Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

February 24, 2014
Study: Dispensaries Impact Neighborhoods Like Coffee Shops

Study: Dispensaries Impact Neighborhoods Like Coffee Shops

A study from University of Colorado Denver found that medical marijuana dispensaries impact neighborhoods no more negatively than coffee shops.
February 24, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Weed Steamers

Great Edibles Recipes: Weed Steamers

This may seem odd, but for the shellfish lovers out there, ever considered weed steamers? Similar to my salad dressing recipe, I am simply going to write...
February 24, 2014
South Carolina Hemp Bill Moves Forward, MMJ Bill Introduced

South Carolina Hemp Bill Moves Forward, MMJ Bill Introduced

A South Carolina hemp bill has cleared the Senate agricultural panel, and a bill to allow patients to use CBD-rich oils was introduced.
February 24, 2014
Dabbable Solventless Extracts are Coming

Dabbable Solventless Extracts are Coming

Butane, the ugly B word in BHO. It’s gas and it goes boom if you don’t respect it. When all the dust settles, it is the only...
February 21, 2014
National Medical Marijuana Group Certifies First Dispensaries

National Medical Marijuana Group Certifies First Dispensaries

014 Two California dispensaries are first to complete certification program with pending certifications in six states. Patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) certified the first...
February 21, 2014
Epilepsy Foundation Calls for Increased MMJ Access, Research

Epilepsy Foundation Calls for Increased MMJ Access, Research

The Epilepsy Foundation is calling for increased access to medical marijuana for patients and research purposes.
February 21, 2014
Washington House Approves Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ban

Washington House Approves Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ban

Washington’s House voted 67 to 29 to pass a medical marijuana dispensary ban, in part to protect the profits of the upcoming recreational shops.
February 20, 2014
Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells

Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells

Collective Evolution discusses how THC kills cancer cells, with a video explanation from molecular biologist Dr. Christina Sanchez.
February 20, 2014
Christian Dispensary Takes on IRS

Christian Dispensary Takes on IRS

A non-profit Christian dispensary in Sacramento is fighting the IRS for the right to deduct business expenses.
February 20, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.19)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.19)

California counties continue to struggle with dispensary and growing rules, Reno’s mayor has a change of heart, some Oregon cities may have to change their ways, and...
February 20, 2014
Tip for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Take It Slow With Edibles

Tip for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Take It Slow With Edibles

This past month marked the first month of legal marijuana sales in Colorado and the United States as a whole, and as a retail worker in one...
February 19, 2014
Poll: New York Voters Back Medical Marijuana 10 to 1

Poll: New York Voters Back Medical Marijuana 10 to 1

New Yorkers Overwhelming Support Fixing New York’s Broken Marijuana Policies. State Senate Out of Step with New York Voters; Reform Urgently Needed. In a poll released this morning,...
February 19, 2014
Marijuana May Prevent Blindness

Marijuana May Prevent Blindness

A new study finds that marijuana may prevent blindness from pigmentosa.
February 19, 2014
Bill to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Iowa Introduced

Bill to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Iowa Introduced

A bill to legalize medical marijuana in Iowa has been introduced, but may fail due to a lack of GOP support.
February 19, 2014
Weedist Women: Rowshan Reordan of Green Leaf Lab

Weedist Women: Rowshan Reordan of Green Leaf Lab

Weedists: Meet Rowshan Reordan “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Green Leaf Lab celebrated its grand opening...
By: Anna Diaz
February 18, 2014
Reno Mayor Has Change of Heart, Supports Dispensaries

Reno Mayor Has Change of Heart, Supports Dispensaries

Reno Mayor Bob Cashell has changed his mind, now voicing support for licensing medical marijuana dispensaries in the city.
February 18, 2014
Instafire: His and Hers Toro Double Macros

Instafire: His and Hers Toro Double Macros

Posted by @garagegrow420 Regretting that lame Valentine’s Day gift you bought your significant other? Why not go with the gift that keeps on dabbin’–his and hers Toro...
February 17, 2014
Identity Verification at Dispensaries May Soon Be Automated

Identity Verification at Dispensaries May Soon Be Automated

New developments may soon allow for automated paperwork and identity verification in dispensaries.
February 17, 2014
Seahawks, Cannabis, and the NFL

Seahawks, Cannabis, and the NFL

As a deeply passionate 49er fan, I have to give some respect to the Seahawks. Budding rivalry aside, the Hawks played a great season and thoroughly deserved...
February 14, 2014
Massachusetts Dispensaries Will Make Home Deliveries

Massachusetts Dispensaries Will Make Home Deliveries

Massachusetts dispensaries will be allowed to make home deliveries, becoming one of the few places with legal MMJ to allow such services.