Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

August 2, 2013
Illinois Becomes Twenty-First Medical Marijuana State

Illinois Becomes Twenty-First Medical Marijuana State

Illinois became the latest state to allow for the medical use of marijuana Thursday, when Gov. Pat Quinn (D) signed into law House Bill 1, the Compassionate Use...
August 2, 2013
Ohio Initiative Campaign for Medical Marijuana is Underway

Ohio Initiative Campaign for Medical Marijuana is Underway

Medical marijuana backers in the Buckeye State hope the third time is the charm. After twice failing to move initiative efforts in the past couple of years,...
August 1, 2013
My Favorite Strains:  Island Sweet Skunk

My Favorite Strains: Island Sweet Skunk

With so many different strains of medical marijuana currently available in Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries, it is understandably overwhelming to many first time patients that may not...
August 1, 2013
Judge Threatens to Arrest Observers for Advocacy in Hearing

Judge Threatens to Arrest Observers for Advocacy in Hearing

In a weird and wholly-inappropriate display of rage today in the downtown courthouse, Judge Peter Gallagher ranted at defendant Victor Marion for choosing to have medical cannabis...
August 1, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.31)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.31)

A dispensary is now open for business in the nation’s capital; several dozen are coming to Arizona; dispensary and cultivation battles continue in California; Massachusetts advocates prepare...
July 31, 2013
Washington DC Finally Selling Medical Marijuana

Washington DC Finally Selling Medical Marijuana

DC has seen its first legal marijuana sale under the city’s medical marijuana law, enacted in 1998 by voters but blocked by Congress for most of that...
July 30, 2013
Prospero’s Grow Epilogue: How to Make Your Own Homegrown Bud Joint Stash

Prospero’s Grow Epilogue: How to Make Your Own Homegrown Bud Joint Stash

It’s been about a month since completely harvesting my own crop of bud grown in my studio apartment in Denver. The entire experience was a great opportunity...
July 30, 2013
CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

In a CNN video from Piers Morgan Live, Morgan Spurlock (filling in for Piers Morgan) talked to Cheryl Shuman, Aimee Shuman, and Howard Samuels about marijuana. Cheryl...
July 30, 2013
Obama Administration Spending $180,000 Per Day to Undermine State Marijuana Laws

Obama Administration Spending $180,000 Per Day to Undermine State Marijuana Laws

On Huffington Post, Americans for Safe Access Executive Director Steph Sherer discusses her association’s report “What’s the Cost?”, which details the expenses of the federal government’s interference...
July 29, 2013
DEA Medical Cannabis Offensive May Have Cost $13.3 Million

DEA Medical Cannabis Offensive May Have Cost $13.3 Million

By now most medical cannabis activists are aware that several medical marijuana dispensaries in Washington state were raided Wednesday. While the federal government continues to raid medical cannabis...
July 26, 2013
Deanna Jean, Minnesota Mom, Fights for Medical Marijuana

Deanna Jean, Minnesota Mom, Fights for Medical Marijuana

Weedists: Meet Deanna Jean “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Deanna Jean, or DJ as she is...
By: Anna Diaz
July 26, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.24)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.24)

New Hampshire becomes the 19th medical marijuana state, some folks in Kentucky would like it to become one, too; and the local tussling continues in California. And...
July 25, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Ace of Spades BHO (Dabs)

My Favorite Strains: Ace of Spades BHO (Dabs)

  Diablo Dabs… Ace of Spades Strain:                           Ace of Spades Concentrate:      ...
July 25, 2013
CA Democratic Party Urges Obama to Halt Dispensary Raids

CA Democratic Party Urges Obama to Halt Dispensary Raids

In Costa Mesa, CA on Sunday, July 21, the California Democratic party passed two new resolutions at its executive board meeting. The first of the two dealt with President Obama’s...
July 24, 2013
Prosecutor Claims All Medical Cannabis Patients Are Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Prosecutor Claims All Medical Cannabis Patients Are Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Last week, in San Diego Superior Court, Attorneys Lance Rogers and Logan Fairfax argued their clients, – medical cannabis patients and seriously ill Dennis and Deborah Littles’...
July 24, 2013
New Hampshire Becomes 19th State to Allow Medical Marijuana

New Hampshire Becomes 19th State to Allow Medical Marijuana

Gov. Maggie Hassan signed a bill into law Tuesday making New Hampshire the 19th state to allow residents with serious illnesses to access and use medical marijuana...
July 24, 2013
Needless Suffering of Medical Marijuana Patient Embodies Federal-State Conflict

Needless Suffering of Medical Marijuana Patient Embodies Federal-State Conflict

When I was in the graduate school portion of the Medical Scientist Training Program at the University of Washington in the Department of Geography, I had an...
July 23, 2013
ASA Wake & Learn: A Daily Dose of Rx Cannabis Reality

ASA Wake & Learn: A Daily Dose of Rx Cannabis Reality

Marijuana advocacy group ASA (Americans for Safe Access) announced today that it has launched a project in partnership with (a physician’s Q&A forum run by the...
July 23, 2013
Arkansas AG Rejects Medical Marijuana for the Sixth Time

Arkansas AG Rejects Medical Marijuana for the Sixth Time

Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has yet again rejected a proposal to put medical marijuana up for a vote in the state. For the sixth time, McDaniel...
July 23, 2013
San Diego Superior Court Judge Denies Collective’s Defense

San Diego Superior Court Judge Denies Collective’s Defense

013 In a grueling week-long trial, a superior court Judge prohibited defense counsel from bringing evidence to support that cannabis patients may lawfully, collectively cultivate medical cannabis...