Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

June 12, 2013
How a Doctor Came to Believe in Medical Marijuana

How a Doctor Came to Believe in Medical Marijuana

A California M.D. says it’s time to repeal marijuana-prohibition laws. ‘At long last and practically against my will, I am doing the right thing,’ writes Daniela Drake.
June 11, 2013
Prospero’s Grow Week 12: Almost Harvest Time, Strong Cannabis Smell

Prospero’s Grow Week 12: Almost Harvest Time, Strong Cannabis Smell

After almost 3 months of growing my own cannabis in my apartment in Denver, I’m finally getting to the point where it’s time to harvest. Both of...
June 11, 2013
Edibles Review: Flo Energy Drink

Edibles Review: Flo Energy Drink

I couldn’t wait to try Flo Energy Drink, and when I saw it in my local dispensary, I was so excited! Right off the bat, this product...
By: Lateralus
June 11, 2013
Medicinal Marijuana Stops Seizures, Brings Hope to a Little Black Forest Girl

Medicinal Marijuana Stops Seizures, Brings Hope to a Little Black Forest Girl

Charlotte was having violent seizures 20, 40, 60 times a day. Her parents tried at least a dozen medications, many with harmful side effects. Despite some promising...
June 11, 2013
Even More Science Suggesting Cannabinoids May Halt Diabetes

Even More Science Suggesting Cannabinoids May Halt Diabetes

Pre-clinical study data published online in the scientific journal Nutrition & Diabetes reports that tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) — a naturally occurring analogue of THC — possesses positive metabolic effects in animal models of obesity....
June 11, 2013
Marijuana-Based Medicines Okayed in France

Marijuana-Based Medicines Okayed in France

At the behest of Social Affairs and Health Minister Marisol Touraine, France has modified its Public Health Code to allow for the use of marijuana-based medicines, apparently...
June 10, 2013
Marijuana Is the Gateway Drug

Marijuana Is the Gateway Drug

Marijuana is the gateway drug … the gateway to health. Despite all the reefer madness propaganda of the 80’s and 90’s, marijuana is not public enemy #1. It...
June 10, 2013
NJ Panel Approves Bill to Ease MMJ Access for Sick Kids

NJ Panel Approves Bill to Ease MMJ Access for Sick Kids

New Jersey’s Senate Judiciary Committee approved a measure to remove the requirement of a pediatrician and psychiatrist to endorse the use of medical marijuana for children that...
June 7, 2013
Studies: Cannabinoids Protect the Brain, Heart From Injury

Studies: Cannabinoids Protect the Brain, Heart From Injury

Recent preclinical studies published over the past several weeks provide further evidence that cannabinoids are both neuroprotective and cardioprotective. A May 30th blog post on the website sums...
June 7, 2013
Compassionate Idaho Is Now a Chapter of ASA

Compassionate Idaho Is Now a Chapter of ASA

We have Exciting news to share!! Compassionate Idaho is now a chapter of Americans For Safe Access (ASA)! This is exciting for us for a number of...
June 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.06.05)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.06.05)

The medical marijuana scene is hectic! Bill passing, raids happening, local officials pondering, and California dispensaries dwindling. Let’s get to it: California On May 21, the Lakeport city...
June 7, 2013
D.C. Medical Marijuana Recommendations Finally Available, Even if Pot Isn’t

D.C. Medical Marijuana Recommendations Finally Available, Even if Pot Isn’t

The Institute of Multidimensional Medicine (TIMM), a holistic medical practice in D.C. that sits right along M Street NW in the West End. There’s an infrared sauna, a...
June 6, 2013
Baby Boomers: Overlooked Customers No More

Baby Boomers: Overlooked Customers No More

Baby boomers came of age at a time when smoking pot was all the rage. But after their party days were over, they entered corporate America and...
By: Mercedys
June 6, 2013
Democrats Call on IRS to Ease Up on Marijuana Businesses

Democrats Call on IRS to Ease Up on Marijuana Businesses

Led by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a group of five democratic Representatives stood in front of the capital with representatives of the cannabis industry to call for new...
June 6, 2013
We Sent Bloomberg Studies Showing Medical Weed Is Not a Hoax

We Sent Bloomberg Studies Showing Medical Weed Is Not a Hoax

Last week, Michael Bloomberg called medical cannabis “one of the greatest hoaxes of all time,” ignoring countless scientific studies that have shown the plant’s usefulness in treating everything from cancer to HIV....
June 5, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Super Lemon Haze

My Favorite Strains: Super Lemon Haze

There are few things better than that first bowl of the day along with a nice cup of coffee. Some tokers (my boyfriend included) think that cannabis...
By: Lateralus
June 5, 2013
Melissa Etheridge: Pot Got Me Through

Melissa Etheridge: Pot Got Me Through

“My close friends told me that… medical marijuana was a natural way to help with the excruciating side effects of chemo. It worked. The entire experience changed my...
June 5, 2013
Regulate Marijuana, Don’t Prosecute It

Regulate Marijuana, Don’t Prosecute It

It seems that area law enforcement has not yet learned the value of working WITH the local community. Thursday’s raid on The Greener Side, a medical marijuana resource center, can...
By: Jim Greig
June 5, 2013
June San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

June San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

Join patients, advocates, scientists, and concerned citizens Tuesday, June 11th from 7pm – 9pm at Giovanni’s Restaurant located at 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123 for the June San Diego...
June 5, 2013
Nevada Legislators Approve Medical Cannabis Dispensaries

Nevada Legislators Approve Medical Cannabis Dispensaries

Lawmakers gave final approval on Monday to legislation, Senate Bill 374, to allow for the establishment of licensed facilities to dispense cannabis to state-qualified patients. The measure passed with two-thirds...