Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

February 27, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.26)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.26)

The Epilepsy Foundation comes out in support of medical marijuana, the feds delay a PTSD study, CBD bills are popping up, and a battle over local dispensary...
February 27, 2014
RI Governor Chafee Open to Exploring Recreational Pot Legalization

RI Governor Chafee Open to Exploring Recreational Pot Legalization

Rhode Island Governor Chafee (D) may be warming to legalizing and regulating recreational marijuana in the state, based on a recent series of comments. Chafee, through his spokeswoman Faye...
February 26, 2014
LA Sees Vaping Looks Like Smoking, an E-Cig Ban Is Imminent

LA Sees Vaping Looks Like Smoking, an E-Cig Ban Is Imminent

Los Angeles is the latest city pushing an e-cig ban because the devices are reminiscent of tobacco cigarettes.
February 26, 2014
Marijuana Helps Seniors Get Off Drugs

Marijuana Helps Seniors Get Off Drugs

Medical marijuana is helping seniors across the country trade some of their pills for pot, and get off drugs that cause as many problems as they solve.
February 26, 2014
NORML Argues Police May Not Question Based on Marijuana Odor

NORML Argues Police May Not Question Based on Marijuana Odor

NORML filed an “amicus curiae” brief with the Massachusetts Supreme Court on Tuesday, February 18, urging the court to place more limits on police questioning and searches...
February 26, 2014
Minnesota Wants Medical Marijuana, But Police Are in the Way

Minnesota Wants Medical Marijuana, But Police Are in the Way

Minnesota residents and lawmakers want to legalize medical marijuana but police oppose, at least partly because they don’t want to lose funding.
February 26, 2014
Maryland Police Chief Cites Fake News In Senate Hearing

Maryland Police Chief Cites Fake News In Senate Hearing

At a Maryland State Senate hearing to discuss decriminalizing marijuana Tuesday, a high-ranking law enforcement official betrayed his total ignorance about marijuana when he claimed that decriminalization...
February 26, 2014
Canada’s New Medical Marijuana System Will Lead to Fraud

Canada’s New Medical Marijuana System Will Lead to Fraud

Cannabis Culture reports that one of the many problems with Canada’s new medical marijuana system is an increase in fraud.
February 26, 2014
The Stoned Comic Genius of Harold Ramis

The Stoned Comic Genius of Harold Ramis

CelebStoner celebrates the career of stoner film pioneer Harold Ramis, who passed away Monday.
February 26, 2014
Russia’s Drug Czar Spouts Pure Reefer Madness, Rules Out Cannabis Legalization

Russia’s Drug Czar Spouts Pure Reefer Madness, Rules Out Cannabis Legalization

Viktor Ivanov, head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN), recently spouted some pure, Grade A cannabis reefer madness in an interview with the Interfax news agency. The “medical...
February 25, 2014
Study: Marijuana May Combat Stress-Related Illnesses

Study: Marijuana May Combat Stress-Related Illnesses

A new study finds that marijuana may combat stress-related illnesses like depression and inflammation.
February 25, 2014
Ohio: Majority Want Legalization, Nearly 90% Support MMJ

Ohio: Majority Want Legalization, Nearly 90% Support MMJ

Polling data released today by Quinnipiac University revealed that a majority of Ohio voters support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, and nearly 9 out of 10 support...
February 25, 2014
The Implausible Case Against E-Cigarettes

The Implausible Case Against E-Cigarettes

Jacob Sullum describes the main arguments against e-cigarettes: that they lure kids into smoking and prevent smokers from quitting.
February 25, 2014
Over 40 Maine Lawmakers Sign Memo Urging Legalization

Over 40 Maine Lawmakers Sign Memo Urging Legalization

On Friday, more than 40 state lawmakers in Maine co-signed a memo authored by State Representative Diane Russell that was delivered to the Appropriations & Financial Affairs...
February 25, 2014
CNBC’s “Marijuana in America: Colorado Pot Rush” Premieres Tomorrow

CNBC’s “Marijuana in America: Colorado Pot Rush” Premieres Tomorrow

CNBC’s one hour documentary “Marijuana in America: Colorado Pot Rush” premieres tomorrow night.
February 25, 2014
At Halfway Point, GA Medical Marijuana Bill in Trouble

At Halfway Point, GA Medical Marijuana Bill in Trouble

Halfway through the 2014 session, Georgia’s medical marijuana bill has a problem: it doesn’t create a legal source of cannabis.
February 24, 2014
Life in Prison for Marijuana?

Life in Prison for Marijuana?

As more and more Americans support ending marijuana prohibition and an increasing number of states consider marijuana policy reform legislation, it is sometimes easy to forget that...
February 24, 2014
New Medical Cannabis Bills in California

New Medical Cannabis Bills in California

Friday, February 21, was the deadline to introduce new bills for the 2014 legislative session in California. There are three bills that will be a priority for...
February 24, 2014
Study: Dispensaries Impact Neighborhoods Like Coffee Shops

Study: Dispensaries Impact Neighborhoods Like Coffee Shops

A study from University of Colorado Denver found that medical marijuana dispensaries impact neighborhoods no more negatively than coffee shops.
February 24, 2014
Maryland Governor Suffering From Reefer Madness

Maryland Governor Suffering From Reefer Madness

Gov. Martin O’Malley has stated repeatedly that he opposes decriminalizing marijuana, a sensible measure already adopted by 16 other states, including red states like Nebraska and Mississippi. Gov. O’Malley does...