Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

July 24, 2012
Video: Tokin Daily: a Day in the Life of Working at a Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Video: Tokin Daily: a Day in the Life of Working at a Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Paul from Tokin Daily recently filmed a day in the life of working at River Rock North, a Denver Colorado medical marijuana dispensary. The first 3:25 is...
July 19, 2012
Marijuana Tolerance Break? What? Why?

Marijuana Tolerance Break? What? Why?

For weedists using cannabis 4-7 days a week on a consistent basis, are your highs not as epic lately? On the plus side you are so used...
July 18, 2012
The Wall Street Journal Covers First Licensed New Jersey Medical Marijuana Provider

The Wall Street Journal Covers First Licensed New Jersey Medical Marijuana Provider

Great to see publications like The Wall Street Journal covering the business of medical marijuana. Read more about the Greenleaf Compassion Center, the first licensed provider of medical...
July 16, 2012
NorCal Medical Marijuana Enemy #1: US Attorney Melinda Haag

NorCal Medical Marijuana Enemy #1: US Attorney Melinda Haag

Melinda Haag, United States Attorney 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 436-7200  So why is Melinda Haag medical marijuana’s enemy number 1 and...
July 16, 2012
Round 1: Marijuana Safer Than Peanuts, Round 2: Caffeine

Round 1: Marijuana Safer Than Peanuts, Round 2: Caffeine

If you recall from Round 1 of our public health menace cage match fight, marijuana lost to peanuts. Peanuts kill 100 people every year, is the most...
July 12, 2012
Video: Awesome Eye Candy Tour of Colorado’s Breckenridge Cannabis Club

Video: Awesome Eye Candy Tour of Colorado’s Breckenridge Cannabis Club

For those of you not blessed to live in a state with sane medical marijuana laws, take an eye candy trip with Joby Weeks at Colorado’s Breckenridge Cannabis Club....
July 9, 2012
Federal Government Strikes Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Again

Federal Government Strikes Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Again

Last Friday’s SF Weekly article “Cash-Only Pot: Credit Cards No Longer Accepted at Medical Marijuana Dispensaries” was a stark reminder that prohibitionists won’t go down without a...
July 6, 2012
Prohibition, Black Markets, and What is Best for Our Children

Prohibition, Black Markets, and What is Best for Our Children

One of the most prevalent scare tactics from prohibitionists is how a sensible taxation and regulation policy for marijuana will turn our children into 24/7 couch-locked stoners since they’ll...
July 5, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update

Medical Marijuana Update

07:38pm California continues to have conniptions over medical marijuana, a scientific review finds marijuana’s Schedule I status “untenable,” and much, much more: National On Monday, the Open...
July 2, 2012
What Would Marijuana As a Schedule II Drug Mean?

What Would Marijuana As a Schedule II Drug Mean?

    Senator Perry B. Clark ( D-Louisville) is scheduled to hold a press conference at 2pm EDT on Thursday, July 5 to introduce  the Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Medical...
June 29, 2012
The Endogenous Cannabinoid System, a Biological Perspective

The Endogenous Cannabinoid System, a Biological Perspective

For those folks who must know how it works, here is a biology geek deep-dive into the endogenous cannabinoid system from Cannabis Science video magazine.  According to...
June 29, 2012
State Senator To Hold Press Conference About Bill To Make Marijuana Schedule II

State Senator To Hold Press Conference About Bill To Make Marijuana Schedule II

Lex18 reports “Senator Perry B. Clark, D-Louisville, will hold a press conference to introduce legislation that would make marijuana a schedule II drug, legal for doctors to...
June 28, 2012
Major Compounds in Cannabis and the Impact to Your High

Major Compounds in Cannabis and the Impact to Your High

Here’s a 101 primer on the major compounds in cannabis and how it impacts the high you experience.  With 6,000 Americans trying marijuana for the first time...
June 27, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update

Medical Marijuana Update

06:35pm The feds continue to play hardball in California and local elected officials across the state are grappling with the issues. Meanwhile, Vermont moves ahead on...
June 21, 2012
NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

04:53pm New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) Thursday made good on his threat to veto a medical marijuana bill, Senate Bill 409, approved by the legislature. Lynch...
June 20, 2012
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Chocolate Chip Cookies

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Chocolate Chip Cookies

We originally posted this recipe in our forums for the 4/20 celebrations. Though, who doesn’t love marijuana chocolate chip cookies any day of the week? Count me in....
June 15, 2012
The Joys of Discreet Edibles

The Joys of Discreet Edibles

As I’ve aged, the pockets of time where I can whip out that massive glass bong have sadly considerably decreased. I’ve come to deeply appreciate edibles &...
June 9, 2012
Big Pharma Strives For Cannabis Withdrawal “Medication”

Big Pharma Strives For Cannabis Withdrawal “Medication”

You tell me which is worse, a plant that grows on it’s own and then flowers with a substance that has evolved with the human body over...
June 8, 2012
Marijuana, Safer Than Peanuts!

Marijuana, Safer Than Peanuts!

  Statistically speaking this is true, no deaths have ever been attributed to marijuana use, while peanuts kill 100 people every single year!  Who knew that peanuts...
June 5, 2012
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Red Velvet Cupcakes

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Red Velvet Cupcakes

Who doesn’t love Red Velvet these days?  The chocolate cake, the cool red #5 color and the yummy cream cheese frosting. Estimated Time: 1 hour Serves: 12...