Comcast, the nation’s largest cable operator, has agreed to run an ad on its local cable systems in New Jersey, Massachusetts and greater Chicago that promote a...
In an interesting comparison, left-wing lawmakers in Mexico introduced legislation to decriminalize cannabis. The aim of this legislation is to curb cartel violence by eliminating the black...
A 22-year-old man was smoking a “pot cigar” on the corner of 10th Avenue and West 39th Street last Saturday night, when he was approached by a police officer....
Vermont’s medical marijuana program has come a long way since the law was first approved by the Legislature back in 2004. In 2011, MPP worked with Vermont legislators...
(Dr. Mitch Earleywine was elected as the Chairman of the NORML Board of Directors in February 2014) A recent headline reads: “Can Marijuana Kill You? German Scientists Say...
Thousands of veterans and other medical marijuana patients nationwide use marijuana to treat symptoms of PTSD, but the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) is blocking researchers who...
Upon defeating her opponent in a UFC bantamweight bout, pro-fighter Jessica Eye was given a drug test. She failed the test. The punishment dished by the UFC...
HB 350, the Cannabis Compassion Act, would allow people with debilitating medical conditions to access and use medical marijuana without fear of arrest. The Kentucky House Health...
A medical marijuana bill introduced earlier this month by Maryland House Delegate Cheryl Glenn (D-Baltimore) and co-sponsored by nearly half of the House will be heard Friday...
Last week, the Oregon Senate unanimously approved legislation to allow local governments to enact reasonable restrictions on medical marijuana dispensaries. As passed by the Senate, SB 1531 would allow municipalities to...