Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

June 16, 2014
New Jersey Medical Marijuana Program Struggling

New Jersey Medical Marijuana Program Struggling

After predictions that New Jersey’s medical marijuana program could serve tens of thousands of patients, only 2,342 have signed up. Fingers point at the lack of doctor participation, to pot quality...
June 16, 2014
Study Says Medical Marijuana May Help Alleviate Pain in Sickle Cell Patients

Study Says Medical Marijuana May Help Alleviate Pain in Sickle Cell Patients

A University of Minnesota research group, led by chief researcher Kalpna Gupta, has found that the cannabinoids in marijuana can help treat pain caused by sickle cell disease,...
June 16, 2014
Cannabis Lube, Finally: Put Weed in Your Vagina!

Cannabis Lube, Finally: Put Weed in Your Vagina!

There’s brownies, chocolate bars, butane hash oil; you can smoke, you can vape, and now there’s another way to take cannabis, vaginally. Foria, made by the California collective The...
June 13, 2014
Virginia: A Sleeping Supporter of Medical Marijuana

Virginia: A Sleeping Supporter of Medical Marijuana

Despite being notoriously known for having some of the most conservative laws regarding cannabis, even Virginia has found itself following suit with the rest of the nation...
June 13, 2014
Medical Marijuana Bill Is Faced With Difficulties in New York Senate

Medical Marijuana Bill Is Faced With Difficulties in New York Senate

A high-ranking state senator in New York has expressed that he has no plans to move the medical marijuana bill out of his committee, reports The Poughkeepsie Journal....
June 13, 2014
Website Offers Contest Winners Free Weed for a Year

Website Offers Contest Winners Free Weed for a Year

In an effort to raise awareness for Canada’s new federal medical marijuana program, the Lift Cannabis Company, who as part of their “Get Happy Canada” contest, plans...
June 13, 2014
Healing Recipes: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Arugula Goat-Cheese Salad, Cannabis Citrus Vinaigrette

Healing Recipes: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Arugula Goat-Cheese Salad, Cannabis Citrus Vinaigrette

This medicated recipe combines healing nutrition and pain-relieving cannabis to create a powerful, healing salad for multiple sclerosis patients. Raw goat cheese, fresh greens, carrots, mushrooms and...
June 12, 2014
San Jose Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Face Tough New Rules

San Jose Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Face Tough New Rules

The San Jose City Council’s 7-3 vote Tuesday evening limits existing and new pot shops to a handful of select industrial areas that make up less than...
June 12, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.06.11)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.06.11)

Congressional Democrats who voted wrong on medical marijuana catch some flak, California continues to struggle with regulating medical marijuana, while other states struggle to get bills passed....
June 12, 2014
My Favorite Strains: G13

My Favorite Strains: G13

With so many different growers being able to breed and grow new strains of marijuana for both the medical and now recreational markets, there are many new...
June 12, 2014
Marijuana Treatment May Fight Breast Cancer, Researchers Say

Marijuana Treatment May Fight Breast Cancer, Researchers Say

After nearly a decade of research, scientists at California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute recently published online in the British Journal of Pharmacology, which suggest that cannabinoids...
June 11, 2014
Medical Marijuana Bill Faces Setback in NY Senate

Medical Marijuana Bill Faces Setback in NY Senate

A bill that would legalize medical marijuana in New York suffered a major setback Monday, the same day Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters he would sign a medical...
June 11, 2014
International Cannabis Update: Lebanon Battles for Legalization

International Cannabis Update: Lebanon Battles for Legalization

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ranked Lebanon in 2011 as one of the world’s top five sources of cannabis resin. Recently, cannabis (hashish) legalization...
June 10, 2014
Arizona Judge Approves Medical Marijuana as Treatment for PTSD

Arizona Judge Approves Medical Marijuana as Treatment for PTSD

An Arizona judge issued a decision Friday claiming that State Health Director Will Humble acted illegally by denying PTSD patients access to medical marijuana, reports the Arizona Daily...
June 10, 2014
Fight Over Marijuana Regulation Taken to Colorado Supreme Court

Fight Over Marijuana Regulation Taken to Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado’s attorney general said in an amicus brief to the state supreme court that Coloradans do not have the right to use marijuana off the job if...
June 10, 2014
Could Cannabis Be a Natural Form of Birth Control?

Could Cannabis Be a Natural Form of Birth Control?

There’s been a lot of talk lately about a recent study which suggested there could be a link between cannabis and decreased fertility in men. The study surveyed young men under...
June 10, 2014
Sacramento County to Limit Indoor Marijuana Growth

Sacramento County to Limit Indoor Marijuana Growth

Sacramento County, California supervisors are expected today to limit the indoor growth of marijuana to nine plants per house in unincorporated areas. The indoor restriction comes nearly...
June 9, 2014
DEA Leaning on Massachusetts Docs With Dispensaries Ties

DEA Leaning on Massachusetts Docs With Dispensaries Ties

The Boston Globe is reporting today that the DEA has been visiting Massachusetts doctors involved with yet-to-open medical marijuana dispensaries and giving them an ultimatum: Cut your ties with...
June 9, 2014
Colorado: Firing Quadriplegic Med MJ Patients Okay?

Colorado: Firing Quadriplegic Med MJ Patients Okay?

Brandon Coats never expected he would end up as the test case pitting Colorado’s medical marijuana laws against the right of employers to have zero-tolerance marijuana policies....
June 9, 2014
Edibles Review: Lick It Strips

Edibles Review: Lick It Strips

Marijuana edibles come in many different types these days, thanks to the growing medical and now recreational marijuana market in Colorado. A trip to any Denver dispensary...