Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

April 23, 2013
Study: Medical Marijuana Will Create 1,500 Jobs in Arizona

Study: Medical Marijuana Will Create 1,500 Jobs in Arizona

A study sponsored by the Regulated Dispensaries of Arizona Association estimates that 1,500 jobs will be created by Arizona’s new medical marijuana industry. Oregon’s medical marijuana industry...
April 23, 2013
Patient Advocates Seek Changes to MA Medical Marijuana Law

Patient Advocates Seek Changes to MA Medical Marijuana Law

Patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) filed recommended amendments today to draft regulations which were issued last month by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) in order to...
April 23, 2013
Connecticut Cancer Patient Fights Marijuana Loophole

Connecticut Cancer Patient Fights Marijuana Loophole

At first glance, 42-year-old Tracey Gamer Fanning appears to be a typical mom in suburban Connecticut, she is not. “I use medicinal marijuana,” she said. “I am...
April 22, 2013
Psychedelic Science Conference Examines MDMA Treatment for PTSD

Psychedelic Science Conference Examines MDMA Treatment for PTSD

At the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Psychedelic Science 2013 conference in Oakland this weekend there were mind-boggling displays of psychedelic art; tables full of books on LSD, MDMA, peyote,...
April 22, 2013
Authorities Cracking Down on WA Marijuana Bar

Authorities Cracking Down on WA Marijuana Bar

Stonegate Pizza in Tacoma, Washington has a second-floor, members-only marijuana bar, where customers can rent vaporizers and enjoy their marijuana. Those with MMJ cards can purchase medicine...
April 22, 2013
Oregon Senate Approves Medical Marijuana for PTSD

Oregon Senate Approves Medical Marijuana for PTSD

The Oregon Senate passed a bill allowing people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to secure a medical marijuana card on Wednesday in a 19-11 vote. The Oregon Medical...
April 22, 2013
Why It’s So Hard for Scientists to Study Medical Marijuana

Why It’s So Hard for Scientists to Study Medical Marijuana

The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 placed marijuana in the most restrictive use category, Schedule I, deeming it a drug with no medicinal value and high potential...
April 19, 2013
New Jersey Will Expand Medical Marijuana Program

New Jersey Will Expand Medical Marijuana Program

New Jersey may open more medical marijuana dispensaries, according to the state’s health commissioner. In early April, Gov. Chris Christie proposed allocating $1.6 million to fund New Jersey’s three-year-old medical...
April 18, 2013
Medical Marijuana Advocates Applaud Passage of Illinois Bill

Medical Marijuana Advocates Applaud Passage of Illinois Bill

HB1, touted as one of the most restrictive medical marijuana laws, must still pass the Illinois State Senate The Illinois House voted 61-57 today to pass HB1,...
April 18, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.04.17)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.04.17)

More DEA raids in Los Angeles, federal prison bureaucrats ignore a Michigan medical marijuana prisoner’s medical needs, and there is lots of action in state legislatures. Let’s...
April 18, 2013
New York Health Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

New York Health Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

In a 21 to 4 vote, the New York State Assembly Health Committee approved the use, production, and sale of medical marijuana. Sen. Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) and Assembly...
April 18, 2013
Court Rejects Researcher’s Bid to Grow Medical Marijuana

Court Rejects Researcher’s Bid to Grow Medical Marijuana

The US First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston Monday sided with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in rejecting University of Massachusetts-Amherst scientist Dr. Lyle Craker’s appeal...
April 17, 2013
Nearly 250 Physicians in Illinois Endorse Medical Marijuana

Nearly 250 Physicians in Illinois Endorse Medical Marijuana

At a news conference Tuesday, April 16, a group of doctors announced the support of nearly 250 Illinois physicians for allowing patients with serious illnesses to obtain...
April 17, 2013
University of Louisville Holds Medical Marijuana Rally

University of Louisville Holds Medical Marijuana Rally

The University of Louisville held a rally for the legalization of medical marijuana in Kentucky. Senator Perry Clark has introduced a medical marijuana bill in the state...
April 17, 2013
Medical Marijuana Legislation Moves Forward in Pennsylvania

Medical Marijuana Legislation Moves Forward in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania will again consider making medical marijuana legal. The Governor Raymond P. Shafer Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, or House Bill 1181, was introduced Monday at the State House,...
April 17, 2013
Medical Marijuana Farmers Market Open in California

Medical Marijuana Farmers Market Open in California

In Santa Rosa, California, the Organicann Harvest Market provides locally grown medical marijuana to qualifying patients. Medical marijuana farmers’ markets have also been tried in Phoenix, Tacoma...
April 17, 2013
Help Oregon Veterans With PTSD!

Help Oregon Veterans With PTSD!

SB 281, a bill adding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a qualifying condition for the use of medical marijuana, has cleared its last hurdle and is headed to...
April 16, 2013
Prospero’s Grow: Week 4: New Developments from The Wizard and Start of Juicing Cannabis

Prospero’s Grow: Week 4: New Developments from The Wizard and Start of Juicing Cannabis

For the past few weeks, I’ve been growing two plants in my apartment in Denver, with the intent of juicing cannabis as it grows. Overall, everything is going well. I’ve been...
April 16, 2013
Marijuana Research Funding Cut as Support Grows

Marijuana Research Funding Cut as Support Grows

As the country moves forward in accepting marijuana as medicine and as a safer recreational choice than alcohol, the serious lack of objective scientific research on marijuana...
April 16, 2013
Medical Cannabis Seminar Videos – Law, Science, and Advocacy

Medical Cannabis Seminar Videos – Law, Science, and Advocacy

Did you miss the one day San Diego ASA seminar; Medical Cannabis: Law, Science, and Advocacy? Watch the entire seminar including videos of all the presentations here:...