Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

November 27, 2012
Legal Marijuana Is Not in Foreseeable Future in Pennsylvania

Legal Marijuana Is Not in Foreseeable Future in Pennsylvania

While voters in Colorado and Washington approved citizen-proposed referendums this month legalizing recreational marijuana use, Pennsylvania has a long way to go before such a question makes its...
November 27, 2012
Oregon Girl Mykayla Comstock, 7, is Medical Marijuana Patient

Oregon Girl Mykayla Comstock, 7, is Medical Marijuana Patient

Mykayla Comstock was diagnosed with leukemia last spring and the marijuana eases the effects of chemotherapy, according to her mother. The girl takes a gram of cannabis oil...
November 26, 2012
Marijuana Dispensary Closed By Feds Re-Opens…Is the Crackdown Over?

Marijuana Dispensary Closed By Feds Re-Opens…Is the Crackdown Over?

San Francisco’s Shambhala Healing Center has decided to reopen its doors after Obama’s Justice Department assault on California’s medical marijuana dispensaries this summer. Recently there’s been no letters...
November 23, 2012
First Dispensary for Medical Pot Gets Approval in Tucson, Arizona

First Dispensary for Medical Pot Gets Approval in Tucson, Arizona

Tucson’s first medical marijuana dispensary has received Arizona state approval to open. Now the owner has to decide on a date.
November 23, 2012
Wisconsin Marijuana Advocates Planning State Capitol Lobby Day January 16th

Wisconsin Marijuana Advocates Planning State Capitol Lobby Day January 16th

The Madison and Wisconsin chapters of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), along with Is My Medicine Legal YET? (IMMLY), the Wisconsin medical cannabis advocacy group founded by medical cannabis bill...
November 21, 2012
The 2012 San Francisco Patients’ Choice Is Strawberry Cough, Yum! (But Don’t Eat It)

The 2012 San Francisco Patients’ Choice Is Strawberry Cough, Yum! (But Don’t Eat It)

The San Francisco chapter of the medical marijuana lobby Americans for Safe Access threw a successful annual fundraiser and medical cannabis competition on Sunday night. Unlike juried Cannabis Cups, medical...
November 21, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.20)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.20)

012, 02:35pm It’s been fairly quiet on the dispensary front, but action is beginning to heat up at state houses in preparation for the 2013 legislative season....
November 21, 2012
Will Illinois Become the 19th State to Allow for the Medical Use of Marijuana?

Will Illinois Become the 19th State to Allow for the Medical Use of Marijuana?

Illinois state lawmakers are expected in the coming days to once again consider legislation that seeks to allow for the limited use of cannabis by authorized patients....
November 20, 2012
New Medical Marijuana Initiatives Haven’t Convinced Insurers

New Medical Marijuana Initiatives Haven’t Convinced Insurers

For patients who use marijuana to alleviate chronic pain, nausea or to stimulate their appetite, among other uses, legalizing marijuana is only part of the battle. Health...
November 20, 2012
Don’t Sentence Montana Cannabis Grower Chris Williams To 80 Years In Prison!

Don’t Sentence Montana Cannabis Grower Chris Williams To 80 Years In Prison! has recently introduced a petition to limit Chris Williams prison sentence. Sign the petition and let U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen know how you feel.
November 19, 2012
Cannabis Made Everything Feel Better

Cannabis Made Everything Feel Better

A couple weeks ago I was involved in a car accident. After a three hour drive home in my mangled Tacoma, an hour long conversation with Geico,...
November 19, 2012
Marijuana Dispenser Machine Company’s Stock Gets Really, Really High, Man

Marijuana Dispenser Machine Company’s Stock Gets Really, Really High, Man

Medbox (Ticker: MDBX), a firm that makes medical marijuana dispensing machines, says its stock “is getting way too high.”
November 19, 2012
Steve Kubby Ends Long Activist Career

Steve Kubby Ends Long Activist Career

Steve Kubby, one of the prime movers behind the original California Proposition 215 that gave us medical marijuana, is planning to leave not only the entire marijuana activist...
November 16, 2012
Alabama Legislators: No Medical Marijuana Legalization for a Long Time

Alabama Legislators: No Medical Marijuana Legalization for a Long Time

Alabama’s House Health Committee today held a 90-minute public hearing on the pros and cons of medicinal marijuana. At the conclusion, the committee chairman and a legislative...
November 16, 2012
Glendale Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Could Be Open as Soon as Friday

Glendale Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Could Be Open as Soon as Friday

A Glendale medical marijuana dispensary will be inspected by state officials on Thursday, and is poised to be the first such establishment to open in Arizona.
November 16, 2012
Advocates for Medical Marijuana Prepare for 2013 Maryland Legislative Session

Advocates for Medical Marijuana Prepare for 2013 Maryland Legislative Session

There will be another push to legalize medical marijuana in Maryland during the 2013 legislative session, which begins in less than two months.
November 15, 2012
Portable Vaporizer Pen Review: Synergy V Pen

Portable Vaporizer Pen Review: Synergy V Pen

As both an avid weedist and a big fan of any new technological gadget that seems interesting, I’m always looking for the best ways to medicate (or...
November 15, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.14)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.14)

04:52pm All eyes may have been on the election last week, but the battles over medical marijuana didn’t go away. Here are the highlights from the...
November 15, 2012
Increasing Acceptance of Marijuana Is Not the End of the NJ Weedman’s Troubles

Increasing Acceptance of Marijuana Is Not the End of the NJ Weedman’s Troubles

One of the nation’s most patriotic potheads, Ed Forchion, wanted to celebrate the Election Day victories, but the doors to his Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensary were...
November 15, 2012
Cannabis Use by Seniors and Aging | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis Use by Seniors and Aging | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here is a comprehensive list of research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references about cannabis use by seniors and aging. These links are listed under ‘Seniors...