Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

March 5, 2014
How Marijuana Changed Your March Madness Bracket

How Marijuana Changed Your March Madness Bracket

Chane Behanan was a member of the Louisville basketball team. While they were at a hotel for a road game, he took a walk to get away and...
March 5, 2014
Comcast Okays TV Spots That Pitch Medical Marijuana

Comcast Okays TV Spots That Pitch Medical Marijuana

Comcast, the nation’s largest cable operator, has agreed to run an ad on its local cable systems in New Jersey, Massachusetts and greater Chicago that promote a...
March 4, 2014
CA Gov. Jerry Brown: ‘How Many People Can Get Stoned and Still Have a Great State?’

CA Gov. Jerry Brown: ‘How Many People Can Get Stoned and Still Have a Great State?’

On Meet the Press,  CA Governor Jerry Brown expressed his concern “…how many people can get stoned and still have a great state or a great nation?...
March 4, 2014
Mexico Lawmakers Push for Decrim, WA Lawmakers Attack MMJ… Again.

Mexico Lawmakers Push for Decrim, WA Lawmakers Attack MMJ… Again.

In an interesting comparison, left-wing lawmakers in Mexico introduced legislation to decriminalize cannabis. The aim of this legislation is to curb cartel violence by eliminating the black...
March 3, 2014
Legalize Marijuana Group Sets Up Shop in Austin

Legalize Marijuana Group Sets Up Shop in Austin

Marijuana Policy Project has set up in Austin, Texas and hopes to legalize marijuana in the state within 5 years.
March 3, 2014

Man Swallows Lit “Pot Cigar,” Gets Charged With “Tampering With Evidence” in Hell’s Kitchen

A 22-year-old man was smoking a “pot cigar” on the corner of 10th Avenue and West 39th Street last Saturday night, when he was approached by a police officer....
March 3, 2014
Vermont Legislature Seeks to Expand Medical Marijuana Program

Vermont Legislature Seeks to Expand Medical Marijuana Program

Vermont’s medical marijuana program has come a long way since the law was first approved by the Legislature back in 2004. In 2011, MPP worked with Vermont legislators...
March 3, 2014
University of Colorado Plans to Close Campus on 4/20

University of Colorado Plans to Close Campus on 4/20

So what if it’s now legal? For the third year in a row the University of Colorado plans to close its Boulder campus for the upcoming marijuana...
March 3, 2014
Tempe, Arizona Compassion Club Busted for Pot Sales

Tempe, Arizona Compassion Club Busted for Pot Sales

Delta 9, a medical marijuana compassion club in Tempe, Arizona, was busted for providing medicine to members.
March 3, 2014
Reefer Madness Continues: Can Marijuana Kill You?

Reefer Madness Continues: Can Marijuana Kill You?

(Dr. Mitch Earleywine was elected as the Chairman of the NORML Board of Directors in February 2014) A recent headline reads: “Can Marijuana Kill You? German Scientists Say...
March 3, 2014
Feds Block FDA-Approved Medical Marijuana Research for Veterans With PTSD

Feds Block FDA-Approved Medical Marijuana Research for Veterans With PTSD

Thousands of veterans and other medical marijuana patients nationwide use marijuana to treat symptoms of PTSD, but the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) is blocking researchers who...
March 3, 2014
Marijuana in Jamaica: Puff Peace

Marijuana in Jamaica: Puff Peace

The Economist reports that energy minister Philip Paulwell said he will ‘find time’ this year to decriminalize possession of marijuana in Jamaica.
March 3, 2014
UFC Fighter Jessica Eye Stripped of Win for Cannabis

UFC Fighter Jessica Eye Stripped of Win for Cannabis

Upon defeating her opponent in a UFC bantamweight bout, pro-fighter Jessica Eye was given a drug test. She failed the test. The punishment dished by the UFC...
February 28, 2014
Kentucky Medical Marijuana Bill Approved By House Committee

Kentucky Medical Marijuana Bill Approved By House Committee

HB 350, the Cannabis Compassion Act, would allow people with debilitating medical conditions to access and use medical marijuana without fear of arrest. The Kentucky House Health...
February 28, 2014
Marijuana Will Be the Best Investment Idea of the Next Decade

Marijuana Will Be the Best Investment Idea of the Next Decade

Cannabis Culture reports that as legalization spreads, marijuana will be the best investment idea of the next decade.
February 28, 2014
Denver Officials Consider Denying Permit for 4/20 Rally

Denver Officials Consider Denying Permit for 4/20 Rally

Denver officials are considering denying the permit for the annual 4/20 rally in Civic Center Park.
February 28, 2014
Patients May Defy New Canadian Medical Marijuana Laws

Patients May Defy New Canadian Medical Marijuana Laws

New Canadian medical marijuana laws go into effect April 1, and many patients may be forced to defy them or go without medication.
February 28, 2014
Maryland Legislators Reignite Effort to Pass Medical Marijuana Law

Maryland Legislators Reignite Effort to Pass Medical Marijuana Law

A medical marijuana bill introduced earlier this month by Maryland House Delegate Cheryl Glenn (D-Baltimore) and co-sponsored by nearly half of the House will be heard Friday...
February 27, 2014
Colorado Girl Scouts Told Not to Sell Outside Pot Shops

Colorado Girl Scouts Told Not to Sell Outside Pot Shops

Girl Scouts of Colorado told members that they are not allowed to sell cookies outside dispensaries, comparing them to strip clubs and liquor stores.
February 27, 2014
Oregon Considering Bill That Would Permit Dispensary Bans

Oregon Considering Bill That Would Permit Dispensary Bans

Last week, the Oregon Senate unanimously approved legislation to allow local governments to enact reasonable restrictions on medical marijuana dispensaries. As passed by the Senate, SB 1531 would allow municipalities to...