Category: Pot Luck

(791 posts)

Everthing is better with a bag of weed

April 23, 2013
The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

    This year, Mixmag partnered up with the Guardian and Gay Times to conduct their annual “Global Drug Survey” — the world’s largest independent survey on which drugs...
April 22, 2013
Psychedelic Science Conference Examines MDMA Treatment for PTSD

Psychedelic Science Conference Examines MDMA Treatment for PTSD

At the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Psychedelic Science 2013 conference in Oakland this weekend there were mind-boggling displays of psychedelic art; tables full of books on LSD, MDMA, peyote,...
April 19, 2013
Piece of the Week | AJ Roberts Recycler (Slyme)

Piece of the Week | AJ Roberts Recycler (Slyme)

AJ Roberts Recycler This week’s piece of the week is a fantastic example of a truly multi-purpose rig. I mean, I really dig it for flowers and...
April 19, 2013
Great Movies While High 420 Edition | Degenerate Art: The Art and Culture of Glass Pipes

Great Movies While High 420 Edition | Degenerate Art: The Art and Culture of Glass Pipes

Degenerate Art: The Art and Culture of Glass Pipes Finally! Someone made a documentary showcasing what I like to call the greatest sub-culture of a sub-culture –...
April 19, 2013
The Culture High Kickstarter Update #37: Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Social Media & Next Shoot

The Culture High Kickstarter Update #37: Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Social Media & Next Shoot

On Thursday, we received the latest Kickstarter update (#37) from one of our favorite projects: The Culture High, by Adam Scorgie. We support this Kickstarter project and encourage you...
April 18, 2013
Great Music While High: TOOL

Great Music While High: TOOL

TOOL is therapy for your soul. For many of us, music IS therapy. It’s also a way of getting in touch with your inner thoughts and feelings. It makes...
By: Lateralus
April 17, 2013
Cannabis Consumption – The Ritual

Cannabis Consumption – The Ritual

Today I want to talk about the ritual of cannabis consumption. I was having a nice little glass of absinthe the other night and it got me...
April 12, 2013
Piece of the Week | Spider-Man Pipes and Bongs

Piece of the Week | Spider-Man Pipes and Bongs

Look out here comes the Spider-Man! If you haven’t been completely immune to pop culture, you know that Spider-Man is a superhero from Marvel comics. This week...
April 11, 2013
Great TV While High: Game of Thrones

Great TV While High: Game of Thrones

With Season 3 off to a great start, I thought it would be fitting to give my little stony recommendation to Game of Thrones. As Game of...
April 10, 2013
Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie Rolls into Theaters on April 18

Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie Rolls into Theaters on April 18

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment announced that Cheech & Chong’s animated movie will hit theaters for the 4/20 weekend.
April 10, 2013
Russian Bears Are Stealing Jet Fuel To Get High, True Story!

Russian Bears Are Stealing Jet Fuel To Get High, True Story!

Russian brown bears are noble wild beasts, when not forced to ride motorcycles in the circus. Also, when they’re not huffing empty aviation fuel barrels. These bears are high....
April 9, 2013
Video Game Review: Bioshock Infinite

Video Game Review: Bioshock Infinite

Any first person shooter fans of the past decade are familiar with the BioShock franchise. Christmas came early for stoned gamers on March 26th when the long...
April 8, 2013
Vet Wants to Legalize Pot for Dogs

Vet Wants to Legalize Pot for Dogs

Veterinarian Doug Kramer thinks that the THC in marijuana could help dogs and other pets with painful conditions that don’t respond to other treatments. Although dismissed by...
April 5, 2013
Piece of the Week | Toro Macro XL

Piece of the Week | Toro Macro XL

Toro Macro XL This week’s piece of the week is arguably the piece of the year. It’s no surprise it comes courtesy of heady glass virtuoso JP...
April 4, 2013
Great Music While High: Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

Great Music While High: Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

This is kind of a throw-back, but I am writing about Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. In the 90’s, these guys garnered some mainstream support when they released “The Crossroads”...
April 4, 2013
Weedist Destinations: IKEA

Weedist Destinations: IKEA

Nothing tests the strength of a relationship like a trip to IKEA. SERENITY NOW. This clip pretty much sums up my first trip to IKEA after moving...
April 4, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Farm Fresh Scrambled Eggs

Great Edibles Recipes: Farm Fresh Scrambled Eggs

Who among us doesn’t enjoy good munchies? Cannabis Cuisine is not just food made with cannabis, but also great epicurean treats for the tongue made more potent...
April 3, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Potland, Oregon

Weedist Destinations: Potland, Oregon

“It’s not a typo; it’s a way of life.” Anonymous Disclaimer:  I live in Portland by choice.  I moved here in 2001, and I love it here....
By: Anna Diaz
April 3, 2013
Colorado Marijuana Tourism Company Launches After Pot Legalization

Colorado Marijuana Tourism Company Launches After Pot Legalization

Two Denver entrepreneurs launched the nation’s first marijuana tourism company in Colorado after pot legalization took effect.  The company’s first package is built around cannabis enthusiasts’ well-known 4/20 holiday,...
March 29, 2013
Piece of the Week | Stephen Colbert Pipe

Piece of the Week | Stephen Colbert Pipe

What could be better than Stephen Colbert’s head on your pipe? On May 8, 2011 Stephen Colbert had his bust scanned with a 3D laser so that...