Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

May 2, 2013
Fox News Poll: Nationwide Support for Medical Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

Fox News Poll: Nationwide Support for Medical Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

Nearly nine out of ten Americans — including 80 percent of self-identified Republicans — now say that marijuana should be legal if its use is permitted by...
May 2, 2013
Maryland Medical Marijuana Bill to Be Signed Today

Maryland Medical Marijuana Bill to Be Signed Today

Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley, is set to sign medical marijuana into law today. Maryland will become the 19th state in the nation to legalize medical marijuana, but...
May 1, 2013
Dispensary Press Conference: One on One Patients Association

Dispensary Press Conference: One on One Patients Association

Last week, the Narcotic Task Force headed by the DEA conducted a raid on ‘One on One Patients Association’, a legal medical marijuana dispensary in Downtown San Diego....
April 30, 2013
Prospero’s Grow: Week 6: It’s Flower Time!

Prospero’s Grow: Week 6: It’s Flower Time!

After five weeks of growing marijuana plants in my studio apartment in Denver, it was finally time to see some buds! It’s flower time! A quick crash course...
April 30, 2013
CT Medical Marijuana Regulations Delayed by Committee

CT Medical Marijuana Regulations Delayed by Committee

Last Tuesday, Connecticut’s Regulations Review Committee rejected, without prejudice, proposed regulations for the state’s new medical marijuana industry. Co-chairman of the committee, Andres Ayala, Jr., said the...
April 30, 2013
ADT Drops Medical Marijuana Clients, Leaving Them Vulnerable

ADT Drops Medical Marijuana Clients, Leaving Them Vulnerable

In another great article on CNN Money, Jose Pagliery explains the need for heavy security in legal marijuana businesses due to the high-value product and lack of bank...
April 30, 2013
CNN Money Describes the Secrecy of Legal Marijuana Banking

CNN Money Describes the Secrecy of Legal Marijuana Banking

In a great comprehensive article on CNN Money, Jose Pagliery describes the secret banking methods used by medical marijuana dispensaries and other businesses involved in legal marijuana sales....
April 30, 2013
First DC Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licensed

First DC Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licensed

Capital City Care became the first medical marijuana dispensary to receive its license in Washington DC last Monday. The dispensary has a great view of the capital...
April 29, 2013
UK Multiple Sclerosis Sufferer Susan Lunn: ‘I’ll Smoke Cannabis Despite Jail Threat’

UK Multiple Sclerosis Sufferer Susan Lunn: ‘I’ll Smoke Cannabis Despite Jail Threat’

UK citizen Susan Lunn, 43, is suffering from multiple sclerosis and has vowed to continue smoking cannabis, even if it means going to jail. She has been handed a...
April 29, 2013
Washington Post: Can We Prescribe Medical Marijuana to Kids?

Washington Post: Can We Prescribe Medical Marijuana to Kids?

In another positive sign of the times for cannabis law reform, please find below a new video from the Washington Post’s The Fold looking at a couple of different situations...
April 26, 2013
2013 High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver: Dabba Dabba Hey!

2013 High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver: Dabba Dabba Hey!

Whew. The 2013 Cannabis Cup, presented by High Times and featuring the first “legal” cannabis competition in the United States, took place this past weekend in Denver. Personally,...
April 26, 2013
Colorado Appeals Court Rules Employers Can Fire Marijuana Users

Colorado Appeals Court Rules Employers Can Fire Marijuana Users

Colorado employers can legally fire marijuana users from their jobs, the state Court of Appeals ruled Thursday in a 2-1 decision. Although the case was brought by...
April 26, 2013
Off to the U.S. Supreme Court We Go

Off to the U.S. Supreme Court We Go

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, last week the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied a petition for rehearing filed be Americans for Safe Access...
April 26, 2013
Harvard Law School Offers ‘Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers’ — No Joke

Harvard Law School Offers ‘Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers’ — No Joke

As part of Harvard’s April 24th Tax Policy Seminar hosted by Professor Stephen Shay, American University Law School Professor Benjamin Leff presented a paper with the unvarnished title: Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers.
April 25, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.04.24)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.04.24)

The first dispensary in Phoenix has opened, dispensaries in Washington, DC, are ready to go, and there has been more federal enforcement activity in California. Let’s get...
April 24, 2013
The Push Is on for PTSD and Medical Marijuana

The Push Is on for PTSD and Medical Marijuana

Access to medical marijuana continues to expand as more and more states embrace the healing power of the herb. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of...
April 24, 2013
Non-Profit Makes Proposal for Dispensary in Pittsfield, MA

Non-Profit Makes Proposal for Dispensary in Pittsfield, MA

Manna Wellness, Inc. has contacted city officials in Pittsfield, Massachusetts to discuss its proposal to build a medical marijuana dispensary in the city. Manna Wellness is working...
April 24, 2013
California SB 289 Means Trouble for Legal Patients

California SB 289 Means Trouble for Legal Patients

California Senator Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) has proposed a bill that would turn most of the state’s legal medical cannabis patients into criminals. SB 289 will make it a...
April 24, 2013
San Diego Medical Marijuana Dispensary Raided by Feds

San Diego Medical Marijuana Dispensary Raided by Feds

One on One Patient Association was shut down yesterday by the US Attorney’s office. The medical marijuana dispensary was being shut down as San Diego’s City Council...
April 23, 2013
Prospero’s Grow: Week 5: T-minus 1 Week to Flower and Important Lesson On Watering Cannabis Plants

Prospero’s Grow: Week 5: T-minus 1 Week to Flower and Important Lesson On Watering Cannabis Plants

After almost a month growing my own cannabis plants, things are going well and I think the plants are going to be ready to start flowering in...