For me, Cherub is a more recent discovery that is guiltily drowned in satirical-pop and electro-funk. Cherubs tongue in cheek lyrics consistently inject humor regardless of the...
About 200 people came out to audition for a new web reality show in Denver Saturday. The director of the project calls “The Marijuana Show” The Apprentice...
Marijuana can affect how often you dream by rearranging your sleep cycle. People who smoke marijuana before bed often struggle to recall their dreams the next morning....
Earlier this year, Hollywood-born ganja entrepreneur Henry Mark, 24, introduced Los Angeles to the Stoned Oven Gourmet Pizza, placing his frozen $10 pies in a handful of...
Tennessee police say they arrested a man for drugs after he pocket-dialed 911 and dispatchers heard him talking about getting high and going to a drug dealer’s...
Researchers at Washington State University have found evidence indicating that females may build up a tolerance to marijuana more easily than males do. While it’s not entirely...
Border Patrol agents stopped a vehicle that tried to illegally drive into the United States today and seized more than a half millions dollars in abandoned marijuana. Agents...
Clever incorporations of the harmonium, piano and a variety of string instruments create a foundation from which PCO whimsically twists and embellishes. The voiceless poetry is a...
Football’s in the air, and in Denver, so is the sweet smell of herb. Wait. Does that glittering stadium really look like a just-landed spaceship under a blueberry...
Run the Jewels is a record that is both smooth and edgy, often within the same verse. With production that is dense without being cluttered and lyrical...
Courtesy of Uncle Sam, researchers are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to research and develop a useless smartphone app aimed at curbing marijuana addiction, a disease,...
A Black Hawk helicopter on loan from the Army National Guard made three trips in and out of the Boulder County foothills Tuesday, hauling dug-up marijuana plants...
The hordes of fans this weekend reminded me of what makes Phish such a unique experience, because it’s really the experience of the live show that becomes...
Fifty years ago, the band that would turn the world on to marijuana got turned on to marijuana. Perhaps the most influential sesh in history happened on...
A bellowing minute and a half guitar solo that sends you into the cosmos with a huge smile. Transitioning into the closer with such elegance that it’s...
Whoopi Goldberg thinks Gov. Cuomo could aim higher on medical marijuana. She applauded New York’s legalization of medical pot but complained the law signed by Cuomo in...
The intrinsically pleasing parts of Why? are the metaphors that I never fully grasp until the last note, contradictions that make pupils dilate and bigger picture revelations....
According to an Israeli cannabis Blog, it appears that the Israel Defense Force has publicly announced that being prescribed cannabis and continuing to use cannabis while actively...
Marijuana prices hit another new high this week at Vancouver’s two stores, with 1-gram bags from one grower selling for between $32.50 and $38 after taxes. That’s high,...