The possession of small amounts of marijuana in the nation’s capital could soon be no more than a ticketable offense. A decriminalization bill is set to move...
Representative Sherry Appleton Joins With Coalition of Patient Advocates to Defend Washington’s Medical Cannabis Law Patients, doctors and caregivers have formed a powerful coalition to keep medical...
The imposition of student drug testing programs is not effective in limiting students’ consumption of controlled substances, according to survey data published in the January edition of...
A Colorado dispensary has begun accepting bitcoin. Banking laws prevent dispensaries from accepting credit card payments, so they are otherwise cash-only.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell told ESPN he could envision players using medical marijuana in states where it’s legal. “I don’t know what’s going to develop as far as...
Los Angeles’ city attorney obtained an injunction against a real estate business that brokered a deal for a medical marijuana dispensary, and said he would step up...
A teacher who was fired and then reinstated amid accusations that she drank wine and smoked marijuana is entitled to back pay with interest, a Hawaiian...
Rep. Sherry Jones has taken an important step for seriously ill patients in Tennessee and introduced a medical marijuana bill, HB 1385. The bill, known as the Koozer-Kuhn Medical...
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s plan to bring medical cannabis to 20 hospitals around New York, announced this week, has been criticized by activists for being too narrow and too reliant on...
France’s ministry of health announced Thursday that it has approved Sativex, a cannabis-based mouth spray produced by GW pharmaceutricals. Sativex will be available in France in 2015...
Leaf Science reports on a study that found a hormone released when THC is used also inhibits THC receptors, explaining why marijuana users never overdose.
Regulated dispensaries are coming to Oregon, it’s looking increasingly likely that a medical marijuana initiative is coming to Florida, New York’s governor sticks a toe in the...