Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

October 28, 2013
Texting for Pardons, Help Free Federal Drug War Prisoners

Texting for Pardons, Help Free Federal Drug War Prisoners

Drug Policy Alliance International Drug Policy Reform Conference ran from October 23, 2013 until October 26, 2013. The event boasted a plethora of cannabis activists and took...
By: Anna Diaz
October 25, 2013
NORML Partners With The Family Law & Cannabis Alliance

NORML Partners With The Family Law & Cannabis Alliance

It’s no secret that there has been a proliferation of government agencies across the country removing minors and infants from their home, based solely on the fact that...
October 25, 2013
FDA Approves Trials Assessing CBD For Pediatric Epilepsy

FDA Approves Trials Assessing CBD For Pediatric Epilepsy

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved two clinical trials to assess the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive plant cannabinoid, in the treatment of intractable pediatric...
October 25, 2013
Washington Medical Marijuana Recommendations Draw Opposition

Washington Medical Marijuana Recommendations Draw Opposition

The three state agencies and the governor’s office that constitute the state’s medical marijuana working group on Monday released their draft recommendations for dealing with medical marijuana in the...
October 25, 2013
Israel Growing High-Less Medical Marijuana

Israel Growing High-Less Medical Marijuana

A medical marijuana company in Israel is now growing a “high-less” strain that contains less than 1% THC and over 15% CBD.
October 25, 2013
Pharmacy Group Announces Medical Marijuana Task Force

Pharmacy Group Announces Medical Marijuana Task Force

The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) has announced its intent to establish a task force to better educate pharmacists to the management of cannabis therapy. “Medical...
October 25, 2013
Washington State Liquor Board Goes for MMJ’s Throat

Washington State Liquor Board Goes for MMJ’s Throat

The Washington State Liquor Board is in the process of issuing its recommendations for how to regulate recreational marijuana use. This is, more or less, following the...
October 24, 2013
NorCal Outdoor Marijuana Harvest Arrives

NorCal Outdoor Marijuana Harvest Arrives

The main 2013 outdoor marijuana harvest has arrived in Northern California, bringing low prices and wide selection.
October 24, 2013
Morgan Spending Big for Florida Medical Marijuana Measure

Morgan Spending Big for Florida Medical Marijuana Measure

Orlando attorney John Morgan and his firm have contributed $400,000 so far to help put a Florida medical marijuana measure on the 2014 ballot.
October 24, 2013
Cannabis 101: Where Does a Novice Begin?

Cannabis 101: Where Does a Novice Begin?

Should I smoke cannabis, vaporize it, eat it, drink it? Rub it on my skin? With the relatively recent legalization in Washington and Colorado and the growing...
October 23, 2013
Oregon Grow Busted With Google Earth

Oregon Grow Busted With Google Earth

A medical marijuana garden was busted after police used Google Earth to follow up on a tip about the number of plants being over the limit.
October 23, 2013
DC MMJ Oversight Hearing Highlights Problems Facing Patients

DC MMJ Oversight Hearing Highlights Problems Facing Patients

For the first time since creating the District Medical Marijuana Program more than three years ago, the D.C. Council Committee on Health convened an oversight hearing on...
October 23, 2013
MPP Recommends Revising DE Compassion Center Regulations

MPP Recommends Revising DE Compassion Center Regulations

The Marijuana Policy Project submitted comments today recommending revisions to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services’ proposed medical marijuana compassion center regulations. MPP is particularly...
October 23, 2013
Edibles Review: Wana PB Krisp

Edibles Review: Wana PB Krisp

Medical marijuana edibles are a great way to get a dose of THC in a discreet way. I’m a big fan of being able to medicate in...
October 22, 2013
Pediatric Epilepsy Cannabis Treatment Attracts Parents to CO

Pediatric Epilepsy Cannabis Treatment Attracts Parents to CO

Many parents are bringing their children to Colorado to receive cannabis treatment for pediatric epilepsy and cancer. The number of minor patients on the MMJ registry nearly...
October 22, 2013
MMJ Advocates Mobilize Stakeholders for Input on I-502

MMJ Advocates Mobilize Stakeholders for Input on I-502

Medical marijuana advocates will hold stakeholder meetings across Washington State next week in advance of submitting written public comments on regulations being developed for I-502, the state’s...
October 22, 2013
Interview With Heather Jackson of Realm of Caring

Interview With Heather Jackson of Realm of Caring

Ladybud’s Vanessa Waltz interviews Heather Jackson, Executive Director of Realm of Caring. Realm of Caring is an organization that connects young medical marijuana patients with the special strains they...
October 21, 2013
Another Medical Marijuana Defendant Bullied to Plead Guilty

Another Medical Marijuana Defendant Bullied to Plead Guilty

Just days after legal cannabis patient Ronnie Chang’s federal incarceration came to an end freeing him to return to his elderly mother, Crispin Price sits in court...
October 21, 2013
Stop CPS: Free the Babies Day of Action Planned Nov 12th

Stop CPS: Free the Babies Day of Action Planned Nov 12th

Cannabis activists are planning Stop CPS: Free the Babies International Day of Action for November 12th, 2013. The event is being coordinated by Moms for Marijuana, a...
By: Mercedys
October 21, 2013
Judge to Review Sheriff Deputy File for Misconduct Evidence

Judge to Review Sheriff Deputy File for Misconduct Evidence

Yesterday medical cannabis patients Dennis and Deborah Little were in the San Diego County Courthouse in Vista as their attorneys Lance Rogers and Logan Fairfax argued a...