Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

February 24, 2015
Medical Marijuana May Soon Be Marketed as Kosher

Medical Marijuana May Soon Be Marketed as Kosher

Medical marijuana may soon come with a kosher seal of approval. The Orthodox Union that offers kosher certification is in early discussions with parties interested in offering...
February 23, 2015
Adam Scott’s New Cannabis-Themed Sitcom ‘Buds’ Will Bring Weed Culture to Network TV

Adam Scott’s New Cannabis-Themed Sitcom ‘Buds’ Will Bring Weed Culture to Network TV

Adam Scott is teaming up with producer Naomi Scott, and one of Parks and Rec’s writers to create a new cannabis themed sitcom called ‘Buds’ that will...
February 23, 2015
Congress’ New Federal Legalization Bills May Be Doomed to Fail

Congress’ New Federal Legalization Bills May Be Doomed to Fail

Friday, February 20th marked the introduction of two separate pieces of legislation in the US House that would put a regulatory framework into place for states that...
February 19, 2015
Marijuana Legal in New Jersey? This New Coalition Launches Effort to Legalize It, Tax It

Marijuana Legal in New Jersey? This New Coalition Launches Effort to Legalize It, Tax It

A group of activists gathered in New Jersey’s largest city today to announce a new coalition that will advocate for the legalization, taxation, and regulation of marijuana...
February 18, 2015
Government Buys Kids PDAs to Help Kick Weed Smoking Habit

Government Buys Kids PDAs to Help Kick Weed Smoking Habit

The government has developed a program to help kids who excessively use cannabis quit their smoking habit using PDAs and has spent $772,472 on the project in...
February 18, 2015
Custom Strain for Multiple Sclerosis Being Crafted by Nemus Bioscience

Custom Strain for Multiple Sclerosis Being Crafted by Nemus Bioscience

Nemus Bioscience, a company out of California, is aiming to create and supply condition-specific strains of cannabis. Currently, they are working on such a strain for the...
February 18, 2015
Vermont Could Be Next State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Vermont Could Be Next State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Vermont could become the first state in history to legalize recreational marijuana via state legislature with a new bill submitted Tuesday that aims to end prohibition of...
February 17, 2015
Study Suggests Possible Link Between Mania and Cannabis Use

Study Suggests Possible Link Between Mania and Cannabis Use

Apparently, researchers at the University of Warwick believe they have uncovered a “significant” link between cannabis use and mania symptoms. They suggest that their findings show cannabis...
February 17, 2015
Marijuana Law Classes Take Hazy Place in College Curriculum

Marijuana Law Classes Take Hazy Place in College Curriculum

Across the country, college students from Colorado to Ohio are clamoring to sign up for law school classes focusing on marijuana. At the Moritz College of Law...
February 16, 2015
Virginia Politicians Approve CBD Oil Bill

Virginia Politicians Approve CBD Oil Bill

Virginia lawmakers have passed House Bill 1445 which allows for the use of cannabis oil in the treatment of medical conditions, specifically seizures.
February 16, 2015
Study: Cannabis Doesn’t Lead to Increased Car Accidents

Study: Cannabis Doesn’t Lead to Increased Car Accidents

More bad news for the hysterical anti-pot crowd: the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration just released a report stating that driving after using cannabis does not increase...
February 13, 2015
Former University President Turns to Selling Marijuana

Former University President Turns to Selling Marijuana

Former University of Nevada-Reno president Joe Crowley has found a new line of work — selling marijuana. The well-liked former university boss is president of Sierra Wellness...
February 13, 2015
Judge Weighs Whether U.S. Marijuana Law Is Unconstitutional

Judge Weighs Whether U.S. Marijuana Law Is Unconstitutional

A federal judge hearing a case of nine men charged with illegally growing marijuana on federal land in California said Wednesday she was considering arguments that the...
February 12, 2015
Koch Backed Group Seeks to Help Drug War Victims

Koch Backed Group Seeks to Help Drug War Victims

Thanks to mandatory sentencing laws, Weldon Angelos, a father of two, has been sentenced to 55 years in jail for selling cannabis. But a Koch-brother backed group,...
February 12, 2015
The Debate Over Running While High

The Debate Over Running While High

The grueling sport of ultramarathon has fostered a mingling of two seemingly opposite camps: endurance jocks and potheads. “If you can find the right level, takes...
February 12, 2015
Colorado’s Pot Tax Tally Has Lessons for Other States

Colorado’s Pot Tax Tally Has Lessons for Other States

Marijuana makes money. But legalizing it doesn’t eliminate the black market or solve a state’s budget problems. Those are the lessons from Colorado’s first full year of...
February 11, 2015
Missouri Legalization Group Sues State Drug Task Forces

Missouri Legalization Group Sues State Drug Task Forces

The report, Secret, Dangerous and Unaccountable: Exploring Patterns of Misconduct in Missouri’s Drug Task Forces is the culmination of years of research and “Sunshine Requests”, Missouri’s equivalent...
February 11, 2015
Millionaire Seeks to Control Washington State Cannabis Laws

Millionaire Seeks to Control Washington State Cannabis Laws

Pending legislation in Washington may put the unregulated medical cannabis market under the looming eye of the state and one man in control of medical cannabis.
February 11, 2015
Virginia House Allows Marijuana Oils for Epilepsy

Virginia House Allows Marijuana Oils for Epilepsy

Virginia’s Republican-dominated House of Delegates voted Tuesday for a bill that would protect users of a form of medical marijuana from state prosecution. The legislation, which passed...
February 11, 2015
Cannabusiness: Alaska Still Figuring Out Legal Pot

Cannabusiness: Alaska Still Figuring Out Legal Pot

Although Alaska will now join Washington, Oregon and Colorado among the ranks of the enlightened, the ink was barely dry on the new law before local governments...