Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

March 6, 2013
If You Want To Break Federal Law, It’s Better to Be a Banker Than a Medical Marijuana Provider

If You Want To Break Federal Law, It’s Better to Be a Banker Than a Medical Marijuana Provider

According to Matt Taibbi, in his latest Rolling Stone exposé on the banking and financial industry “Too Big to Jail,” HSBC “helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars...
March 5, 2013
Medical Marijuana Bill Likely Dead in Iowa Legislature

Medical Marijuana Bill Likely Dead in Iowa Legislature

A proposal to legalize marijuana for medical use in Iowa likely is dead for this session. A Senate subcommittee approved the bill Monday, but the panel’s chairman,...
March 5, 2013
NJ Governor Claims He’s Not Sabotaging Medical Marijuana

NJ Governor Claims He’s Not Sabotaging Medical Marijuana

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie denies sabotaging the medical marijuana system in the state. “I do not want people flying to New Jersey, getting off a plane, going...
March 5, 2013
PTSD and MMJ for Colorado Vet: A Legal Quagmire

PTSD and MMJ for Colorado Vet: A Legal Quagmire

In 2003, US Navy Corpsman Jeremy Usher (now 31) returned to Colorado from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Usher, serving as combat medic, was shot in the...
March 5, 2013
Petition – DEA, Stop Misleading the Public About Medical Marijuana

Petition – DEA, Stop Misleading the Public About Medical Marijuana

William R. Sherman, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) San Diego Field Division, has declared an outright war on medical marijuana patients...
March 4, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Applesauce

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Applesauce

Homemade medicated applesauce is deliriously simple to make. It has pectin, which is good for our skin and hair, adds fiber to the diet along with other nutrients....
By: Anna Diaz
March 4, 2013
France Considers Marijuana-based Drug for Muscle Pain

France Considers Marijuana-based Drug for Muscle Pain

The French government is considering legalizing Sativex, a marijuana-based nasal or mouth spray for muscle pain, such as people with multiple sclerosis. Sativex would be the first authorized use...
March 4, 2013
Anti-Marijuana Group Can’t Remember Numbers

Anti-Marijuana Group Can’t Remember Numbers

Kevin Sabet, co-founder of the anti-marijuana group Project SAM, has trouble remembering his ‘facts’. In three different interviews, Sabet claimed that 80%, 90% and 95% of MMJ...
March 4, 2013
Oregon Bill to Allow Medical Marijuana for PTSD Advances

Oregon Bill to Allow Medical Marijuana for PTSD Advances

The Senate Health and Human Services Committee passed Senate Bill 281 on a 4-1 vote. SB 281 would allow those suffering from PTSD to use medical marijuana....
March 4, 2013
Study: Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid Mitigates Colitis

Study: Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid Mitigates Colitis

The administration of the nonpsychotropic cannabinoid cannabigerol (CBG) mitigates colitis (inflammation of the large intestine) in a preclinical model and ought to be assessed in clinical trials, according to data published...
March 1, 2013
Florida State Lawmakers Will Consider Medical Marijuana Bill

Florida State Lawmakers Will Consider Medical Marijuana Bill

State Sen. Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth) introduced a bill today that would allow Floridians with debilitating medical conditions to legally obtain and use marijuana if their doctors...
March 1, 2013
Oakland Vies for Another Drag in Dispensary Fight

Oakland Vies for Another Drag in Dispensary Fight

Barred from stopping the shutdown of a medical marijuana dispensary, the city of Oakland asked a federal judge to stay proceedings pending its appeal. U.S. Magistrate Maria...
February 28, 2013
Marijuana vs. Alcohol Prohibition

Marijuana vs. Alcohol Prohibition

Marijuana prohibition experts should avoid alcohol prohibition comparisons.     Legally prohibiting an intoxicant is an ineffective and ultimately detrimental approach to dealing with the potential harm...
February 28, 2013
Blumenauer Pushes States Rights’ Medical Marijuana Bill in Congress

Blumenauer Pushes States Rights’ Medical Marijuana Bill in Congress

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) Monday gave a public coming out event for a bill designed to stop federal government interference with medical marijuana patients and providers in...
February 28, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.02.27)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.02.27)

From the village board to the halls of Congress, medical marijuana is popping up all over. And there’s action at various state houses, too. Let’s get to...
February 28, 2013
Record Level of Californians Support Regulating Marijuana

Record Level of Californians Support Regulating Marijuana

According to survey data released this week by The Field Poll, a record number of Californians now support legalizing and regulating marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. The...
February 28, 2013
New Hampshire Newspapers Back Medical Marijuana Bill

New Hampshire Newspapers Back Medical Marijuana Bill

This past Sunday, New Hampshire’s Sentinel Source positively highlighted the state’s proposed medical marijuana legislation, House Bill 573. The editorial board points out that the “well-crafted,” 30-page bill removes...
February 28, 2013
Matt Riddle Released From UFC After Second Failed Drug Test

Matt Riddle Released From UFC After Second Failed Drug Test

Matt Riddle, a 27-year-old UFC fighter and Nevada medical marijuana patient, was released from the UFC after failing a post-fight drug test for marijuana. Another career potentially ruined...
February 27, 2013

Florida – Medical Marijuana Could Determine Governor’s Race

According to a recent poll conducted by Hamilton Campaigns on behalf of People United for Medical Marijuana, 70% of Florida voters support a plan to mend the state constitution to...
February 27, 2013
NH Lawmakers Discuss Medical Marijuana Legislation

NH Lawmakers Discuss Medical Marijuana Legislation

The House Committee on Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs held a hearing today on H.B. 573, which would allow patients with debilitating medical conditions to obtain...