Category: Pot Luck

(791 posts)

Everthing is better with a bag of weed

June 1, 2015
Ex-Players Sue NFL Over Painkiller Pushers

Ex-Players Sue NFL Over Painkiller Pushers

The players presenting the lawsuit are alleging that all 32 professional NFL teams, from coaches to medical staff, illegally obtained and administered pharmaceutical pain pills to players...
May 26, 2015
Cannabidiol Pushed as Cure for Cannabis “Addiction”

Cannabidiol Pushed as Cure for Cannabis “Addiction”

I feel like many out there are trying really, really hard to put cannabis on par with serious drug and alcohol addiction. There is a reason that...
May 21, 2015
Great Movies While High: Mad Max – Fury Road

Great Movies While High: Mad Max – Fury Road

I’m not gonna be the first guy to tell you Mad Max: Fury Road was insane. Nor will I be the first to join the masses in...
May 21, 2015
Looks Good Enough to Smoke: Marijuana Gets Its Glamour Moment

Looks Good Enough to Smoke: Marijuana Gets Its Glamour Moment

When Erik Christiansen started smoking pot, he became fascinated by the look of different marijuana strains. But the photographs of marijuana he saw didn’t capture the variety....
May 20, 2015
Study: Caffeine Makes Cannabis More Enjoyable

Study: Caffeine Makes Cannabis More Enjoyable

While researching into how cannabis interacts with other drugs in the brain, scientists inadvertently discovered why coffee and getting high go so well together. Caffeine reinforces the...
May 15, 2015
The Great Pot Experiment

The Great Pot Experiment

Legalization keeps rolling ahead. But because of years of government roadblocks on research, we don’t know nearly enough about the dangers of marijuana—or the benefits. This week’s...
May 14, 2015
Great Music While High: Letlive

Great Music While High: Letlive

When Letlive performs, each performance enfolds as a beautiful creation where the audience members and band become one, creating a spiritual high of human connection I would...
May 14, 2015
Cannabusiness: How Crowdfunding Can Help Ganjapreneurs

Cannabusiness: How Crowdfunding Can Help Ganjapreneurs

Launching a business from scratch is tough, and the hardest part can be getting the cash together to make it happen. A number of ganjapreneurs have opted...
May 13, 2015
Cannabis Is a Friend to Romantic Relationships

Cannabis Is a Friend to Romantic Relationships

Many couples can genuinely love each other, yet still fail to make it through difficult times with their relationships in tact. Cannabis is great for de-stressing and...
May 8, 2015
Morgan Freeman Shoots Straight: On Legalizing Marijuana and His Escape From New York

Morgan Freeman Shoots Straight: On Legalizing Marijuana and His Escape From New York

“Marijuana has many useful uses,” Morgan Freeman says. “I have fibromyalgia pain in this arm, and the only thing that offers any relief is marijuana. They’re talking about kids...
May 7, 2015
Great Music While High: Lindsey Stirling

Great Music While High: Lindsey Stirling

If you think violin music isn’t your cup of tea, you should give Lindsey Stirling a listen, because it is going to be. She frequently pairs her...
May 7, 2015
How the Tesla Battery Can Save Growers Money

How the Tesla Battery Can Save Growers Money

Elon Musk’s new Powerwall battery allows the average, or not so average, household to affordably use energy storage to lower electric bills. The relatively low price, compact...
May 1, 2015
Being a Stoner in Beijing Is Expensive, Dangerous, and Complicated

Being a Stoner in Beijing Is Expensive, Dangerous, and Complicated

A few years ago, my neighbor Luke went to a bonfire party on a mountain just outside of Beijing. Three busloads of revelers came from the capital,...
April 30, 2015
There Is No Excuse to Bring Up Freddie Gray’s Drug History

There Is No Excuse to Bring Up Freddie Gray’s Drug History

Freddie Gray’s criminal background of several drug related offenses has been being tossed around quite a bit by people who bring it up as though it somehow...
April 28, 2015
Rising Marijuana Sales Leave Pot Shops Flush With Cash They Can’t Deposit

Rising Marijuana Sales Leave Pot Shops Flush With Cash They Can’t Deposit

Two months from now, on July 1, Oregon will become the fourth state to allow residents to legally purchase marijuana for recreational use. In anticipation of legalization,...
April 21, 2015
Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

A majority of Americans support the legalization of recreational marijuana, according to a new poll from CBS News — and it’s the highest percentage in support since...
April 15, 2015
Do Alcohol Companies Own the NFL?

Do Alcohol Companies Own the NFL?

One sponsorship group that would undoubtedly have an issue with a league that embraced cannabis immediately comes to mind: beer companies.
April 13, 2015
When Should You Talk to Your Kids About Cannabis?

When Should You Talk to Your Kids About Cannabis?

As a parent and cannabis supporter, the following question has been put to me by various people: what is the appropriate age to have a talk with...
April 13, 2015
Smoking Marijuana for 50 Years, and Turning Out Just Fine

Smoking Marijuana for 50 Years, and Turning Out Just Fine

As much as Catherine Hiller refuses to admit it, marijuana is a gateway drug. Seriously, after smoking more or less every day for the past 50 years,...
April 10, 2015
Dog Joins Suspects, Lies Down for Cops

Dog Joins Suspects, Lies Down for Cops

A fairly ordinary drug bust in Brazil became a viral sensation this week after an obedient – and ultimately very clever – guard dog on the scene...