Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

February 12, 2013
Company Established to Develop Disease Treatments with MMJ

Company Established to Develop Disease Treatments with MMJ

Nuvilex, Inc. has established a new subsidiary, Medical Marijuana Sciences, Inc. The goal is to ‘strengthen their portfolio of natural source products’, to further study the health...
February 11, 2013
Michigan Lawmaker Acting Fast to Legalize Dispensaries

Michigan Lawmaker Acting Fast to Legalize Dispensaries

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that dispensaries, even those that facilitate patient-to-patient sales, are illegal in Michigan. Rep. Mike Callton has introduced a bill to legalize dispensaries...
February 11, 2013
Michigan Supreme Court: No Medical Marijuana Shops

Michigan Supreme Court: No Medical Marijuana Shops

In a ruling issued Friday, the Michigan Supreme Court held that it is illegal to sell medical marijuana through dispensaries. That means Michigan patients will either have...
February 11, 2013
San Diego ASA Presents Prop 215 Party – February 15, 2013

San Diego ASA Presents Prop 215 Party – February 15, 2013

San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access brings you the City’s premier Prop 215 party on Friday, February 15th! Sponsored by PharmLabs – (Always accurate, affordable and...
February 8, 2013
MA DPH Looking for Input While Writing Regulations

MA DPH Looking for Input While Writing Regulations

Earlier in the week, we posted a blog from one of our Board Members, Dr. Karen Munkacy, who is working hard on making sure that implementation of Massachusetts’ medical...
February 8, 2013
ASA Announces National Conference in DC, Feb. 22-25

ASA Announces National Conference in DC, Feb. 22-25

Scientists, patients, doctors, advocates, lawyers, policymakers unite to advance public health policy reforms. The country’s leading medical marijuana advocacy group, Americans for Safe Access (ASA), formally announced...
February 8, 2013
Medical Marijuana Patients Missing in Supreme Court Argument

Medical Marijuana Patients Missing in Supreme Court Argument

In a highly-publicized and widely-watched medical marijuana case, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday on whether municipalities should be able to ban local medical marijuana distribution, an...
February 7, 2013
Fund Raiser for Brave Mykayla Comstock

Fund Raiser for Brave Mykayla Comstock

Brave Mykayla and her family are making big news.  Their unique decision to use cannabis to help with Mykayla’s cancer has caused quite a stir.  SKUNK Magazine and the...
By: Anna Diaz
February 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.02.06)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.02.06)

The California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a key case on whether localities can ban dispensaries, and medical marijuana bills died in two Midwest states, and...
February 7, 2013
Plan to Legalize Medical Marijuana in North Carolina to Be Introduced

Plan to Legalize Medical Marijuana in North Carolina to Be Introduced

North Carolina state Representative Kelly Alexander will introduce a comprehensive plan to legalize marijuana for medicinal use only.
February 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Program a Windfall for Michigan Government

Medical Marijuana Program a Windfall for Michigan Government

Nearly $10 million in revenue was collected from Michigan medical marijuana applicants — more than double the cost of running the program.
February 6, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Crested Butte, CO

Weedist Destinations: Crested Butte, CO

Now that Amendment 64 has passed in Colorado, there are plenty of opportunities for cannatourism and the exploration of the state’s cool cities and ski towns. Colorado squashes...
By: Lateralus
February 6, 2013
Medical Marijuana Patients in NJ Face Long Waits for Meds

Medical Marijuana Patients in NJ Face Long Waits for Meds

New Jersey’s single operating dispensary can not keep up with medical marijuana patient’s needs. Patients say that the wait for medication is anywhere from a few weeks...
February 6, 2013
South Dakota Medical Marijuana Defense Bill Killed

South Dakota Medical Marijuana Defense Bill Killed

A bill that would have allowed South Dakotans charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession to mount a medical necessity defense was defeated Tuesday in the state legislature. The...
February 6, 2013
Free Marijuana? Craigslist Ads Offer Free Weed with a Twist to Comply with Colorado Pot Laws

Free Marijuana? Craigslist Ads Offer Free Weed with a Twist to Comply with Colorado Pot Laws

Under Colorado”s Amendment 64, an adult 21 and over can gift up to an ounce of pot to another adult, legally. So some Coloradans are getting creative with...
February 5, 2013
Colorado MMJ Meet and Greet

Colorado MMJ Meet and Greet

Well, it finally happened. The skills I gained from my years of toil in the food service industry has finally allowed me do something truly awesome. I...
February 5, 2013
Harborside Releases “The Haag” Political Cartoon

Harborside Releases “The Haag” Political Cartoon

A political cartoon released by Harborside Health Center describes the struggles of California’s medical marijuana community with US Attorney Melinda Haag. Haag has been targeting California dispensaries...
February 5, 2013
Old Hippie Edible Story: Cosmic Caramels

Old Hippie Edible Story: Cosmic Caramels

I was digging around in my Dank Drawer (yes, all my Canna Caps and various edibles have their own entire drawer in our refrigerator), when I found...
February 5, 2013
Massachusetts Department of Public Health May Miss May 1st Medical Marijuana Deadline

Massachusetts Department of Public Health May Miss May 1st Medical Marijuana Deadline

Massachusetts state health officials say they may miss the deadline imposed by the law to create and define the rules surrounding the medial marijuana program.
February 5, 2013
CA Supreme Court to Hear Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ban Case

CA Supreme Court to Hear Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ban Case

Court is expected to weigh in on whether municipalities can ban distribution, deny patients a legal medication The California Supreme Court will hear oral arguments tomorrow morning...