Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

December 31, 2013
Nevada Officials Will Miss Medical Marijuana Deadline

Nevada Officials Will Miss Medical Marijuana Deadline

Nevada officials say that regulations will not be in place by April 1, the date applicants were supposed to be able to file for licenses for medical...
December 30, 2013
A Whole New World: Legal Pot Sales Pit Patients vs Consumers

A Whole New World: Legal Pot Sales Pit Patients vs Consumers

And so it begins. On the first day of 2014, the cannabis policy battle lines decisively shift. No longer strictly a fight between drug warriors and POWs,...
December 30, 2013
NJ Family Gets $10,000 Gift to Move to Colorado for MMJ

NJ Family Gets $10,000 Gift to Move to Colorado for MMJ

A New Jersey family received a $10,000 gift to help move to Colorado for MMJ for their young daughter.
December 30, 2013
Brave North Carolinian Arrested in Defiance of Prohibition

Brave North Carolinian Arrested in Defiance of Prohibition

A North Carolinian man that openly grows his own medical cannabis alerted law enforcement of his activities in defiance of prohibition.
December 27, 2013
Drive-Through Dispensaries Coming to Chicago

Drive-Through Dispensaries Coming to Chicago

Naperville, Illinois has approved drive-through dispensaries in the city.
December 27, 2013
Wisconsin Politicians Stall Medical Marijuana Progress Despite Unprecedented Backing

Wisconsin Politicians Stall Medical Marijuana Progress Despite Unprecedented Backing

Elizabeth Onheiber dives deep into Wisconsin medical marjuana politics, covering politicians such as state Senator Leah Vukmir who blocked MMJ bills in 2009 and 2012, saying “I’ve...
December 27, 2013
Biggest Medical Marijuana Breakthroughs of 2013

Biggest Medical Marijuana Breakthroughs of 2013

Leaf Science lists the seven biggest medical marijuana breakthroughs of 2013.
December 26, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Presidential Kush

My Favorite Strains: Presidential Kush

With so many different kinds of great herb available to medical marijuana patients who live in a state with high quality dispensaries, it constantly amazes those less...
December 24, 2013
Delaware Governor Needs to Ease Plant Limits

Delaware Governor Needs to Ease Plant Limits

MPP welcomed Delaware Gov. Jack Markell’s August announcement that he would implement the compassion center program, but our enthusiasm was tempered by the fact that he did...
December 24, 2013
How Marijuana Relieves Stress and Anxiety: The Neuroscience

How Marijuana Relieves Stress and Anxiety: The Neuroscience

Leaf Science breaks down the neuroscience behind marijuana’s ability to relieve stress and anxiety.
December 24, 2013
Savino to Resurrect Medical Marijuana Bill in NY Senate

Savino to Resurrect Medical Marijuana Bill in NY Senate

New York Senator Diane Savino plans to reintroduce a medical marijuana bill next year, after the last one was stomped by partisan politics.
December 24, 2013
Half Baked, Post-Purge Reflections, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 5 of 5

Half Baked, Post-Purge Reflections, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 5 of 5

So it’s all over and I’m sure you’re curious what I’ve learned. My last post was rather verbose, so I’ll keep it as brief as I can....
December 24, 2013
Australian Doctors, Experts Join Call for Medical Marijuana

Australian Doctors, Experts Join Call for Medical Marijuana

A prominent group of Australian doctors and experts want cannabis reintroduced as medicine.
December 23, 2013
13 Reasons Marijuana Just Had The Best Year Ever

13 Reasons Marijuana Just Had The Best Year Ever

Matt Ferner lists the 13 reasons 2013 has been the best year ever for marijuana (and it’s consumers).
December 23, 2013
D-Day (I Made It!) First Dab, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 4 of 5

D-Day (I Made It!) First Dab, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 4 of 5

To quote my man Jonny Drama, “VIIIICCCCTTOORRRYYY!!!” It’s D-Day, and I made it folks. It really wasn’t that bad and it shouldn’t have been anyway. I certainly...
December 23, 2013
The Season of Giving Abounds in the Cannabis Community

The Season of Giving Abounds in the Cannabis Community

As the holiday season ramps up, the cannabis community has stepped up to help those less fortunate, too. We have certainly mainstreamed as can be evidenced by...
By: Anna Diaz
December 23, 2013
Mainstreaming Marijuana – Monday Night Football Dabs

Mainstreaming Marijuana – Monday Night Football Dabs

I’ve seen people talking about it in Seattle and Denver and even in Southern California. Monday Night Football and Dabs (of hash oil, that is), being offered...
December 20, 2013
Dispensary to Utilize Water Treatment for Sustainable Grows

Dispensary to Utilize Water Treatment for Sustainable Grows

Kind Love, a Colorado dispensary, is setting up a water treatment system to recover 97% of its waste water, making it far more sustainable.
December 20, 2013
Colorado Drops Medical Marijuana Patient Fee From $35 to $15

Colorado Drops Medical Marijuana Patient Fee From $35 to $15

Cannabis Culture reports that Colorado’s medical marijuana patient annual registration fee will drop from $35 to just $15 early next year. The fee was $90 in 2011.
December 20, 2013
Made It Through the Hump Days, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 3 of 5

Made It Through the Hump Days, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 3 of 5

I know you’ve all seen that Geico “happier than a camel on hump day” commercial, a classic. As it turns out, I had four hump days, but...