recently used “government data on smoking (and quit) rates, smoking bans and restrictions, cigarette taxes and sales, and deaths attributable to smoking” to identify the top...
I recently found this piece on Pinterest (courtesy of the McKenzie Cannabis Club in Eugene, Oregon), the Snic Barnes Free Radical bong. I’m no expert on Snic Barnes...
Thanks to Pandora, I discovered a new music artist to listen to while wandering through the woods. More instrumental than lyrical, Mythos is the perfect music for...
TMZ is reporting one lucky winner at a Wendy’s in Lovejoy, Georgia, received in addition to her cheese a “half-smoked” blunt, conveniently located inside the sandwich itself....
If you’re a gamer that loves a little hack n’ slash action, you should give Bloodforge a go. Bloodforge centers around Crom, a former warrior who gave...
The Seahawks have a long and colorful history with violating the NFL’s league rules on substance abuse. In so far as the league is cracking down on PEDs,...
I just recently got a new phone as a result of my last smartphone breaking down from some mystery something or other. The new little pocket computer...
The drug scene is an interesting litmus test for society. In turbulent and revolutionary times, drugs like acid and other psychedelics were sought after while eras of...
This week we’re going with something that I just happened to stumble upon on Pinterest: a Middle Finger Pipe. Or what some people may fondly call: The...
Hemp seeds are among the nutrient-dense healthy foods I incorporate into my regular diet. I eat hemp seeds shelled and raw, which has a slightly nutty flavor...
Glaucoma is a disease that causes optic nerve damage in the eyes, usually caused by abnormally high pressure inside your eye. Worldwide, glaucoma affects 60 million people, is...
Cannabis users spoil their pets, just like everybody else. We love them like family, because that’s what they are. As cannabis becomes more accepted as medicine for...
The tuxedo of edible pieces. Fruit and vegetables have been at it for years. Fruit versus vegetable juices, orchards versus gardens, chips versus fruit snacks, it’s Army...
Regular readers know that we are supporters of The Culture High. The Culture High is a forthcoming documentary from Executive Producer Adam Scorgie and Director Brett Harvey...
For this article, I go simply on faith and happily acknowledge that this is wholly unprovable, but I honestly believe that legalizing cannabis would be good for...