Washington’s legislature ended its session without new restrictions on medical marijuana. The Justice Department indicated in a memo that it would allow legalization to proceed only if...
With a push for legalizing medical marijuana stalled, Gov. Mark Dayton said he would ask for $2.2 million for research into its possible benefits. Mayo Clinic would head...
Posted by @nw_extraction_artist Said it before and I will say it again, farmers have all the fun. Quality control is important and my man Kyle takes his...
“The Oregon Health Authority released draft rules late Wednesday for medical-pot dispensaries to follow when they open as early as next week under a new law. Although...
014 The first medical marijuana dispensary in Washington State was certified today under a recently launched nationwide program that verifies the quality and reliability of products sold...
The Las Vegas City Council took a stand for medical marijuana last Wednesday, voting to allow dispensaries and directing staff to bring back final regulations for a...
The Georgia Senate on Thursday unanimously approved limited use of medical marijuana in Georgia, sending the legislation back to the state House with expectations of extended negotiations.
Lawmakers in four states — Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, and Utah — are poised to enact legislation in the coming days/weeks aimed at providing patients, primarily children with...
A federal agency has given the okay for researchers to buy marijuana from NIDA for a PTSD study, which is a first, those CBD medical marijuana bills...
Ricki Lake introduces her documentary, “Weed the People,” examining the medical usage of cannabis, particularly among families and kids. “Like a growing number of people, a personal...
At a town hall in South River, New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie said, “Part of the problem with this is what I originally proposed with the medical marijuana...
Cannabutter duck fat fingerlings, this dish is truly a royal treat. Here’s What You Need: 1 lb golden fingerling potatoes (truthfully, any potato will work, but fingerlings...
Michigan physicians may now authorize cannabis for the treatment of post-traumatic stress. Members of the Medical Marihuana Review Panel voted 6 to 2 to expand the state’s list of qualifying...
Changes to the medical marijuana program that will force Ottawa patients to stop growing their own pot will violate the rights of those who won’t be able...
Et tu Sanjay? “The idea that people co-mingle the two of them because of the agenda they want to drive, to me, those are totally different issues,” said...
A drug made from chemicals found in marijuana has entered human trials as a treatment for schizophrenia. GW Pharmaceuticals announced on Monday that it has started Phase 2 clinical...
Anywhere you drive in America, you are bombarded by strategically placed signage advertising a plethora of products to consumers on their daily commutes. But there still seems to...
A friend of mine and I were talking about why rescheduling cannabis was important. Specifically, he wondered about the necessity of allowing it to be opened for...
Responding to growing public support for medical use of marijuana, the House of Delegates approved legislation Monday that would allow specially licensed physicians in Maryland to recommend the...