That’s all folks! Summer 2013 has finally come to an end. George Costanza had his summer and this was the Summer of Diablo. Positive vibes and lots of dabs...
Drug dealers in Argentina have been training pigeons to deliver marijuana. Aside from generating a stoner’s dream headline, has anyone thought of what repealing prohibition might do to the...
First and foremost, as a parent seeing a high school teacher sentenced to one month in prison after admitting to raping a 14-year old student (who took...
Being diagnosed with cancer is likely one of the most frightening things that can happen in life. Not only can the disease be fatal, the treatment itself...
In 1999, with alarming prescience and an alacrity usually reserved for Delphic oracles, the U.S Air Force added hemp seed and oil products to their “forbidden list.”...
The first time I made banana bread living on my own, I remember feeling so very accomplished. I felt good because I used those nasty bananas instead...
This week we go back to nature themed glasswork and consider this cute little piece, an elephant pipe. We have covered elephants in the past, specifically this...
Have you done LSD, psilocybin or mescaline? You are no more likely to exhibit symptoms of mental illness or find yourself in mental health treatment, says a new...
I walked into Voodoo Doughnut extremely hungry. After a late night out and an early morning toking session to kick-start my day seeing the sites of Portland,...
Earlier this summer Vicente Fox, former Mexican president and Coca-Cola Mexico president, met with Big Marijuana self-prophesied computer nerd turned drug tycoon Jamen Shively. The news conference...
Seattlepi shares portraits of 13 NFL players who thrived after getting busted for weed. Tyrann Mathieu, after getting kicked off LSU’s college team, is reportedly dominating in training camp for the...
Life of Pi is a moving story of one boy’s struggle for survival and, ultimately, his journey of spiritual and personal growth. The movie is based on...
Helmet Bongs Besides the fact that these are some really cool pieces of intricate glasswork, what’s the fascination with helmet bongs? Well I guess it’s the baseline...
To me, weedists are so much more than connoisseurs of fine cannabis. We are also intelligent, caring earth-conscious people with a high level of creativity. With that...
Caffeine is a strong stimulant of the xanthine class. Naturally occurring, it’s the world’s most commonly consumed upper. Religions even exempt caffeine from restrictions on intoxicants because...