Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

May 14, 2013
Study: Inhaled Cannabis Reduces Crohn’s Symptoms

Study: Inhaled Cannabis Reduces Crohn’s Symptoms

Inhaling cannabis reduces symptoms of Crohn’s disease compared to placebo in patients non-responsive to traditional therapies, according to clinical trial data published online ahead of print in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and...
May 14, 2013
Tempe, AZ Opens First Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Tempe, AZ Opens First Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Harvest of Tempe is the city’s first medical marijuana dispensary to open since Arizona adopted medical marijuana laws in 2010. The focus of the dispensary is clearly...
May 13, 2013
Illinois Lt. Gov. Hears from Patients, Now Supports MMJ Bill

Illinois Lt. Gov. Hears from Patients, Now Supports MMJ Bill

Illinois Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon says that after hearing from people that could benefit from medical marijuana, she now supports HB-1, Illinois’ MMJ bill. HB-1, which allows doctors...
May 13, 2013
California Supreme Court Ruling Puts the Ball in Our Court

California Supreme Court Ruling Puts the Ball in Our Court

The California Supreme Court ruled on Monday that medical cannabis dispensaries are legal under state law, but cities and counties can still ban them. The decision in City of Riverside...
May 13, 2013
MMJ Advocates Protest US Attorney General Holder’s Speech

MMJ Advocates Protest US Attorney General Holder’s Speech

Fly-over action sends message to Holder, launches advocates’ Peace for Patients campaign As U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder delivered a commencement speech this morning for UC Berkeley...
May 13, 2013
Study Claims Marijuana Tied to Lower Bladder Cancer Risk

Study Claims Marijuana Tied to Lower Bladder Cancer Risk

A new study compared the risk of bladder cancer in more than 83,000 men who smoked cigarettes only, marijuana only, or both substances. More frequent marijuana use —...
May 13, 2013
Study: No Association Between the Cumulative Consumption of Cannabis Smoke and the Risk of Lung Cancer

Study: No Association Between the Cumulative Consumption of Cannabis Smoke and the Risk of Lung Cancer

In a recent presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research, investigators from the University of California, Los Angeles, provided the latest...
May 10, 2013
Arizona Universities Can Now Conduct Marijuana Research

Arizona Universities Can Now Conduct Marijuana Research

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer quietly signed legislation allowing marijuana research on campuses. The only reason this legislation exists is that another bill was passed last year to...
May 10, 2013
Texas Lawmakers Reject Medical Marijuana Defense

Texas Lawmakers Reject Medical Marijuana Defense

Texas Representative Elliott Naishtat introduced HB 594, which would have allowed people arrested for marijuana to demonstrate their medical necessity as an affirmative defense, was killed without a...
May 10, 2013
Illinois Senate Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

Illinois Senate Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

Following a hearing Wednesday, the Senate Executive Committee voted 10-5 to approve a bill that would allow Illinois residents with serious illnesses to use medical marijuana if...
May 10, 2013
FL Lou Gehrig’s Disease Patient Sues for Cannabis Protection

FL Lou Gehrig’s Disease Patient Sues for Cannabis Protection

Longtime Florida activist Cathy Jordan, a 63-year-old woman who consumes cannabis to mitigate symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS aka Lou Gehrig’s disease), a debilitating condition that she has lived...
May 9, 2013
MA Health Council Approves Regulations for Medical Marijuana

MA Health Council Approves Regulations for Medical Marijuana

Patient advocates pleased with implementation process and resulting final regulations The Massachusetts Public Health Council voted today to approve final regulations issued by the Department of Public...
May 9, 2013
Colombia Using Marijuana to Cure Drug Addicts

Colombia Using Marijuana to Cure Drug Addicts

Bogota, Colombia has a huge problem with bazuco, a cheap and extremely addictive derivative of cocaine. The city is now experimenting with using marijuana to cure drug...
May 9, 2013
Activist Spotlight: Bunny Hethcox, Columbus, Wisconsin

Activist Spotlight: Bunny Hethcox, Columbus, Wisconsin

Americans for Safe Access Activist Spotlight – Spotlighting Medical Marijuana Activists Who are Making a Difference Bunny Hethcox is a 54-year-old mother of two and grandmother of...
May 9, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.08)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.08)

Marijuana rescheduling is headed for the US Supreme Court, the California Supreme Court upheld local dispensary bans, the feds strike again in Berkeley and Washington state, and...
May 8, 2013
Edibles Review: Blue Kudu Chocolate

Edibles Review: Blue Kudu Chocolate

So Easter was approaching, and I was dreading my serving shift that day. (Yeah, that day is right up there with Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. My fellow servers know...
By: Lateralus
May 8, 2013
Discrimination Jeopardizing Cannabusinesses

Discrimination Jeopardizing Cannabusinesses

Even though cannabusinesses are legal in many parts of the country – for recreational users in Washington and Colorado and medicinal patients in 16 other states –...
By: Mercedys
May 8, 2013
NH Senate Panel Removes Home Grow Option from MMJ Bill

NH Senate Panel Removes Home Grow Option from MMJ Bill

New Hampshire’s medical marijuana bill, House Bill 573, was approved by a Senate committee by a 5-0 vote. Unfortunately, since they also removed the home grow option from the...
May 8, 2013
San Francisco Considers Allowing More Dispensaries

San Francisco Considers Allowing More Dispensaries

In response to a new proposal to clamp down even more on locations for medical marijuana dispensaries, San Francisco medical marijuana advocates are asking the city to...
May 8, 2013
Woman Sues, Calls ‘American Weed’ Cop a Publicity Hound

Woman Sues, Calls ‘American Weed’ Cop a Publicity Hound

City police in Colorado invaded a woman’s privacy by bringing along a TV crew that filmed an abusive home raid on her medical marijuana plants, for which...