Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

December 19, 2013
Washington LCB Issues Recommendations for Medical Cannabis

Washington LCB Issues Recommendations for Medical Cannabis

Washington’s Liquor Control Board released its official recommendations for medical cannabis regulations.
December 19, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.12.18)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.12.18)

Oregon’s plan to regulate dispensaries statewide moves ahead, Washington state looks like it will let medical marijuana patients keep their personal grows, a new national certification program...
December 19, 2013
The First 48, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 2 of 5

The First 48, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 2 of 5

The first 48 hours are so crucial. If I chipped and toked, my credibility and the experiment go right down the toilet. Truthfully, I didn’t fear withdrawal, but...
December 18, 2013
Nationwide Certification Program Launched for MMJ Industry

Nationwide Certification Program Launched for MMJ Industry

Patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) launched a new nationwide program today that will certify the quality and reliability of medical marijuana products sold at...
December 18, 2013
Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

As part of my/our ongoing quest to combat misleading, incomplete, or down right bad “facts” about marijuana, I recently found myself perusing the cannabis page at Above...
December 18, 2013
7 Advocates Working for Marijuana Reform in New York City

7 Advocates Working for Marijuana Reform in New York City

BuzzFeed’s Rachel Zarrell describes 7 big advocates that have been working hard for marijuana reform in New York City.
December 18, 2013
NY Lawmaker Who Voted Against MMJ Invests In Pot

NY Lawmaker Who Voted Against MMJ Invests In Pot

New York lawmaker Steve Katz, who voted against MMJ then got a ticket for possession, has joined the ArcView Group of investors.
December 18, 2013
Dabless in Seattle, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 1 of 5

Dabless in Seattle, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 1 of 5

  Errl is on the run people, punny I know, but seriously…with no love from the State, even under legalization and federal re-classification looming overhead, change seems inevitable...
December 17, 2013
Illinois Launches Website About New Medical Marijuana Law

Illinois Launches Website About New Medical Marijuana Law

The State of Illinois has launched a website to inform residents about its medical marijuana law.
December 17, 2013
Study: Cannabidiol Holds Promise For Treating Psychosis

Study: Cannabidiol Holds Promise For Treating Psychosis

Cananbidiol (CBD), a non-psychotropic cannabinoid, alleviates psychotic symptoms and may hold promise as an alternative antipsychotic treatment, according to a review published in the November issue of the...
December 17, 2013
The Emerald Cup: 2013 Winners and Pics

The Emerald Cup: 2013 Winners and Pics

The Smell the Truth Blog’s David Downs announces the winners of the 10th annual Emerald Cup.
December 17, 2013
Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

January 1st, 2014 is rapidly approaching as the city of Denver gears up for its highly anticipated retail marijuana market. Colorado of course already has an established medical...
December 16, 2013
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Classifies Cannabis as a “Botanical Medicine”

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Classifies Cannabis as a “Botanical Medicine”

In a great stride for the future of medical cannabis, the AHP (American Herbal Pharmacopoeia), who’s mission is “to promote the responsible use of herbal products and...
December 13, 2013
MI House Approves Protections for Dispensaries and Extracts

MI House Approves Protections for Dispensaries and Extracts

The Michigan House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed two important bills today. HB 4271, sponsored by Rep. Mike Callton, would allow local governments to license and regulate dispensaries....
December 13, 2013
San Jose: MMJ Shutdown Begins Following New Rules

San Jose: MMJ Shutdown Begins Following New Rules

San Jose officials voted to ban dispensaries near homes, schools and rehab centers on Wednesday. Those in violation of the new rules have been asked to shut...
December 13, 2013
WA Liquor Board: Keep Home Grows for MMJ Patients

WA Liquor Board: Keep Home Grows for MMJ Patients

Washington’s Liquor Control Board recommended to lawmakers that medical marijuana patients be allowed to keep their home grows.
December 13, 2013
2014: The Year for Medical Marijuana in Minnesota

2014: The Year for Medical Marijuana in Minnesota

Is Gov. Mark Dayton – thankfully – softening his irrational opposition to medical marijuana? It appears as though that might be the case. Yesterday, ECM reported that...
December 13, 2013
New Textbook Published for the Washington Cannabis Industry

New Textbook Published for the Washington Cannabis Industry

The Washington cannabis industry has a new textbook intended for medical professionals and cannabis businesses.
December 13, 2013
This Incredible Video Shows How Cannabis Really DOES Help Cerebral Palsy

This Incredible Video Shows How Cannabis Really DOES Help Cerebral Palsy

Add this video to the long line of evidence that marijuana does have medical value and really does help people in need. I’ll let Jacqueline Patterson, the...
December 12, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.12.11)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.12.11)

A busy Tuesday in California, herbal medicine experts make a call, New Jersey’s third dispensary opens, Florida’s Supreme Court hears a challenge to an initiative, and more....