Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has filed a bill to reform federal asset forfeiture laws. Yesterday, he introduced the FAIR (Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration) ACT, Senate Bill 2644,...
Deep breathing is an essential part of any meditation. ollow this simple exercise to bring yourself back to center and release any negative emotions which may be...
The first recreational marijuana sold legally in Seattle will be put on display at the city’s Museum of History and Industry after a woman donated part of...
For many medical marijuana patients, simply having cannabis in a house where children reside could result in claims of child abuse. No one runs the risk of...
Mitch Earleywine, professor of psychology at SUNY Albany, doesn’t think marijuana leads to depression. “I think that giving folks Ritalin or any other stimulant in an effort to...
Scientists are working to develop an innovative new method for effectively producing the primary compounds of marijuana without being forced to endure the lengthy cultivation process —...
In San Jose, a group of lawyers, dispensary owners, and medical marijuana users named The Silicon Valley Cannabis Coalition organized the giveaway of 45,000 individual grams of pot...
A Canadian company recently released a sneak peek into what the owners are calling “the world’s first marijuana commercial.” Here’s the scene: A man walks into a...
Stand-up comedian Adam Hartle and director Anthony Hashem have set out to promote the release of their new movie, Mile High: The Comeback of Cannabis, by passing...
This January, under government pressure, many of the United Kingdom’s Internet service providers (ISPs) — together providing over 90 percent of the country’s home broadband connections —...
“Do you want to hit this?” a man asked President Barack Obama in a bar in Denver Tuesday night. The president laughed but didn’t indulge. It wasn’t the...
Calling all ganja warriors… video game Call of Duty: Ghosts has a marijuana-themed DLC release called the Blunt Force Character Pack. For $1.99, you can sport a weed-camo...
Inside a minor league clubhouse this year, a player who had tested positive for marijuana a second time informed teammates of the 50-game suspension he would serve...
Except for tourists and the pot curious, who will each buy a few grams at most, the appeal of state-licensed recreational marijuana won’t go much farther than...