Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

September 26, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.25)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.25)

Oregon begins moving toward a regulated dispensary system, Massachusetts advances down the dispensary path, New Jersey’s governor signs a medical marijuana bill, and much, much more. Let’s...
September 25, 2013
When to Look for a New Dispensary Caregiver

When to Look for a New Dispensary Caregiver

So after carefully changing my dispensary caregiver a few months back, I’m right back to where I started. I must search for a new one since my...
By: Lateralus
September 25, 2013
Medical Marijuana Patient Needs $5,000 to Protect His Daughter From CPS

Medical Marijuana Patient Needs $5,000 to Protect His Daughter From CPS

Ten month old Lilly Fisher has been in CPS custody since April when her father requested their help rescuing her from an extremely unsafe situation while in...
By: Mercedys
September 25, 2013
ME Medical Marijuana Users Fear Loss of Subsidized Housing

ME Medical Marijuana Users Fear Loss of Subsidized Housing

Medical marijuana patients in Maine could lose their federally subsidized housing if a state moratorium allowing patients to grow and use their medicine in subsidized housing properties...
September 25, 2013
MMJ Job Experts to Offer Tips During Chicago Seminar

MMJ Job Experts to Offer Tips During Chicago Seminar

California’s Cannabis Career Institute is holding a seminar this weekend in Chicago to discuss business options and strategies for those interested in entering Illinois’ new medical marijuana...
September 25, 2013
Canada Grants Monopoly To Historically Terrible MMJ Producer

Canada Grants Monopoly To Historically Terrible MMJ Producer

Prairie Plant Systems once held a monopoly over commercial MMJ in Canada. The product they produced received an enormous number of complaints, even after being delayed by...
September 24, 2013
Deny Organ Transplants to Marijuana Users?

Deny Organ Transplants to Marijuana Users?

In a video and article on Medscape, Arthur L. Caplan, PhD notes that organ transplant centers routinely deny organ transplants to patients that test positive for drugs...
September 24, 2013
NJ: Governor Signs Legislation Amending Medical Cannabis

NJ: Governor Signs Legislation Amending Medical Cannabis

Republican Gov. Chris Christie has signed legislation, Senate Bill 2842, into law modifying aspects of the state’s medical marijuana regulations. Specifically, the law amends requirements that state-licensed...
September 23, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Cracker Snackers

Great Edibles Recipes: Cracker Snackers

I first ate the fruits of this recipe sans cannabis at the ripe age of ten or eleven. I had fortuitously befriended a new girl in my...
September 23, 2013
San Diego Union Tribune Endorses Medical Marijuana

San Diego Union Tribune Endorses Medical Marijuana

San Diego Union Tribune endorses medical marijuana and urges San Diego City Council to adopt an ordinance allowing safe access for patients rather then an outright prohibition....
September 23, 2013
Poll: Oklahomans Ready for Marijuana Law Reform

Poll: Oklahomans Ready for Marijuana Law Reform

Oklahoma NORML released survey results on Friday from a Sooner Poll showing strong support for medical marijuana and majority support for marijuana decriminalization. The poll had support for...
September 20, 2013
CPS Removes Children Due to State-Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Use

CPS Removes Children Due to State-Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Use

A six month old baby girl and her six year old brother were taken from their homes by CPS in Michigan this week because the state sees...
By: Mercedys
September 19, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Strawberry Cough

My Favorite Strains: Strawberry Cough

How often does one get lost in familiar territory? Or, better yet, how often does one believe he is in a dream? Or in the middle of...
September 19, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.18)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.18)

A California dispensary regulation bill dies, the dark ages return to San Diego, Massachusetts towns enact moratoria, New Jersey gives a loan to a dispensary, and more....
September 18, 2013
Perspective: Dispensaries Already Are Permitted in San Diego

Perspective: Dispensaries Already Are Permitted in San Diego

At last week’s San Diego ASA meeting held Giovanni’s, aside from Councilmember Alvarez, we also heard from several attorneys. Among them, Attorney Nathan Shaman spoke about Andrew...
September 17, 2013
Councilmember Alvarez Declares Support for Safe Access

Councilmember Alvarez Declares Support for Safe Access

On Tuesday of last week at the September chapter meeting, current San Diego City Councilmember and Candidate for Mayor, David Alvarez stopped by and spoke to the group...
September 17, 2013
United Kingdom MMJ Patient Openly Passes Customs With Cannabis

United Kingdom MMJ Patient Openly Passes Customs With Cannabis

A United Kingdom medical cannabis patient recently brought 18 tubs, containing 5 grams of cannabis each, home from a trip to Amsterdam. Openly declaring the goodies picked...
By: Mercedys
September 16, 2013
New Jersey Approves Medical Marijuana Dispensary Loan

New Jersey Approves Medical Marijuana Dispensary Loan

New Jersey’s Economic Developmental Authority approved a loan of $357,000 to a dispensary that hopes to open in October. The Compassionate Care Foundation hopes to serve about...
September 16, 2013
Long Beach To Draft Regulations To Allow Dispensaries

Long Beach To Draft Regulations To Allow Dispensaries

The city council of Long Beach, California unanimously voted to draft an ordinance to regulate and allow medical marijuana dispensaries. The ordinance will be drafted by the...
September 16, 2013
Medical Marijuana Commission Appointed In Maryland

Medical Marijuana Commission Appointed In Maryland

Thursday, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley appointed the eleven members of the state’s Medical Marijuana Commission. The commission will oversee the implementation of Maryland’s new medical marijuana law.