When people refer to marijuana tincture they’re talking about cannabis dissolved into some liquid. There’s two main liquids used in tinctures: alcohol and glycerin. THC may be...
Imagine supplying thirty children with enough organic medicine to calm their seizures for a year. Now imagine facing prison time for it. That is exactly what is...
At this point in cannabis history, many more people have started to talk about CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana, for its incredible pain relieving and...
Many people have heard a variation of “marijuana can help cancer”, even if they’re not medical marijuana patients or even recreational users. Research scientists have been studying...
A majority of Indiana residents believe that marijuana should be legally regulated like alcohol and nearly 80 percent of Hoosiers support taxing it, according to recently released statewide polling data released...
Arkansas Baptists reject medical marijuana, and so do some California communities. New Jersey’s governor mouths off, and Illinois and Massachusetts communities move to regulate soon-to-arrive medical marijuana...
A chemist that works testing medical marijuana for contaminants wants to conduct a study on strains, with hopes of establishing a standard naming system.
Colorado’s MMJ business application backlog still persists, but is down from over 900 to just 96, since last year. The MED hopes to clear the backlog this...
MJ Freeway is a cloud based point of sale system for the medical marijuana industry to facilitate patient records, transactions, inventory control and other aspects of a...