Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

September 14, 2012
Little-Known Cannabinoid May Treat Epileptic Seizures

Little-Known Cannabinoid May Treat Epileptic Seizures

Epilepsy is a serious medical condition noted chiefly for recurrent brain seizures, affecting many millions of people across the world. Typical pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, often...
September 14, 2012
Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections II: The Parties and the Presidential Race

Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections II: The Parties and the Presidential Race

11:27pm As the 2012 election campaign enters its final weeks, all eyes are turning to the top of the ticket. While, according to the latest polls and electoral college...

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September 13, 2012
Cannabis Anti-Convulsant Shakes Up Epilepsy Treatment

Cannabis Anti-Convulsant Shakes Up Epilepsy Treatment

Ben Whalley at the University of Reading, UK, and colleagues worked with GW Pharmaceuticals in Wiltshire, UK, to investigate the anti-convulsant properties of cannabidivarin (CBDV), a little-studied chemical found in...
September 13, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.12)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.12)

05:48pm No DEA raids or federal threat letters to report this week, but the battles over medical marijuana continue on many fronts. Let’s get to it:...
September 13, 2012
Cannabis and Nausea | Granny Storm Crow MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Nausea | Granny Storm Crow MMJ Reference

Here are some of the best research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references you will find on cannabis and nausea on the Internet. What follows is...
September 12, 2012
Looking at Rule Changes for Seattle Medical Marijuana Businesses

Looking at Rule Changes for Seattle Medical Marijuana Businesses

A proposal to amend Seattle’s land use code would restrict the production and distribution of Seattle medical marijuana in certain parts of the city, including Pike Place Market.
September 11, 2012
Mainstreaming Medical Marijuana With Pot for Parents

Mainstreaming Medical Marijuana With Pot for Parents

A recent NY Times opinion piece waxed rhapsodically on the benefits of medical marijuana for transforming a  stressed-out father into a calmer, more medicated daddy of toddlers. The breezy delivery,...
September 10, 2012
VP Candidate Paul Ryan On Medical Marijuana: “I Support States’ Rights”

VP Candidate Paul Ryan On Medical Marijuana: “I Support States’ Rights”

In a clear departure from his more socially conservative top-of-the-ticket running mate Mitt Romney, vice presidential candidate Congressman Paul Ryan, in an interview this afternoon on KRDO in Colorado...
September 7, 2012
Annotated Transcript of Old Hippie Interview with Barack Obama

Annotated Transcript of Old Hippie Interview with Barack Obama

OH: Hi, I’m Old Hippie, and I’m here to have a talk with Barack Obama, president of the United States. Mr. President, back in 2008 when you...
September 7, 2012
Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections I: The Initiatives

Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections I: The Initiatives

10:28am The Labor Day weekend has passed, summer is behind us, and the November elections are just two months away. When it comes to drug policy...
September 7, 2012
‘Smoking Weed with The President’ Video

‘Smoking Weed with The President’ Video

– 05:30PM Actor and pothead stereotype Kal Penn is a terrible person. Not only did he try and make a political propaganda ad to appeal to the...
September 6, 2012
Old Hippie Asks Obama Some Hard Questions About Marijuana

Old Hippie Asks Obama Some Hard Questions About Marijuana

Everybody talks about President Obama and his broken promises about marijuana, but nobody has gotten him to talk about it. We tried on Reddit. We tried with...
September 6, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.05)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.05)

07:59pm Los Angeles dispensaries got a reprieve last week–or did they? The busts there continue, despite the ban on the ban. And there’s more news from...
September 6, 2012
Medical Marijuana Pain Relief Creams

Medical Marijuana Pain Relief Creams

  As a budtender working in Denver, I get to see lots of different people who have been legally prescribed by a medical doctor to treat their...
September 5, 2012
Cannabis and Lung Cancer | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Lung Cancer | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here are some of the best research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references you will find on cannabis and lung cancer on the Internet. What follows...
August 31, 2012
At the RNC Convention: Prohibition? What’s Prohibition?

At the RNC Convention: Prohibition? What’s Prohibition?

Its a good thing no one in the media is asking anyone at the RNC Convention any questions about Marijuana Prohibition, this way they don’t have to...
August 31, 2012
Montana’s First Medical Marijuana Caregiver Dies in Prison

Montana’s First Medical Marijuana Caregiver Dies in Prison

03:15pm The first person to register as a caregiver under Montana’s now gutted medical marijuana program has died in federal prison. Richard Flor, 68, died at...
August 30, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.29)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.29)

04:56pm The battle of Los Angeles continues, Arizona prosecutors don’t like their medical marijuana law, and a bill is pre-filed in Kentucky. There’s also lots more...
August 30, 2012
Cannabis and Addiction | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Addiction | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here are some of the best research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references you will find on cannabis and addiction on the Internet. What follows is...
August 30, 2012
Medical Marijuana Advocates File Signatures for Referendum to Overturn Los Angeles Dispensary Ban

Medical Marijuana Advocates File Signatures for Referendum to Overturn Los Angeles Dispensary Ban

With plenty of time to spare, medical marijuana advocates filed more than 50,000 signatures today in an effort to overturn a recently passed ban on dispensaries throughout the city. Despite...