The armchair doctors over at WebMD recently published an article titled: Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S., Study Finds. On the surface, this...
In 2013, Senator David Haley introduced SB 9, which would establish a compassionate medical marijuana program in Kansas similar to the programs in 20 other states. That...
According to a recent Quinnipiac University Poll, 51% of overall Colorado voters said that recent legal marijuana measures are bad for the state’s wholesome image (with a margin of error of...
Just wonderful: John Morales, an actor who played McGruff the Crime Dog in Galveston, Texas, was sentenced to 16 years in prison recently for possession of 1,000...
Oregon Governor Kitzhaber has been getting a lot of press for his support of cannabis regulation. In these exciting times, we are seeing more and more support for...
State Representative Edith Ajello (D – Providence) and state Senator Josh Miller (D – Cranston) are currently reaching out to their colleagues to ask them to sign...
In a bellwether case, the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that cities and counties cannot pass ordinances that conflict with the state’s five-year-old Medical Marihuana Act. The...
President Obama this afternoon signed into law the omnibus farm bill, which includes an amendment allowing for research into hemp production in states that have authorized it....
Scientific American calls for an end to the ban on psychoactive drug research, noting that marijuana, LSD, psilocybin and MDMA may lead to new treatments.
It has now been one month of legal marijuana sales on the books in Colorado. As a customer service representative at a very busy Denver dispensary that has...
In a bellwether case, the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that cities and counties cannot pass ordinances that violate the state’s five-year-old Medical Marihuana Act. The ruling...