Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

November 5, 2012
Weedist Voter Guide For Election Day

Weedist Voter Guide For Election Day

Tomorrow is Election Day, and it promises to be the most important election in quite a while for Weedists, whether they be recreational users,  medical marijuana patients,...
November 5, 2012
Northern California Town Pushes Back Against Industrial Pot Growers

Northern California Town Pushes Back Against Industrial Pot Growers

Arcata, in Humboldt County, California, will vote on Measure I next week, which would impose a 45% tax on households that use three times the amount of power a...
November 5, 2012
NORML’s Eleven Surprising Things About Marijuana That Seniors Need to Know

NORML’s Eleven Surprising Things About Marijuana That Seniors Need to Know

[Editor’s note: Going into Tuesday’s historic vote in six states on legalization and medical cannabis ballot initiatives, one of the last, but not too unsurprising hold out...
November 5, 2012
Israel Pushing Ahead in Medical Marijuana Industry

Israel Pushing Ahead in Medical Marijuana Industry

Israel’s medical cannabis industry is expanding, fueled by a strong research sector in medicine and technology, and with government encouragement. Even influential senior rabbis do not voice...
November 2, 2012
‘Superstring Theory’ Co-founder Admonishes Federal Government for Ignoring Science on Medical Marijuana

‘Superstring Theory’ Co-founder Admonishes Federal Government for Ignoring Science on Medical Marijuana

Physicist John Schwarz speaks out in support of marijuana reclassification, and for prioritizing science over politics. Taking his first public political stance, Dr. John Schwarz, co-founder of...
November 2, 2012
New Cannabinoid Drug Offers Novel Pain Management Therapy for Diabetics

New Cannabinoid Drug Offers Novel Pain Management Therapy for Diabetics

Big Pharma is at it again, Nabilone, a synthetic compound that mimics the cannabinoids in marijuana and has been shown to be effective for pain management in...
November 2, 2012
November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

09:27pm We are now only five days away from Election Day, and it’s starting to look very much like at least one state will vote to legalize...
November 2, 2012
DEA Sweeps Two San Bernardino Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

DEA Sweeps Two San Bernardino Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

The Drug Enforcement Administration on Tuesday raided two medical-marijuana clinics on Highland Avenue, seizing dozens of pounds of marijuana, hash and edible products containing the drug.
November 1, 2012
Colorado Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: 266 Licensed MMCs, 272 Pending

Colorado Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: 266 Licensed MMCs, 272 Pending

As of last week, there were 266 licensed dispensaries in Colorado, with the possibility for almost double that number by the time the state Medical Marijuana Enforcement...
November 1, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.10.31)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.10.31)

06:55pm A California appeals court has made a landmark ruling, the DEA keeps on raiding, and a Montana medical marijuana provider refuses a post-conviction plea bargain,...
November 1, 2012
California Medical Association Calls on Governor Brown to Urge for Marijuana’s Reclassification

California Medical Association Calls on Governor Brown to Urge for Marijuana’s Reclassification

More than two weeks ago, with less fanfare than it deserved, the California Medical Association (CMA) voted to urge Governor Brown to petition the federal government to reclassify...
November 1, 2012
‘No Grey Sky’ Marijuana Dispensary Takes on Uncle Sam

‘No Grey Sky’ Marijuana Dispensary Takes on Uncle Sam

A licensed medical marijuana provider sued the Justice Department and DEA, claiming that their illegal crusade threatens to cost thousands of patients their means to acquire the...
October 31, 2012
Great Edibles Recipes: Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

Great Edibles Recipes: Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

I love edibles, and I like to have them around all the time.  But, I am a lazy cook, so if it’s not easy, I won’t do...
By: Anna Diaz
October 31, 2012
On Medical Marijuana, State Laws Matter

On Medical Marijuana, State Laws Matter

New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer (R-Ocean) seemed misinformed in a recent news release regarding medical marijuana. Singer argued that because President Obama long ago broke his promise...
October 31, 2012
Smoke the Vote: Final Week Election Update

Smoke the Vote: Final Week Election Update

With just one week left until the election, there have been some recent news to report on, including two new campaign ads and several new polls. WASHINGTON...
October 31, 2012
Norwood, Massachusetts Chief of Police: Marijuana is Not Medicine

Norwood, Massachusetts Chief of Police: Marijuana is Not Medicine

Norwood Police Chief William Brooks has declared that marijuana is not medicine; we’ll have to check on his medical credentials and get back to you on that....
October 30, 2012
Initiative That Would Limit Los Angeles Marijuana Dispensaries Approved for Signature Gathering

Initiative That Would Limit Los Angeles Marijuana Dispensaries Approved for Signature Gathering

One of two initiatives that want to regulate marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles was approved for signature gathering. This one wants to cut the number of shops...
October 30, 2012
How Cannabinoids May Slow Brain Aging

How Cannabinoids May Slow Brain Aging

A new review, published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, suggests that drugs similar to marijuana’s active ingredients may hold promise for preventing, or even reversing, brain...
October 29, 2012
Medical Marijuana Collective Owner Grapples with How to Vote on I-502

Medical Marijuana Collective Owner Grapples with How to Vote on I-502

Washington State Initiative 502 is a moral quandary for many in the medical marijuana business. Dale Meltzer, co-owner of Serious Medicine Collective , in Olympia, WA has...
October 29, 2012
Dumanis Continues Raiding in San Diego, While Court of Appeals Tells Her She is Wrong

Dumanis Continues Raiding in San Diego, While Court of Appeals Tells Her She is Wrong

On Wednesday, October 24, a dozen armed, masked NTF agents stormed Next Generation, a legal medical marijuana collective located on San Ysidro Blvd. in San Diego. The raid came just...