institute for Justice reports Judge Dan Pelligrini in Pennsylvania has gone so far as to call them...
Westword has a nice synopsis of the newly crowned Miss Universe (Olivia Culpo) thoughts on marijuana: “Medical marijuana is fine, she said in an interview, but recreational pot is...
I recently obtained a box full of science documentaries and lectures. As someone with a curious interest in most science, I thought it would be wild so...
The New York City Police Department cannot keep tabs on more than 360,000 people entered into a stop-and-frisk database for subsequent investigation, a state appeals court ruled....
012, 11:34am The Fire Next Door: Mexico’s Drug Violence and the Danger to America by Ted Galen Carpenter (2012, Cato Institute, 307 pp., $16.57 HB Amazon) Drug War...
A Philip Morris USA (Marlboro) spokesman was vague when asked if the nation’s largest tobacco company will produce or market cannabis. A spokesperson from the 2nd largest firm, Reynolds American...
Christmas is just around the corner, and if you’re a procrastinator like me, you haven’t crossed much off your gift list yet. Don’t worry, there’s still time to...
Two states on Nov 6th changed their laws on cannabis, joining many who have already legalized for medicinal purposes, and now making it recreationally legal. This has...
After fierce internal controversy, the White House has reportedly authorized a vast expansion of spying capabilities, including the ability to investigate innocent citizens. One senior official called the...
Pokemon has become a pop culture phenomenon, time to check out some Pokemon paraphernalia. Pokemon Paraphernalia For those unfamiliar with Pokemon, it was created in 1996 by...
Using medical marijuana for your back pain? Medical advances may someday allow you to replace your spine, but until then you can remind yourself exactly why you...
The Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks play in states where marijuana is now legal, a massive potential legal and public relations headache for the NFL. This could have implications for where...
Hello Kitty is a defining piece of Japanese pop culture. Originally introduced by Sanrio Co. Ltd. into the Japanese market in 1974, Hello Kitty was brought to...