Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

October 21, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Pot Infused Pesto

Great Edibles Recipes: Pot Infused Pesto

For a few days I’ve been craving delicious pasta, and when I came upon a recipe for pot infused pesto, I absolutely had to make it. The...
October 21, 2013
Help ASA Stop the Third Prosecution of Jovan Jackson

Help ASA Stop the Third Prosecution of Jovan Jackson

San Diego District Attorney and anti-medical cannabis crusader Bonnie Dumanis wants to put a patient-provider on trial for the third time. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) needs...
October 21, 2013
Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition Takes Tough Hits

Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition Takes Tough Hits

My friend and transplant from Alabama, Urb Thrasher has been keeping up with cannabis politics in his home state, and it’s pretty grim. If not for Urb,...
By: Anna Diaz
October 18, 2013
Urgent: POW Jerry Duval is Going Blind from Neglect

Urgent: POW Jerry Duval is Going Blind from Neglect

Medical Cannabis patient Jerry Duval is serving a 10-year sentence for cultivating cannabis under Michigan’s medical cannabis laws. While we all know 10 years is a ridiculous...
October 18, 2013
Cannabis Reform Could Earn UK Billions a Year, Studies Say

Cannabis Reform Could Earn UK Billions a Year, Studies Say

Hundreds of users of medical marijuana protested outside Parliament last Wednesday to demand changes to Britain’s strict cannabis laws, a move many experts believe could yield billions...
October 17, 2013
The Dalai Lama Supports Medical Marijuana Use

The Dalai Lama Supports Medical Marijuana Use

The Dalai Lama told reform supporters in Mexico that he supports medical marijuana use. He is not in favor of recreational use, however.
October 17, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.10.16)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.10.16)

A L.A. dispensary crackdown gets underway, an Arizona judge throws out a restrictive dispensary ordinance, the Michigan Supreme Court hears a dispensary ban case, and much, much...
October 17, 2013
DOJ Abandons Some MMJ Forfeiture Cases in California

DOJ Abandons Some MMJ Forfeiture Cases in California

In an unexpected but laudable move, the U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California announced last week that it was dropping pending forfeiture lawsuits against several...
October 17, 2013
Portable Vaporizer Pen Review: Vapor Dome Wax Kit

Portable Vaporizer Pen Review: Vapor Dome Wax Kit

Dabs using full melt concentrates have become a popular option for medical marijuana patients because wax, shatter, and other kinds of hash have such high levels of...
October 16, 2013
Medford, Oregon Bans Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Medford, Oregon Bans Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Good luck getting your meds in Medford, Oregon. The city council recently expanded on a city ordinance to ban licenses for any business that violates local, state...
October 16, 2013
ASA Executive Director to Be Honored at International Drug Policy Reform Conference

ASA Executive Director to Be Honored at International Drug Policy Reform Conference

Steph Sherer, Founder and Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access will be awarded the Robert C. Randall Award for achievement in the field of Citizen Action,...
October 16, 2013
Chicago Medical Marijuana Clinic Deluged With Calls

Chicago Medical Marijuana Clinic Deluged With Calls

CBS reports that Chicago’s first medical marijuana clinic has had over 20,000 calls since August, but cannot yet dispense cannabis.
October 16, 2013
More Anti-Cancer Properties of Marijuana Revealed

More Anti-Cancer Properties of Marijuana Revealed

Studies have shown that marijuana not only helps fight the symptoms of treating cancer but also the disease itself. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, often gets the credit for...
October 15, 2013
ASA California Roundup: October 14, 2013

ASA California Roundup: October 14, 2013

California News Obama Administration Drops Charges Against Landlords Renting To Cannabis Dispensaries Earlier last week, the U.S. Attorney’s office made an uncharacteristically reasonable move, and dropped all...
October 15, 2013
Central MA Medical Marijuana Race Narrows to 13 Players

Central MA Medical Marijuana Race Narrows to 13 Players

13 of 15 applications to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Worcester County, Massachusetts have been approved to go on to “phase 2” of the application process....
October 15, 2013
Calling All Former Answerdam Members

Calling All Former Answerdam Members

Is there such a thing as triple jeopardy? Tragically, there is in San Diego under District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ reign. This month, the third trial of Jovan Jackson...
October 15, 2013
What’s in a Name? Marijuana Strain Names Will Have to Change if We Want to Win the Drug War

What’s in a Name? Marijuana Strain Names Will Have to Change if We Want to Win the Drug War

In 2010, at the first High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco, the marijuana strain that took home the top prize went by the not-so-appropriate name “God’s...
October 14, 2013
Marijuana Mentioned in 1,730 Pieces of Legislation This Year

Marijuana Mentioned in 1,730 Pieces of Legislation This Year

A great article on Washington Post describes (complete with infographics) the proliferation of marijuana legislation this year, showing up in 1,730 pieces. 10 states have not yet...
October 14, 2013
West Virginia Moves Towards Medical Marijuana

West Virginia Moves Towards Medical Marijuana

A January poll showed that a majority of West Virginia voters support a law allowing medical marijuana in their state, and now their representatives are listening. The...
October 14, 2013
Big Money Wants a Piece of the Nevada Medical Marijuana Pie

Big Money Wants a Piece of the Nevada Medical Marijuana Pie

Wealthy investors are coming from all around to get in on the Nevada medical marijuana industry. Clark County, Nevada has only 40 licenses for prospective medical marijuana...