Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

June 5, 2013
New York Assembly Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

New York Assembly Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

A bill to create a tightly-regulated medical marijuana program passed the New York Assembly Monday on a 95-38 vote. The bill now goes to the Senate, where...
June 4, 2013
Prospero’s Grow Week 11: About Time to Start Flushing

Prospero’s Grow Week 11: About Time to Start Flushing

It’s been a great experience growing cannabis in my apartment in Denver- the buds are starting to look great and are getting huge! It’s getting to be...
June 4, 2013
Medical Cannabis Is a “Hoax,” Says Bloomberg

Medical Cannabis Is a “Hoax,” Says Bloomberg

In case you need any clarifying on where Michael Bloomberg stands on weed, the mayor called medical cannabis a “hoax” on his WOR radio appearance Friday, before...
By: Andy Cush
June 4, 2013
DC Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Will Open… Someday

DC Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Will Open… Someday

Medical marijuana dispensaries in Washington, DC have been ready to open for a month, but are still being delayed by the District Department of Health. The department has...
June 4, 2013
Oregon Legislature Approves Medical Marijuana for PTSD

Oregon Legislature Approves Medical Marijuana for PTSD

Last week, the Oregon House of Representatives voted 36 to 23 in favor of Senate Bill 281, which adds Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a qualifying condition...
June 4, 2013
AB 473 Falls Short in California Assembly

AB 473 Falls Short in California Assembly

The California Assembly rejected AB 473 on Friday. The 35-37 vote means the effort by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-SF) to regulate commercial medical cannabis activity in the state will...
June 4, 2013
Medical Marijuana Lobby Day – June 17, Washington DC

Medical Marijuana Lobby Day – June 17, Washington DC

Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Silver Tour will convene a medical marijuana lobby day and training session in Washington D.C. to encourage Congress and the Obama Administration to allow...
June 3, 2013
3 Massachusetts Towns Are Open to Medical Marijuana Clinics

3 Massachusetts Towns Are Open to Medical Marijuana Clinics

While most south suburbs in Massachusetts are wary of medical marijuana dispensaries, at least three towns in this area might welcome them. Norwell and Randolph have each created new...
May 31, 2013
Study: Low Doses of THC Can Halt Brain Damage

Study: Low Doses of THC Can Halt Brain Damage

An article on Science Daily breaks down a recent study which found low doses of THC to protect against brain damage after seizures, hypoxia and some toxic drugs....
May 30, 2013
United States Patent 6630507 | Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants

United States Patent 6630507 | Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants

The next time someone tries to tell you that medical marijuana is bunk and that all those potheads should be locked up, point them to US Patent...
May 30, 2013
Nevada Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Moves to Senate

Nevada Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Moves to Senate

Nevada’s medical marijuana dispensary bill has passed a final hearing in the Senate Finance Committee and now moves to the senate for a third reading and vote....
May 30, 2013
CA Assembly Considers Medical Marijuana Regulation Bill

CA Assembly Considers Medical Marijuana Regulation Bill

The California Assembly will consider a bill to regulate the growing, selling and testing of medical marijuana in the state. The bill would set up a division...
May 29, 2013
Jerry Duval, Medical Marijuana Patient, Headed to Same Federal Prison Facility as Boston Bomber

Jerry Duval, Medical Marijuana Patient, Headed to Same Federal Prison Facility as Boston Bomber

In the face of public pressure, the Department of Justice will allow Jerry Duval, a seriously ill medical marijuana patient with both a kidney and a pancreas...
May 29, 2013
MI Medical Marijuana Patients Surrender for Prison Sentence

MI Medical Marijuana Patients Surrender for Prison Sentence

Advocates held Detroit press conference Tuesday at Noon to draw attention to federal attacks on state lawful operations Several Michigan medical marijuana patients and caregivers are being forced...
May 29, 2013
British Columbia Seniors Are Using Medical Marijuana to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

British Columbia Seniors Are Using Medical Marijuana to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Before Cherie Scott goes to sleep every night, the 86-year-old has a sweet bedtime snack: a marijuana cookie.
May 28, 2013
Prospero’s Grow Week 10: Growing Steadily and Some Thoughts On Pruning Cannabis

Prospero’s Grow Week 10: Growing Steadily and Some Thoughts On Pruning Cannabis

After almost a month of having my cannabis plants in flower, they’re still doing great and starting to produce some full, big buds with visible crystals on...
May 28, 2013
Cannabis and Diabetes | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Diabetes | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here is a very comprehensive list of research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references about cannabis and diabetes. These links are listed under ‘Diabetes’ in Granny Storm...
May 28, 2013
Michigan Forming Marijuana Panel – 3 Years Late

Michigan Forming Marijuana Panel – 3 Years Late

Michigan was supposed to have a marijuana review panel in place by the end of 2009 to do things such as add or remove an ailment from...
May 28, 2013
Oregon Raids on Patient Resource Centers Target Activists for Medical Marijuana

Oregon Raids on Patient Resource Centers Target Activists for Medical Marijuana

Lori Duckworth, Leland Duckworth, Dave Bond, Michael Schannom, Chelsea Hopkins and Jill Tanner were arrested in Oregon in a coordinated search warrant execution targeting the medical marijuana...
May 28, 2013
Marijuana Pesticide Contamination Becomes Health Concern as Legalization Spreads

Marijuana Pesticide Contamination Becomes Health Concern as Legalization Spreads

Experts warn that unwelcome chemicals, including pesticides, may be tagging along in your marijuana with the THC and threatening the health of marijuana users.