Rep. Ruben Gallego has introduced HB 2558, which would end the prohibition of marijuana in Arizona. The bill would allow adults to use, possess, and cultivate limited...
Vice President Joe Biden said in a Time interview on Thursday that the Administration supports smarter enforcement, but not outright legalization. “I think the idea of focusing significant...
Project CBD takes on the skeptics on cannabidiol, medical marijuana bills move in Guam, but not in Michigan, and California counties continue to slug it out over...
My homeboy Kevin Sabet is at it again. He dropped this tweet about an article on medical marijuana dispensaries and crime, and I salivated: The anti-pot...
Seattle PD has been sending notifications to neighbors of potential pot business locations, suggesting specific complaints and reminding them they can object.
The Senate has passed the version of the Farm Bill sent to it last week by the House of Representatives, meaning that the legislation, which includes a...
The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services has finalized regulations for a single medical marijuana compassion center. Unfortunately, the pilot center will be limited to cultivating...
More than half of all Americans live in states that have reformed their marijuana laws by allowing medical marijuana, imposing a fine — not possible jail time — on...
Congressional Members Slam Drug Czar’s Office for Failing to Acknowledge Facts About Marijuana and Relying on Marijuana ‘Propaganda’ At Tuesday’s House committee hearing, the deputy drug czar...
Hawaii voters overwhelmingly support legalizing and regulating the adult use of cannabis, according to just-released statewide survey data by QMark Research and commissioned by the Hawaii Drug...