Cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabinoid in marijuana, may help Parkinson’s disease sufferers overcome sleep problems, a new study from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil has found. REM sleep...
This cannabis infused recipe is a powerful blend of healing foods specifically recommended for combating arthritis with nutrition. Fresh ginger, carrots, orange and kale combine for a...
The Temporary Platform Committee of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) today passed an amendment to the Healthcare and Nutritional Supplements plank of the proposed 2014 RPT...
Research suggests those who use cannabis are more likely to suffer from sleep problems. But does using marijuana before bed help or hurt your sleep? A recent study from...
In a historic vote, the House tells the DEA and Justice Department to butt out of medical marijuana states, limited CBD medical marijuana bills are signed into...
Take a look at cannabis news and politics from around the world in this new series, International Cannabis Update. This week features Israel and their rapidly expanding...
U.S. Senate could vote as early as next week on measure to restrict DOJ funds for medical marijuana enforcement Medical marijuana patient Larry Harvey, 70, has returned...
I recently had the pleasure of coming across this beauty in the Bay Area of California. That, my friend, is Black Diamond. A sativa-dominate hybrid strain which...
New York state is partnering with a British company to hold clinical trials for marijuana-based medication for children who have seizures that are resistant to their medicine.
The Leaf Online explains CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are the main receptor sites for the body’s endocannabinoid system. A scientific understanding of these receptor points, and how the 70+ cannabinoids...
A four-year study, published in the journal Schizophrenia Research, followed 170 youth at high risk for psychosis and concluded that marijuana use had no effect on the development...
Roger Martin, founder of a Colorado organization aptly named Operation Grow4Vets believes that, “anyone who would deny treatment with marijuana to a seriously or terminally ill person...
Pasadena, California police have refused a judge’s order to return over $8,000 of medical marijuana seized from a local resident, erroneously claiming that he might be prosecuted under federal...
Cannabis culture often goes hand in hand with being health conscious and environmentally friendly. Doing our part to keep the planet clean and green just seems to...
Governor Mark Dayton signed a bill into law today that makes Minnesota the 22nd medical marijuana state. Patient advocates celebrated the passage of SF 2470, which will protect qualified...
The state of Georgia has entered an agreement with GW Pharmaceuticals and Georgia Regents University to trial a marijuana-based epilepsy treatment according to a new article on...
Gov. Mark Dayton has signed SB 2470, making Minnesota the 22nd state with a compassionate medical marijuana law. While the new law contains unnecessary restrictions, it will bring needed relief to...
Ex-NFL player and current sports columnist, Ryan Riddle, wrote a great piece on an NFL drug policy that he calls “hypocritical and harmful.” Indeed, a new lawsuit...